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Everything posted by stomaszewski

  1. stomaszewski

    Horizon BCBS of NJ Reject

    <p>I need to vent, big time! I am flipping out here!! I have been done all of my procedures and waiting for approval since...ready?...MARCH 9th!!! I want to scream about the 2 months of one ridiculous incompetency after another, between my docs office and the health insurance...I've been the only person working!! I AM FURIOUS! <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/mad.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Mad" smilieid="9" class="inlineimg" /> </p> <p> </p> <p>Now I found out today that I've been rejected because Horizon needs 5+ years of morbid obesity. Not that easy to get med records from 5 years ago, especially because I've moved since then. My BMI was 39.5 ... would I even be going through all of this because of a lousy .5?!!</p> <p> </p> <p>What do I do now? How can I appeal and win? I've put so much time and effort and research into this. </p> <p> </p> <p>I'm just feeling so dejected right now and angry...someone needs to be accountable for this. We patients should not have to be put through the ringer like this!</p> <p> </p> <p>Help? </p> <p> </p> <p>Steph T. <img src="http://www.LapBandTalk.com/images/smilies/depressed.gif" border="0" alt="" title="cry" smilieid="49" class="inlineimg" /></p>
  2. stomaszewski

    Does Anyone know About BCBS of NJ

    Tina, I was wondering if you heard anything yet? I am still waiting and trying to find out if my doc office even called in my information yet. This is very frustrating because I've been done my part for over 2 weeks now. I am very impatient now that things are out of my hands! I was just wondering what your status was. Also, can/will the insurance company give me approval status if I call? Thanks! Steph T
  3. stomaszewski

    Does Anyone know About BCBS of NJ

    Thank you all for the info...I thought getting all of those doc appts taken care of was hard but waiting is going to be torture! Do you know what Horizon considers "medically qualified"? I have Horizon Direct Access (I guess it's like a PPO...no referrals needed). My BMI was 39.5 at the dr appt but my highest was about 41. I also found out through this process that I have sleep apnea, acid reflux, and high blood pressure (sporadically). I've also joined a nutrition/psych/fitness program required by my surgeon. What do you think? Thanks, Steph T
  4. stomaszewski

    Does Anyone know About BCBS of NJ

    My dr office is calling in my information today. She said she called to put in the request and then gets transferred to a medical review person who evaluates everything and then gives a response. My dr office told me a good 2 weeks because oftentimes Horizon will ask for additional information. I have the impression that they have dealt with Horizon before, so hopefully they do it correctly from the beginning. So I am impatiently waiting and hoping everything they will ask for is in and has been done. I go to Dr. Goldstein in Voorhees...how about you? Steph
  5. stomaszewski

    Does Anyone know About BCBS of NJ

    Hello, have you heard from Horizon? I sent you a message but I don't know how this forum works yet. Anyway, I am waiting to hear from Horizon and I was wondering if you heard, how it worked out for you, how long it took...any info you can give would be helpful in keeping me from going too crazy while I wait. :nervous Thanks so much! Steph T

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