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Everything posted by mamasez

  1. Hey All, I was sleeved Mon Oct 17 and wore the tummy binder they gave me at the hospital til today, Friday. Now, though, I have a bit of a rash and am very itchy. No one at the hospital said to wear the brace/binder for any particular time so I'm wondering if discarding it now could cause any probs. I don't want to slow the healing process or cause additional pain. I could use some input. Your experience would be helpful. Thanks a bunch!
  2. mamasez

    Wearing a Binder?

    Thanks all. Your comments make sense. Love what u said, Southernsleever. That was such a common sense (or horse sense as we say in TX) approach!
  3. mamasez

    17th - 20th Sleevers

    Glad to hear that our October Sleevers are kickin butt and takin names! I am proud of each of us. I wondered how open & honest I should be about my surgical experience but since it was important to me to hear pre-op what the process was *really* like for others, I decided to share the positives and negatives (sorry ren). As most sleevers have reported, it does get better as time goes on. Maybe my experience was a bit rougher than for some others b/c not only am I a self-confessed pain wimp but I'm also not a kid anymore (49). Hope everone is resting easy!
  4. mamasez

    Have 18 and 16 sizes

    Hey kcsunshine, I am not quite ready for 16/18's yet (just got sleeved Monday) but will need the smaller clothes eventually. I am in Plano. What part of Big D are u in? Thanks! Leah
  5. mamasez

    17th - 20th Sleevers

    Hi all, I came home today after being sleevd Monday the.17th. I won't lie, the surgery day and second day were pretty bad pain wise. I questioned why I had done this to myself. My blood pressure, which had never been high before, went out of control so I spent two nights in hospital. I was only able to start walking a few steps at a time today. I got really scared this morning because there was an electrical fire right outside my hospital room door. The nurses used the fire extinguisher and then tons of firefighters came and got the fire under control. The excitement made my BP spike again but by 3 pm it was good enough to go home. I am still taking things a moment at a time. Wishing I was one of those who seem to cruise thru the process, but I'll get there eventally. Hope all of you are doing well. Leah (aka mamasez)
  6. Is October 17th really tmorrow? Is my surgery day finally upon me? I can't believe it! Reporting to the hospital at 7:30 am. Getting my bag packed and ready to go! Just sent my 11 year old son off to stay with close friends for the next two days so HE won't be a nervous wreck. The friend he is styaing with also has a son on the autism spectrum, and she is GREAT with my son. She has lots of fun activities planned for him, and I am so grateful that he will be in good hands. It's an ordeal to pack all his favorite things, his daily regimine of supplements, his special food and more, but he will be much happier having a two day "sleepover" than being home in surgery reality. The house is all cleaned, laundry done, Protein drinks, Soups, Vitamins and meds ready to go, etc. So... it's full steam ahead! See ya on the other side, Leah in Texas
  7. Hey October Sleevers, I really need to vent right now. I sense that this might come across sounding like I'm a nut case, mamby-wamby girl baby, or an oh-poor-me-aren't-you-just-a tragic-little-flower type. But the truth is that I am feeling absolutely frozen. Maybe this where the term "frozen in fear" comes from?! I am basically living my life on hold. I am due to be sleeved Oct 17 - next Monday. I am soooo tired of waiting! I find myself not able to concentrate or live my life in a meaningful way right now. I am ordinarily a pretty energetic person who goes out a lot and participates in the world. I am not a cliff diver or mountain climbing marathon runner by any means, but I have always been known as someone who is not afraid of much. I am not usually one who hides away from life or cowers away from the tough things in it. I have been through some rough spots in life, pulled up by big girl panties, tugged up on those boot straps and got busy, forging ahead thru whatever storm cometh. But not this time. All I can seem to think about right now is the surgery and the early post-op time period. My loving hubby is currently preparing his and our son's meals b/c I am on a restrictive diet and he wants to make things easier on me (he is very supportive). I don't feel like working, cleaning, going out, teaching our son (homeschool) or even chatting with friends or family. All I can focus on seems to be reading a book or watching TV. I spent the majority of the weekend making my first junque journal. I got so into it that I literally did nothing from the time I got home from church Sunday til 2 am that night working on it. It's like I have no room in my mind for anything but the waiting. I have never been like this before! I just feel frozen! I plan on doing a really thorough housecleaning this weekend in preparation for being out of it for a bit post-op, but I have a few more days til then to wait, wait, wait. Our weather is so much nicer here now so you'd think I'd go out and walk or something, but I am just NOT motivated. I am prepared for the surgery in that I have all the stuff I'll need at the hospital gathered up, have purchased the Protein drinks, Soups, juices, SF popsicles, and Vitamins I'll need, but now the days are dragging and the pre-op diet is getting tiring and the waiting goes on forever. What is up with this? It is ridiculous! Anyone else feel this way? Thanks for letting me go on, and on, and on...... If ANYONE will be able to understand, I hope it is my fellow Octoberfest, Flab to Fab, Autumn Sleavers / Sleevers friends. Thanks, Leah (aka Mamasez)
  8. mamasez

    Soooo Tired of Waiting

    Thanks for the confirmations and support, yall! WE WILL MAKE IT!!!! Leah
  9. mamasez

    How much will I miss binging?

    I am sleeving the day before you on the 17th.... I know one thing... I will NOT miss the horrid guilt after binging. The thoughts of "that was tasty going in but now I feel stuffed and awful and like a complete failure." We are worth more than binging and being unhealthy. I have heard others say that the desire to overeat disappears for the most part. But, we will have to replace the over-eating with something else. I am getting some scrapping and journaling stuff together now so I will be able to work on little crafty things with ease post-op. Maybe I will look into needlepoint or something that is easy for non-arsty types like me to do. I love doing arts & crafts but am not that great at them and my final product can come out looking like something everyone would pass right by at an arts & crafts show. We're in this together! Leah (aka Mamasez)
  10. mamasez

    Today it REALLY hit me

    Good luck Kim. Saying a prayer that all goes smoothly for you! Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!
  11. mamasez

    6 Day Sleeved

    Renee said: "I know that before my procedure I wanted to read everything I could about what to expect, so I hope this helps." Thank you SO MUCH, Renee for your update. I really appreciate you taking the time to write in detail about your experience. I hope you continue to heal well and that the discomfort continues to dwindle quickly.
  12. mamasez

    I got my sleeve

    Glad to hear you are recovering well! Thanks for the update!
  13. mamasez

    Name for our group?

    I like the Autumn idea but I would spell it Autumn Sleevers to put the emphasis on the SLEEVE.
  14. Sounds like a dream come true, Sharon. I am looking forward to the day that I truly appreciate a good meal like you described. You know you are in a good <great> place when you ENJOY the food, no matter how small or large the portion, and you are not stuffing yourself for no good reason. Congrats on all the success you are experiencing along your journey! Leah
  15. mamasez

    1 YEAR post op

    Congrats on your awesome progress, Sarah! You were pretty before your surgery but you are healthy-pretty now. Keep up the great work! Thanks for the encouragement! I get sleeved 10/17 and hope I am as successful as you have been! You are an inspiration! Mamsez (AKA Leah in TX)
  16. mamasez

    What are your fears??

    What am I MOST scared of? I need to come out of this surgery alive and kicking for my 11 year old son who has Asperger Syndrome (High Functioning Autism). Not only am I his Mom, but I am also his Teacher (homeschool), best friend, Rock of Gibralter, etc. He is VERY attached to me and I manage his special diet, supplements and meds, make sure he can function within his schedule (changes and deviations from the norm are very difficult for him) and more where he is concerned. Hubby and I are telling our son that I am on a special diet and will be going to the hospital for "some tests" when I have my surgery. Otherwise, eh would be terrified if he knew I was ahving surgery. Since he is homeschooled, he will be here with me when I get home from the hospital. Thankfully, my husband works from home, so that will help with juggling our son when I am sore and out of it if the anesthsia affects me the way it ahs in the past. I expect to be in some pain afterward b/c my pain tolerance is low and I've always been a slow healer. I am concerned also about the usual type of stuff like: What will the pain be like? Will I lose and keep the weight off this time after going thru all this hullabaloo to make it happen? Will I be able to stop my emotional eating? Will the anesthsia make me ill? How long will it take till I can do everyday tasks again? But we ARE going to make it through this, October Friends! This is the perfect time of year to have the surgery. We will be doing great by the holidays and not adding on tons of weight this year from all the holiday foods! We are having this done before major ice and snowstorms (for many of us) and after the horrid heat (for people like me in TX where we have finally just come out of a long, long heatwave). We have a new year ahead that will be OUR year for healthy bodies and smaller, more attractive clothes! We will be better able to get around, exercise with more ease, and feel less outcast around non-obese people. By golly, we will surely be proud of ourselves! And I know we will be thankful for the surgery in the long run. We must take each hurdle a day at a time. Looking and moving forward! Sleeving on the 17th, Leah in TX, aka Mamasez
  17. mamasez

    What are your fears??

    oknev: At my pre-op nutrition and nurses class yesterday I was told that the reason we are not to eat AND drink at the same time is b/c the liquid flows thru pretty quickly but the solids stay ahwile in that new tummy pouch. Putting the liquids and solids in simultaneously can stretch the pouch (or banana) out more than you want/need it to be stretched and you won't get full fast enough if your pouch is all stretched out. In other words, say you put in liquids and solids together. The liquid flows on down to the bottom of the stomach and doesn't make you feel real full, then you add solids on top of that and add additional liquids that flow past or though the solid bits and your stomach is going to stretch. They said we should take a sip while we are eating when you HAVE TO - don't choke - but only when you really HAVE to. Hope this helps, \Mamasez (Leah in TX) Sleeving on Oct 17th!
  18. mamasez

    October 3rd!!!!!!!!!

    Hey BeachLover, Sorry you are not having the best time post-op. I feel for you and am sending healing thoughts and prayers your way. I went to my post-op visit at the hospital yesterday and I was really turned off about having the pump and drain hanging around post-op. But, ya do whatcha gotta do. This will SO be worth it in the end. We all must remember that these painful days will pass and our weight will melt away and we will be healthy once again! Hang in there and keep us posted! Leah
  19. mamasez

    New to the Oct group

    Hey Ronda! Congrats on getting sleeved soon. I am due for it on the 17th. I live in TX and am the wife of a former US Navy man. I totally know what it feels like when your guy is deployed. My dh was deployed for 7 months during Op Desert Storm. I lost a bunch of weight while he was gone and he came home to a happier, more energetic me. Boy was that fun! Unfortunately, over the years I gained it back plus some but this will be my LAST time to lose it and I'll spend the rest of my life keeping it off! Anyway, my hubby was deployed for long stretches many times so I empathize with how things are for you when he is gone. I'll say a special prayer for your marine and for you! i have several in-laws in the service now.... marines, navy and army at the moment. It's tough times for our military right now. I am glad your guy can be here for the surgery. Just sayin hey and good luck! Leah (aka Mamasez)
  20. Hi All, I am getting sleeved on Oct 17th by Dr Nick Nicholson in Texas. I was determined to be sleeved before turning 50 next summer. I am sooooo looking forward to having a birthday at a reasonable weight. I started my two week pre-op diet today and I quickly remembered why Slim Fast did not work well for me as one of the myriad of diets I have tried in the past. I am to have 5 SlimFast shakes or bars (any combination) each day plus 5 oz of lean meat and up to two cups of non-starchy veg for dinner each day. I have one heck of a headache and my stomach is upset. I'm getting the 64 oz of Water in and hoping the head and stomach will calm down in a day or two as I get used to this pre-op thing. I am taking my 11-year-old son to the state fair tomorrow (we homeschool) and am not looking forward to avoiding all the fried food and yummy stuff they have like funnel cakes, candy, etc. Hope things are going well fo the rest of you guys! Mamasez (Leah)
  21. This second day of the pre-op diet was a bit better but I had a good way to keep myself occupied more fully today as I took my son to the State Fair. We live in Texas and the whole fried food thing is really big here. We went with some friends who's son is a big time foodie and he wanted to try every deep fried thing on offer. I took some bars and drank tons of Water so it wasn't bad at all to abstain. Tomorrow is my pre-op although my surgery isn't until the 17th. Glad to be getting at least this small portion done and over with though. Bring on the sleeve! Congrats and best wishes to all of you! Leah
  22. mamasez

    New Diva Here

    Thanks for writing Rebel. Congrats on being three weeks out from surgery! You are on the other side and going strong, right?! There is a real "move it thru it day by day" aspect to this journey and I am thankful that you shared some great tips and advice with me. Good to know about the lethargy. I have a very active 11 year old son whom I homeschool so I need to plan for lots of stuff he can do to keep busy school-wise while I am not feeling much like teaching after surgery. Thank goodness for educational videos. Increasing your Water intake sounds like the way to go to push your body thru to more weight loss. The big flush... Thanks again Rebel! Mamasez (Leah)
  23. Hi Yall, I am not sleeved yet but getting acquainted with the VSG forum. I have my consult with Dr Nick Nicholson (Plano) tomorrow. I went to a seminar on July 26 and had to appeal an insurance denial before I was approved just a few days ago. I am so ready to get this ball rolling. At this point I am gathering up all my questions for the doc. My head is sort of swimming at the moment with so many thoughts and feelings. I am going through the elation of getting the surgery approved but also feeling a little scared and, to be honest, sad, about having to go through the pre and post-op struggle of liquid diets and the pain of surgery aspect. I know this will all be a mere after-thought after it's all said and done but I am sure you can relate to those pre-op feelings. You ahve all been there, done that, right?! I have gained and lost large amounts of weight several times. Been yo-yoing since I was in the 7th grade and I'm 49 now. My most recent weight loss was two years ago. It took me 13 months on Medifasat to lose 85 lbs. By the time I was done with that nasty stuff (shakes, puddings, Soups, etc) I rebounded in a big way and gained it all back plus some. I plan for this to be my final weight loss hurdle. I KNOW the sleeve is the answer for me. No more stupid diets! I want and need to eat small portions of healthy food and this is going to be an important tool to that end. I'm curious, what is the psych visit like? How about the NUT visit(s)? I am hoping to be given some firm dates for appts and especially a surgery date tomorrow. Any and all advice is greatly appreciated! Nice to cyber meet yall. I am feeling blessed to connect with you Sleeved Dallas Divas!
  24. mamasez

    This is our time! Yay us!

    I'm like you, let's get on with this thang! I am big list maker / follower too, Lisa. If I didn't use lists, I'd be going "huh?" a lot more than I do now! Holiday - I would love your "what to eat" list. I found the "what to take to the hospital" list and have added a couple things to it. Last night I watched some you tube vids by a gal who recorded her progress in great detail on the the day of her surgery and her two days in the hospital. One thing she said was to take a very comfortable sports bra (front closure type) b/c otherwise your tee-tahs lay on your incision and that hurts. I don't know about the rest of yall, but that is gonna be a big help for me as mine are fluffier and heavier than ever at the moment. I also added face wipes b/c I can imagine my face will feel slimy or dirty after surgery and that'd be gross. Mamasez (Leah)
  25. mamasez


    Hi Everyone, I am getting sleeved on Oct 17th by Dr Nick Nicholson in Texas. Great to join all you October Sleevers! Please add me to the Oct roster. Leah

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