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Sweet Toni

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Sweet Toni

  1. Ok great! Im a beginner, but i wanted to do something to get myself excited about working out. I have been on a low lately and i think this is just the thing to get me pumping again. I appreciate the help, maybe i'll see you there!

    If you can make it out to the coast for a weekend, the Big Sur Half Marathon is being held on Nov. 20 in Monterey, and they have a 5k walk/run associated with it. There is also a Pacific Grove 5k being held the day before if you want to double up on them. The full Big Sur Marathon is in late April and they have 5k, 9 mile and 10.5 mile events along Hwy 1 between Big Sur and Carmel. It's one of the prettiest events that you can do. My wife and I will be doing the Big Sur 5k (more like a 10k for me since I have to orbit her to match our paces!) but not sure if we will get up there for the half marathon in Nov. I just did one in the Pebble Beach forest a couple of weeks ago, a more laid back event where we could power walk with the dog walkers.

    http://www.bsim.org/ gets you info on all those events.

    http://www.marathonguide.com/ has a calendar and links to marathons around the country, many of which have 5k's or other shorter events run alongside. I see that there is one in Silicon Valley on Oct. 31 that has a 5k linked to it.

    Good luck - they are fun events to work up to and progress thru.

  2. I agree with Thomas. I'm not married and no where near it, but i think have a story that may help. My mom is a beautiful, 5'9 about 160lb women. She wasn't always like that. I wasn't born when this happened but i hear the story hear and there more than 35 years later. When my dad married her she was about 230-240lbs. He went on a 9 month Navy deployment and when he came back she was skinny. You know what he tried to do? Fatten her up. Until he realized it wasn't happening and he actually like her healthier. 35 years my mom has kept off her weight, 35 years!!!!! She works out, eats right, (why can't i do that right?). And let me tell you it paid off!!! My dad wasn't a heavy man, but he liked to eat! He loved food. And to his dismay, it caught up with him. High blood pressure, then sugar diabetes. And guess who was there to help get him on track? My mom! And now they are both pretty healthy eaters. My dad, yeah he still loves the sweets, but i always say im going to tell my mom on him! LOL

    All in all, i agree with Thomas, he will come around. And you're healthy eating may rub off on him. Don't give up hope and don't be discouraged, try to stay positive about it. Just because you will be eating healthy doesn't mean it won't be good food! Show him girl! It may take you a while to be able to stomach those foods, but once you can, show him how you can eat GOOD food and still be healthy. Trust me you can, my dad can make a mean steak! But it has a salad with it, and maybe a half a baked yam to go with it (balance!) Lol, anyway, good luck!



    Hi All!

    My husband and I are flying to San Diego today and then going to TJ tomorrow for the surgery. I have a wonderful peace about this and I'm so thankful that God loves me enough to give me this assurance that all will be fine. But, some extra prayers never hurt, so if anyone thinks about it between today and the 2nd when we return I'd really appreciate any extra prayers you have to send up for me.


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