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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SkinnyMiniMe

  1. SkinnyMiniMe

    Hungry, haters, but happy!

    Hate the Haters...this is a journey and you will eats carbs again (good carbs)! You won't care in a few months while you doing the "omg I fit into skinny jeans happy dance" lol
  2. Pendulum, I have always said, food is my drug and the grocery store is my crack house...so I understand completely! The problem is a crackhead quites cold turkey and could live without food, a food addict has to eat to live. Hard to live with an addict. So now I see it as a divorce, food and I need to separate amicably as if we had kids together lol. FYI On this journey I chose to tell only 3 people because I don't need negative reaction.
  3. Last night I got a dose of negativity I did not tell many people (about 3 people know) about my decision to have this surgery BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak !!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in ! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!.It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it's hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of bagels in my lifetime it's time for a change! Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book "Beyond Positive Thinking" he says fear is not tangible. You can't go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong: (1) "We fear the thing we want the most" (2) "don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear." (3) "You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire." WOW!!! Just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my "Rocket of Desire" full speed ahead! What motivates you???? I welcome all the positive support I can get!!! THANKS!
  4. SkinnyMiniMe


    If you call out sick then you just say it was a stomach thing. My surgeon told my husband he could write him a note stating stomach surgery and no mention of the Lapband. I chose to not tell many people...its none of their business. Plus I get enough negative reaction don't need anymore, especially changing my mind!
  5. SkinnyMiniMe


    Hey your work doesn't need to know. Just tell them you have an appointment about your thyoid or call out sick. How did they catch the lump. I only have to go for an endoscopy. Is that how they caught it? I just had blood work (at my Ob/Gyn non-lapband related appt) done last month to check my thyroid and I was told that my levels were normal.
  6. OMG!!!! I quitting Diet Soda today! Wish me luck!

  7. OMG I feel the same way about how I came to my decision.
  8. YES!!! They sell a bottle called a Blender Bottle at GNC for about 5-8 dollars. There is a metal ball inside of the bottles and you put the powder and water/ milk inside and shake it really well. Its fantastic because it blends really well and has the meausrements on the side. I just used mine to have the shake. So far I preferred the chocolate over the vanilla but still very easy to drink and not gritty.
  9. I just bought Protein powder at GNC called MyoFusion (cost $25 you most likely will get a student discount just ask) each scoop has 25g of protein. You can make it yourself in a blender ball cup (i like to add ice) 147 calories you get 25g of protein so if you double up for 300 calories you get 50g of protein and it tastes good! If you could afford the calories add 8oz of fat free milk and you get another 9g of protein for a total of 34g or 59g of protein in one 8oz serving of protein shake! I tried the chocolate (they gave me a free sample) it was good but I bought the vanilla, they come in strawberry and banana flavored too. Also she told me its made with 3 types of Proteins that release at different times and keeps you fuller longer. They use it to make all their smoothies so it was worth a shot. Also it has 25 servings per container. They have a smoothie bar there and the girl gave me some great ideas. Put in a blender with ice. The vanilla powder you can add fruits for flavor or even sugar free cocoa powder. The Chocolate you can add 1 tsp of Peanut Butter or nutella! She said one customer puts raw oatmeal in the vanilla one and blends with ice. I am about to make a shake now. I am still in the process of getting aproved fot the lapband but I want to start getting use to drinking these and I could stand to start losing some weight.
  10. Well...a little back story. My husband was going to get it in 2008 and I talked him out of it. Last year I told him and myself if I can't lose it this year on my own I am getting the lapband. In September I set out to start dieting, rejoined the gym and realize the promise I made to myself last year. Interestingly enough I met someone this summer who had her lapband put it in 2009. Watching her and asking her some questrions made me take the leap (although as you will see she started to scare me too). I talked to my husband (who BTW lost 100lbs last year and regained it) about doing the lapband together. I really felt like I needed to go through this journey with him, especially because we both enjoy the food addiction together. Actually I think we are bad influences on each other when it comes to food. So we both made the decision and I made the appointment 2 weeks later (I am surprised how long you have to wait). We should be done with all of our appoints no later then 11/22. We already have tentative date, his is 12/5 and mine 12/19. I thought the process would take 6 months and my surgeon told me it could be as fast as I make all the appointments and submit all the paperwork. Both my husband and I are off on Wednesdays, so while the kids are at school, we have all of our Wednesdays booked with appointments lol. Some advice is when you find a surgeon you should look for a really good one in an excellence center. Also my doctor required to go to the free seminar which we actually went after our consult. So you may want to call the office and see if that is the case with you and find out when the earliest one is, so you can possibly do that before 12/1. As for the negativity...I started a thread about that called Fighting the Negativity Makers... This is what I wrote: Last night I got a dose of negativity I did not tell many people (about 3 people know) about my decision to have this surgery BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak !!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in ! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!.It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it's hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of bagels in my lifetime it's time for a change! Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book "Beyond Positive Thinking" he says fear is not tangible. You can't go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong: (1) "We fear the thing we want the most" (2) "don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear." (3) "You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire." WOW!!! Just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my "Rocket of Desire" full speed ahead! What motivates you???? I welcome all the positive support I can get!!! THANKS!
  11. How soon could you start working out after the surgery?
  12. Definitely will be nice to wear a single digit size!!! I am still no banded...did you find fairly easy to lose the weight? Also was it mentally hard for you to not be able to eat certain things? Just wondering...
  13. I feel like I have been on this journey for 16 years. But my lapband journey started on 10/19 with my consult. I do have a tentaive date of 12/19. I do still get nervous about this decision BUT I sooooo done with the struggle. I fgure if I do my part and the band does its part I am hoping to have a success story in my near future.
  14. I have a tentaive date 12/19. I am nervous but excited. I will check out your blog :) I want to see how you are doing.

  15. I understand exactly how you feel. With exercise I made it down to 167, I knew I felt good and clothes were smaller but my brain still thought I was heavy. I gained it back and now here I am 254 lbs and I getting the lapband. I do love to workout, with diet and working out I would lose 2-3 a week but couldn't keep it off if I stopped dieting and excerising. I am hoping that with this tool I will be able to get rid of it once and for all. I am hoping that I am as successful as you are. My goal is to be 135-140lbs. I am 2 inches shorter then you. 25 more pounds is not going to make you sickly thin...you are going to look amazing. In fact I bet the "recommended" weight for your height is less than 150lbs. Just keep in mind you are losing so rapidly but eventually your brain will follow suit and you will realize how greatly perfect you are and look. CONGRATS & THANKS for the inspiration!
  16. Well I am going to try to quit tomorrow cold turkey since I am down to my last can. You can drink it flat so I am not going to kill myself. But I am NOT going to let her (Diet Pepsi) get in between me and my skinny jeans! LOL One thing I have learned to accept is that weight loss is a struggle regardless if its 20lbs or 200 lbs. People have their own battles and demons with weight. Yes I have a lot to lose some more than other some less but the battle and disease is the same. At this point I don't care if it takes me time to lose, I just want to lose and not gain.
  17. I feel the same...I have tried it all!!! I am worried but I think I just came to point in my life that I need to break up with food! I have had enough bagels, chips, pizza etc., in the last 16 years of my life. Its time for me to regain it back from food. I know it will take work but this time I want to get all the way there and keep it the fat away for good. I will do my part and I am hoping that the Lapband will do its part to help me keep it off. Everytime someone tells me that I won't be able to eat something I am not even nervous about it. I am not even thinking that I going to cheat the band. I am still wrapping my head around the fact that I will be putting a band around my stomach but it not a decision that came to me easily. In 2008 I did not get the Lapand because I didn't want to stop drinking Diet Pepsi!!!! Ridiculous I know. Just reading it, I realize how ridiculous that a drink kept me away from my goal. I went on to lose weight at the gym and I gained it back and then some. Last time that it will ever happen. Its been a nice and interesting relationship but an abusive one...I must move on and live with food amicably. Looking forward to another stage of my life! Speak to your surgeon about options, believe in yourself and Good Luck!
  18. SkinnyMiniMe

    Which brand to choose

    My surgeon just uses LapBand. He said he sees fewer erosion issues with the new Lapband.
  19. Well just as I was supporting you with your decision, last night I got a dose of negativity :-( I did not tell many people about this BUT the one friend that knows actually had the Lapband. We went out last night. She just got a fill a couple days ago so she was only able to eat 1/2 of a Soup just the broth and an Iced Tea. So in the middle of dinner, she starts telling me how hard it is...blah...blah...blah and I started to freak!!!! I actually started to think that maybe this surgery is not for me. I understand she is trying to make sure that I know what I am getting into. Fear set in! Then this morning my mom made a comment about the bagel I was eating and how I will only be able to eat a mini. She then proceeded to tell me that her neighbor got the Lapband and started at size 18 and is now a 20!….It made me sooooo frustrated. I was prepared for the negative talk BUT it’s hard not to second guess your decision. My husband who was with me in both incidences and is also getting the lapband, said that he does not care what anybody says. He did not get swayed at all. So as I was getting dressed and was struggling to tie my sneakers I realized that this is the right decision for me. I ate plenty of bagels in my lifetime it’s time for a change! Then I remembered from a Dr. Robert Anthony book “Beyond Positive Thinking” he says fear is not tangible. You can’t go and get a bucket of fear. You create in your mind. Just a couple of his quotes that help me stay strong: (1) “We fear the thing we want the most" (2) “… don't listen to others who are coming from fear and living in negativity. If you do, you are using YOUR creative powers to help THEM manifest what they fear.” (3) “You can think of this like launching a rocket. Let's call it your "Rocket of Desire". The launching power is feeling excited about having what you want. However, if after you launch your Rocket of Desire you say, "But I am not sure I can do this" or "I am not sure this will work out", you've taken your rocket that was moving with great speed toward your goal and you've cut back the power. The end result is your rocket went from soaring towards your goal to crashing into the ground. That's how your worries and fears push away the things you want. If you unconsciously send up other rockets based on your fears, you're cutting the power you sent to your Rocket of Desire.” WOW!!! I was looking for support but just researching his quotes totally just motivated me. I am launching my “Rocket of Desire” full speed ahead!
  20. (1) Not too late to tell them that you changed your mind again. You can say that you were scared that you cheated on your pre-op diet and got scared (2) When my husband wanted to get the Lapband it in 2008, I was against it because I didn't think I could ever quit Diet Soda...Crazy right? Well I have to divorce Diet Pepsi if I want to be skinny. I am down to my last 2 cans!!! I am freaking out but Diet Pepsi can not control how I want to be. Its ridiculous. I plan on quitting cold turkey on Monday but I am not going to beat myself up about it....I could always drink it flat if I have to. You could always have a bite or two of pasta. Don't let pasta get in the way of doing the happy dance in the dressing room when you get into the skinny jeans lol. For me not drinking while eating will take some getting use to but i guess since 2008 I just got to the point that I am ready!!! Sick of food controlling me and making me feel yucky physically and mentally. (3) Here is what I know after my seminar I knew the Lapband was my clear choice. Mainly because its reversible, has no complications of leakage or hemorrage. With the sleeve 80% your stomach will be cut of your stomach forever. I bet you still have to eat slow with it too. My suggestion is maybe go in and talk with your surgeon maybe you need sometime or an attempt at weightloss yourself first. Look it took me 3 years to finally come to this conclusion. Difference is I am ready now, I wasn't then.
  21. Just a few things that I learned from the seminar.: My surgeon says the newest Lap-Band is very good and he has seen very few cases of erosion. Its reversible. According to my surgeon, since its a foreign body, if you want it out, then the surgeon and insurance company has the obligation to take it out and pay for it. Many people walk around with it unfilled and go about their lives as usual. Not losing weight and eating as normal. This is meant to be used as a tool to get to your goal and maintain it. I understand its a personal decision that everyone has to make. I personally talked my husband out of it in 2008. We both went to the gym and lost weight. Guess what? We both gained it back and then some. I just got to the point of my life that I do not want to struggle with the yo-yoing anymore. I am 36 and I have been battling this disease for 1/2 my life!!! The path I am taking right now is not leading me anywhere and in fact probably leading me to high blood pressure, high choloestrol and mabye diabetes. I am regainig my life back from food!!! So at this point if it means eating small portions, giving up diet soda, getting gas pains or throwing up once in a while, its a trade off that I am willing to make. With all the appointments that I am going on I am sure that my surgeon will be confident that I can withstand a 45-60 minute procedure. Whatever you choose, just continue your journey of weight loss. If its on your own or with the Lap-band. I wish you lots of Luck!
  22. SkinnyMiniMe

    Getting lap band with a BMI of 32.6

    Well ask your surgeon you never know. My insurance requires a 6 month log of my attempts at losing weight, that has to be signed by a doctor but that is it. Your surgeon may send you for sleep apnea test etc., They try to help you find issues that would help you get your insurance to cover it. About the weight I was told that they go by the weight of your consult weigh in. 14lbs...is so close. I do understand your frustrations and yo-yoing...I have done it myself for the last 16 years and I am sooooo over it. After so many attempts and ups and downs, I find myself the heaviest I have ever been. This is after I lost over 40lbs on my own last year and have gained it back and more!!! So I made the decision to get the lapband. Which for me is the clear choice in procedure. I got to control the eating which seems to always ruined all the hard work I do at the gym! Keep us posted and Good Luck to you!!!
  23. SkinnyMiniMe

    Getting lap band with a BMI of 32.6

    OK so you already have a condition. Maybe you should go well dressed to your appointment. I don't think people should gain weight just to get the surgery but you seem so close and you can save so much $. My insurance company now does not required 6 months supervised diet. I will be able to get my surgery done as soon as I finish going to the doctor appts. A patient at my seminar got her appointments all done in 3 weeks. I will have mine done in 4 weeks.
  24. SkinnyMiniMe

    Getting lap band with a BMI of 32.6

    I just went to my seminar. My surgeon told us that the Lapband has been approved to be safely used on patients with 30 BMI or higher. He said that insurance companies haven't yet follow suit because they don't want to dish out the $. Here is some info I found online http://www.webmd.com/diet/weight-loss-surgery/news/20110217/fda-oks-lap-band-surgery-for-more-patients FYI all you just need 35 BMI and a condition and your insurance will pay for the lapband and you can save yourself $10,000+ (just saying)

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