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About gortita

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  1. Do you know which is the lowest calorie unflavored powder protein?
  2. gortita

    3rd day post op

    I am 8 days out and the only thing I had is water and gatorade, maybe I am wrong but we are not supposed to have protein drink yet....maybe somebody with more experience can clarify that....
  3. gortita

    Flying back ....

    thank you for your comments, and pray for me, I am way to nervous and I don't even think I'll get on that plane, jk, I will.....
  4. One of my fears is the fly back after surgery, I am going by myself, how was your experience, what do you need to have with you, how did you feel, what did you drink, any advice will be appreciate it.....
  5. I am not even closed to have surgery done, I been doing my research, and every time I think or try to do my plans, it comes to my mind a scary feeling about my throat after surgery, I am so panic when I can't swalow, I will like to know if they put tubes in your mouth for oxigen or breathing during surgery, and if they do how was your throat after you woke up.....
  6. Did anybody went with him> how was the experience and facility (hospital), price, please I need to hear to decide..... Thank You
  7. Welcome to the Vertical Sleeve Talk forums gortita! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
