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LAP-BAND Patients
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About banded_princess

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/21/1990

About Me

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  • Occupation
    Engineering student
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  1. Happy 22nd Birthday banded_princess!

  2. had my surgery yesterday and back home today, in A LOT of pain but cant wait to start moving around properly and to lose those kilos! any suggestions for first week of liquid foods?

  3. surgery is tomorrow, have lost a total of 15.6 pounds on my pre op diet!! cant believe its almost here, any suggestions on what to pack in my bag since i may be staying overnight???

  4. banded_princess

    How Much Did You Lose On Pre Lap Band Op Diet?

    my surgery is tomorrow and i have lost a total of 7.1 kilos i think that is around 15.6 pounds? was hoping to lose 10 kilos->22 pounds by then because that is what my doctor was expecting but i got a severe bout of gastroenteritis before and that ended up stopping the weight loss for a few days because i had to go back to eating normal foods, dont worry! any loss is good loss!!
  5. day 5 on the pre op shake diet and lost 2.3 kilos :)

  6. going through inspirational before and after pictures! cant wait till i get there and am able to go clothes shopping and be excited rather than scared/disappointed!

  7. The time will pass quickly till you get your band. Then it really speeds by as you lose weight. I just hit six months and can't believe how fast it has gone by or the changes in me.

  8. banded_princess

    hi from melbourne

    deb, that sounds pretty good actually! ive been battling weight problems since i can remember so i will certainly not have an issue talking to prof obrien about it! my consultation is next friday and boy am i impatient! surgery date is a tentative 28th november so 7 days after yours!!! i will be keeping a close eye on u so i know what to expect!
  9. banded_princess


    These are all great suggestions! I think i am going to try and get a minimum of 10 days off and just tell her I had a hernia surgery, should be fine! Also since i will be out of the house and about for pretty much the whole day, i wont be thinking as much about food/wont have the opportunity to even think about cheating especially since its christmas time then!!! and i will HAVE to prepare in advance for my food which will be good practise:)
  10. banded_princess


    I am considering taking about 7-10 days off and then tell my manager that i had some other surgery because she is a real gossip munger and everyone in the dept store will find out if I told her that I had lap band surgery! now im trying to come up with another "fake" surgery i could tell her I had so i could get away with not carrying things/do less strenuous work once i get back.. i would love it if there were some boys working with us to help when it comes to the lifting/etc... but its a jewellery store so all our employees are girsl >21 years of age... so not much help with them!
  11. banded_princess


    Same case Stacey! I have to stand all day but i will be working during the christmas period and they will have many consignments of new stock coming in with each box weighing 20+ Kilos! and i certainly did not want to inform the people at my work about my surgery! so i dont know whether to wait it out until i am ok to do everything or to go and try and avoid heavy lifting.. :/ ive already had to take time off work because of uni, and now i have to take more time off because of surgery which is why i want to be clear just so i know what to tell me manager who is not a very understanding woman by the way!
  12. HI! Any suggestions on how long to take time off work after surgery? I work in a department store and i have 8-10 hour shifts which is pretty much standing for the entire time and I really want to let my body heal before I get back! So let me know, how long are you planning on taking off if your surgery is scheduled soon/ taken off if you are already banded!

  13. Hi!! I know this is probably answered somewhere else on the website, but I am still doubtful so I hope someone could answer my question! I have my lap band surgery scheduled for the 28th of November and that is exactly one week after my final exams finish so i would have to start my pre-op diet straight after my exams, however, I needed to know how much time I need to take off from work after my surgery because I work in retail at a department store, at a jewellery kiosk. Generally my shifts are anywhere between 8-10 hours a day with about a half hour break... there are no seats so I would essentially have to stand for the entire duration of my shift... any advice on how long to stay off work safely would be much appreciated! Thanks!!!
  14. banded_princess

    hi from melbourne

    Hi Deb! I am so excited and impatient about my first consultation.. october 14th seems so far away! could you tell me more about what actually happens at the first consultation?? also, do you know how many consults/ visits there are before the actual surgery??? i havent been to my consultation yet, but theyve already pencilled me into the surgery list just incase for the 28th of november! so i just wanted to know what all we would need to do before the surgery day!
  15. banded_princess

    hi from melbourne

    Hi Deb! I am scheduled for the lap band late November and my surgeon if going to be Prof Paul O'Brien too! Do you live in melbourne?? my first consultation is on the 14th of October! I feel so relaxed knowing I have him as a surgeon since he helped actually create the band in the beginning!! Lets be banded buddies! When is your surgery?? how did your first consultation go??

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