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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SkinnyMiniMe

  1. Yes of course...in box me the information I need. :)

    you click on groups, once on that page you can add a new group and choose to make it "secret". I'm in another "secret" group so i know it works! Do you want to join mine? I need someone to join so I can start it! LOL!

  2. Well can you dye your hair before hitting the gym. It should only take you 30 minutes and then wash it again after the gym. But I have dyed my hair before with washed hair It is really not a big deal. Still works. If you are trying to cover resistant gray hair I would suggest getting an additive called "no gray" (any pharmacy carries it) or "gray magic" (usually beauty supply store). Its great, your haircolor stays fresher longer. I have been dying my own hair for years and I get compliments all the time...lol....and I use the cheap stuff


  3. this is very interesting to me. So on Facebook you can start a group in your personal profile? Are you sure no else will see it? I would love that without everyone knowing my business. How do I go about doing that?

    I'm Dec 21st! I want to be a buddy too! :)

    I'm starting a Dec Bandster facebook group that will be a "secret group" so nobody will see it in our feed or on our walls.. let me know if you want to join it! You can either tell me here or email me at losingwithabandon@gmail.com


  4. I think the worry I have is ....I am not sure if is it reversible? I have to speak to my surgeon on wednesday about it but from what I see on the internet it is reversible. Since its investigational and not all the data is out I would like to know if complications do arise if it is fixable. It seems that my doctor will be ready to do the procedure in December because I spoke to the office manager yesterday and she new that we were considering this "new procedure". In fact my husband and I will probably be his first. I am just hoping that he knows what he is doing. I have to ask him if he has done plications in the past. He is in a Center of Execellence and I hear excellent things about him. In fact he is extremely cautious about starting new procedure without all the information etc., I think that is why he hasn't started yet. I know with the band I am required a 23 hour stay in the hospital but I am not sure if this changes when we add the plication. I know the sleeve is a 2 day stay. Also I am not sure if my insurance will cover that or he will just do it for the price of the band. I guess I will know more Wednesday.

    SkinnyMini- I am a fan of the procedure for sure. Just as Bromo talks about in her posts, I have not experienced the hunger that others talk about and have not had a single fill yet other than what he put in my band on the day of surgery. I attribute that to the fact that I have the plication in addition to the band.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do!

  5. Husband and I are both getting surgery in December. On our consult was in October. I mentioned this Lapband & Plication (iBand) procedure to my surgeon. He told me that there was a possibilty that by December he would begin performing banding with plication. He wanted to get more information since it is still investigational. We are meeting with him on Wednesday 11/16 and will discuss where he is with that. He said he wanted to make sure that there is a revisional surgery available to the iBand before beginning to offer it in his office. My husband definitely wants it. Since he is a smoker our surgeon talked him out of the sleeve but this would be a good choice for him according to my surgeon. I immediately came home and combed through the internet and here to see so many already have done this surgery. My only hesitation is the sewing of the stomach which I think? (not sure need to ask him) was not reversible. After watching this video on youtube

    and reading all the happy successful stories I think I want it now. Less slippage, hirer success rate and faster/consistant weight loss short and long-term. After seeing the video seems to even be a better alternative than the sleeve. Why wouldn't I want it?

    I would like to hear opinions, pros and cons. BTW how long do surgeries stay as investigational? Does anyone know the process? How many years does it take to be not investigational? Did you doctor say is was reversible and what were the possible problems with this procedure. Could I be back to work in 5 days? (office job) The more information the better for me so I am prepared on Wednesday. It makes me look very smart too lol. :D THANKS!

  6. This is why I feel I need the lapband. I keep saying I need the Lapband to b*tch slap me and this is what I mean. I think it will help me be conscious of what I am putting in my mouth.

    I think everyone experiences getting 'stuck' from time to time...its a learning experience for sure! It's so uncomfortable and I hate it when it happens, but when it does happen I know its my own fault; I just take too big of bites or dont chew enough ~ or I decide to try to eat something I know I probably shouldnt. My 'stuck' episodes have made me completely give up bread and certain meats. Kinda like when I was young and decided to get drunk and now will never touch brown alcohol :lol:. It's all a learning experience. It was all worth it to me.

  7. I thinking that your fear is actually a good thing for you. I am sure that because you fear choking you will be extremely careful to prevent being stuck which BTW will most likely help you to follow the doctor's orders and lose your weight easily.

    hair loss my biggest concern only because previously when dieting and exercising I experienced Hair loss. It grew back. I did take Vitamins but I had no idea it was from calorie, Protein intake and weightloss. Now going into this journey I saw that many experience hair loss. I put 2 and 2 together realize why my hair fell. I am not sure if after being banded I will be able to prevent it BUT its NOT stopping me from getting my band. I feel what is the point of having such beautiful long hair if of all my other beauty is being drowned out by my obesity. So I will take my Vitamins, drink my Protein which is all recommended anyway and is good for you and hope for the best LOL in my new skinny body.


    PS any hair loss prevention recommendations are greatly appreciated. I actually read somewhere that taking prenatal viatmins is great for skin and hair etc.,

    I have not been banded yet. Looking at a Feb 2012 date. I started this journey last March and it has been delayed only because of my own procrastination. I am over being afraid of something stuck down my throat during surgery- I finally convinced myself that I will be asleep and wont even know. Im also done with worrying about hair loss. Apparently it happens no matter how diligent you are about your protein intake BUT it does grow back. What I cant get over is the thought of getting stuck. This terrifies me. I have had problems with choking and have had many a hiemlich administered on me. Although I know getting stuck is different than choking, I see it as the same. My question to all post band patients: Is avoiding getting stuck really in the hands of the patient? In other words, if you follow your Doctor's orders, eat small amounts and chew, chew, chew, can you avoid getting stuck? Also, will getting stuck be a life-long issue to be dealt with, even after reaching goal? This is a point that Im really having a hard time with. Thank you.

  8. From what I understand after they cut away most of your stomach, with the sleeve the weight loss tapers down too and you can still make bad choices and gain weight back. Just think with the band if you are falling off the wagon you can fill it and get right back on. You will do fine. Good Luck! PS my surgeon says if you absolutely hate the band since it is a foreign object insurance has to remove it.

  9. Xavier you keep it real and you are definitely a great source of inspiration making you one heck of an inspirational friend. THANKS!:)

    Dear Skinny, Yes you are right, I think, about your 'cheating' reinforcing the idea that the band is what you need. If I could have kept weight off or followed a diet for very long I wouldnt have had to have my gut lassoed! I am a complete failed dieter over 20 years where I lost a signif amount of weight many times but always gained it back plus a few. I was scared to death my failures would mean I would fail the lap band!

    I never dieted or exercised since I have had the band and I still dont. My band makes me eat less. Period. I still take my jeans out of the dryer thinking they are a child's size and that they will never fit (I have two pairs that are a 4, most are a 6!) but they always do fit! They arent even tight when freshly washed and I have no gut whatsoever to suck in when I zip them up...

  10. I just found another similar thread. I suppose to be banded 12/19. I guess it because all the diets I failed in the past, I start to second guess myself with the Lapband. Especially after gaining 3 pounds. I know is not alot BUT this is far far the heaviest I have ever been!

    I have the preop blues too although I can't really find the source either. I am due to be banded December 16. Just wanted you to know you aren't alone.

  11. Same boat here. This food addictions SUCKS with my weight gain I get down about it and all I want to do it eat. Vicious Cycle.

    I actually started a thread earlier this morning called Pre-Op Blues and this is what I wrote:

    So I am having pre-op blues. My weight keeps going up WTF?!?!?!?! My first appointment with the surgeon I was 254 and now I am 257. I am having my second appointment next wednesday (11/16) and I don't want to be heavier. Why can't I get it together? I know its all mental because I know I can do it. Is it that I am eating like its my last meal or that the I will only take it seriously when the doctor finally puts me on the pre-op? What a mental brain fart!!!! ARGHHHH!!!! I just hope that I am not doing this for anything. The Lapband better b*tch slap my a$$ into gear :) Off to change my ticker in the wrong direction.

    BTW a good point my best friend made...maybe I needed this weight gain to realize how much I do need the Lapband...talking about seeing the glass half full. :)

  12. Let me know. I have to tell you that this has inspired me. I always hated my arms only last year did I start wearing tanks and I have big arms (like the size of kids legs lol) Anyway I am pre-op but being on here has actually put the idea in my head that I could possibly have a new body in a couple years. I came into this just wanting to lose weight but now the possibility of having my tummy done (through insurance) and finding out how affordable this is makes me hopeful. Of course if my skin bounces back I prefer not to go under the knife. But as my supportive husband says...when you get skinny you will want it all and why not. :) Now I started to look about scarless ways to lift my boobs lol. I really don't want inplants but I can use a lift. LOL

  13. Anyone here use the Fitbit? I wanted a more affordable alternative to the BodyBugg. This seems like it but I am wondering if its worth it? Usually when I exercise I use heart rate monitor (when I spin). I do swim too so I don't think the FitBit is Water proff. Just curious about it. I thought it would be neat to know exactly how much calories I burn and compare to what I consume. Right now I am pre-op and I keep gaining...can't have that after the band!

  14. I have thought about that and the realization that I can have a whole brand new body in the next couple of years is acutally looking attainable. I think its the "failure diet" thoughts going on in my head that keeps sabotaging me. 16 years of dieting and failing ....its hard to break that thought cyle.

    Picture yourself butt-booty nekkid with the body :D you dream of having......then look in the mirror.......thats what did it for me......had hiccups during pre-op.....but when its gets down to crunch time you'll make it happen....

  15. So I am having pre-op blues. My weight keeps going up WTF?!?!?!?! My first appointment with the surgeon I was 254 and now I am 257. I am having my second appointment next wednesday (11/16) and I don't want to be heavier. Why can't I get it together? I know its all mental because I know I can do it. Is it that I am eating like its my last meal or that the I will only take it seriously when the doctor finally puts me on the pre-op? What a mental brain fart!!!! ARGHHHH!!!! I just hope that I am not doing this for anything. The Lapband better b*tch slap my a$$ into gear :) Off to change my ticker in the wrong direction.

    Ok now I feel better that I vented....moving forward....and motivational thoughts and stories always appreciated!

  16. I know TMI but what about looking down and being able to see your own genitals. No mirrors, just looking down.


    I can't wait to be able to see not only my feet but my crotch again! To see hip bones! To not have to wear maternity pants and shorts to be comfortable. To wear belts and tuck my shirt into my non-stretchy jeans! To have young guys wink and smile at me at red lights or crossing the street in front of my car. To be able to run, not strain to take off or put on socks and shoses. To get rid of my granny panties and wear the cute tiny ones again. To regain my balance and do yoga again. To wear youthful bathing suits again. To feel truly sexy and foxy again. To not live to eat but eat to live. To not use food when I'm bored, procrastinating, upset or feeling unloved. To be able to breathe easier, to bend at the waist without painful constriction. To be able to twist to the side without getting muscle spasms. To regain my confidence and rid myself of weight-related health problems. To reduce my risk of breast cancer recurrence. To be able to dress more youthfully and fashionably. To be able to get up from a crouching position or up from the floor without assistance and without getting stuck. To reduce hip, feet and knee pain, sciatica. To turn heads again. To extend my life, for I have a lot of living left to do as artist, writer, mother and soon-to-be grandmother. To have more energy. To be the slim person again who I was most of my life. To be satisfied with eating less and making better food choices. To be able to wear bras that don't hurt or bind. To be rid of rashes in the skin folds and chafing. No more thighs rubbing together! To have a waistline again!

  17. thanks for the post. Yesterday and today I have been feeling pre-op blues. My weight is the highest ever and I can't control my food intake. I have done it before so I know it's possible but I am sabotaging myself. Mentally I am lacking the willpower so I am hoping the lap band will b*tch slap me into controlling my food intake. I am not going to go through all this to not succeed!

  18. WOW!!! Thanks!!! My goal is to be 135-140 lbs and I was curious what size clothes that would be....now I have a good idea anywhere from 6-8, which is exactly where I want to be THANKS!!!

    How you look depends on so many things, like your body type, where you store fat, if you have loose skin, your age, your activity level, the type of activity you do, etc etc.

    My Body Gallery is a website where people can upload photos of themselves and enter their stats. This is the results for 5 foot 9 and 200 pounds. All body types included.


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