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Posts posted by brokenwings

  1. Well been way to long since i have been on here. It seems life is moving at an amazing speed. This saturday I ran/walked a 5k The plans when i stared it was to just walk it since i had not trained but ended up running at least 1/3 of it. I can not tell you how i felt when i finished it! Before my band i could not have walked a 1/2 mile let alone do 3 .. I am already planning and starting to train for one in Dec. I hope all is well for everyone. My weight has slowed WAY WAY down :( But still say i will get there just in time. I am attaching a picture snapped as i was getting ready to do the 5k...


  2. Great job... It feels so great to be making strides.. I did the same thing .. I took the 14s in with me to just try and i was wow they fit.. Wrap them up ... Today i went and decided to try on a medium scrub pants.. Figured no way and even told the sales clerk "iam trying these on but please find me a large brown pair as thats what i need" when i came out i was forget the large.. these FIT.. she laughed and said good thing cause i didnt have any large...

  3. Today i was going to a bbq party and well my wardrob since losing is pretty bad so i decided i needed a new outfit. I went and picked out a pair of 16(since that is what i have been wearing) and i also got the same pants in a 14 ( i wanted to see how long before i could wear them) well I tried the 14s on first and they FIT great.... INcluding a pic of me before the party. I am still got a way to go but i am trudging that way.


  4. I have decided to run a 2 mile run in aug and a 5K in sept. I would not have thought of myself as a runner but last yr i saw these ppl doing the 2 mile run in aug and i was hmm I should be able to do that next year. Last week it dawned on me its almost that time so I have started training to do just that. Then i saw a 5k run in my town coming up in Sept so i was hmm I am going to do that too. Everyone wish me luck in accomplishing these things. Who knows maybe it will lead to a whole new love of something for me to do.... Below is a picture i took while getting ready to run and Hmmmm Look i have a WAIST!! who know knew it was buried under all that fat!!!!

  5. This was inspiring. I have started this week training for a 2 mile run/walk ( i want to run the whole thing) in aug.. Also getting ready to sign up for a 5k for sept. I also have not been a runner before but this is one of those bucket lists thing i made when i got my Lapband. The only problem i really have that is bugging me alot and maybe someone out there with experience can give me a suggestion. Where i have lost 80+ lbs i have an apron that bugs me like crazy when i am jogging. I know a pretty gross vision but i need a way to make it so it isnt such a bother.

  6. I have been a nurse for over 13 yrs. I have always wore xxl or xxxl for a very short time when i was on a crazy diet i wore xl. But i have NEVER ever wore a size Large uniform. Always thought wow i want those cute outfits to wear to work but they dont normally make them in the size i needed. Well this week i noticed the XXl pants i was wearing was falling OFF. So i put on the few xl i have and well i was hmm wow they are sure loose, So yesterday i tried on a Large... OMG they fit. They wasnt tight they FIT!!!! I could have danced out of the dressing room and pranced around the store if it wasnt i did not want to get carted off to the crazy ward!!!

  7. So i started this process a little over a yr ago. I have lost not as fast as some but I have lost 80+ lbs and got bout 65 to go till i am where i think i want to be. Funny thing is I have went from a size 26 to a size 16 and this week got into a size reg 16 not a plus. But i still have a hard time seeing myself as being thinner. Yesterday I went and put on my scrubs once again and they was so big. I was how did this happen. So i pulled out a smaller size and they to was to big. I relized i have lost and lost and lost and stuck with my much bigger work uniforms. So i guess its time i start trying to buy smaller sizes and accept that this is the new me and I love it!!!

  8. Hello everyone. Here we are another spring has come and almost gone. I hope everyone is doing well. I miss all the support we all once shared. As for me I had become a little dishearted the last 6 mos. Life has been anything but easy. Between family members illness, passing and my own problems. That and the scale just set there for almost 4 mos. Sometimes even gaining. I thought oh here it is another failure. But i had a fill and its moving again. Not in leap and bounds ( have relized thats just not going to happen for me). I look back now a yr later and i relize that while i am NOT where i had hoped to be(yea i am one of those who was going to lose it all in a yr even when i was told that was not the way it happens) I am so much farther today then i was a yr ago. My knees and ankles no longer kill me. I can wear clothes that are not tents. I am not so embarrased to go out and see ppl that i want to hide. Yes so in that regards it has been a successful year. TO all of of us and contiuned success.

  9. I totally understand how you feel. I had a awful 3 mos. I am not sure if its cause i felt i was doing so good so i could just not pay attention. I think its cause alot of awful things happened in my life the month of Feb and losing weight was the least of my worries. But i went to the dr last week and got my talking to. He also put only 0.3 in my band. But weither it was the talk or the tiny bit of fill It has seemed to work. I have lost almost 5 lbs since last tue. I can now once more feel myself losing weight. Dont give up!!!!

  10. I know i will get there. My dr is not very agressive on the fills but even with that i seem to get restriction very easy. It just seems I like all food adicts have to work so hard to try not to eat around the band. I have since he put in the last 0.3 on tue seems to have kicked off losing again. I am down 3 lbs since then. I hope it contiunes. I am ready to get out of the 240s and into the 230s.

  11. Socadad . I so understand where your at. i had lost 75 lbs was feeling great at the end of jan. Then life happened. I had a health scare with my mom. Then fell and hurt my back badly and was put on steriods. Then my oldest daughter went to a party and i am not sure what happened but she ended up on lifesupport for a weekend. Then i got brochitis and another round of Steriods. So with it all i sorta gave up. I gained back 5 lbs. So this week i went to the dr and got my scolding. He added 0.3 in the band and told me I have the tool but i gotta use it. I knew he was right. So i am also back on trying to work my band. I also at that same time stopped visting here. This place really helped me stay on topix. I miss everyone here.

  12. I have had this same problem the last couple weeks. I have not been doing right and thus have not lost and actually looks like i gained 2 lbs. So i gotta get back on track myself. Have you went to your dr and talked to him. Maybe you need another fill. I choose not to get a fill this last time and now i am 2nd guessing myself on that. I am going to give it 2 more weeks and if i cant do what i need to do then i am going back to see my dr and see what he says.

  13. Well it has been 8 mos wow did time fly. Today i had my dr appt. i had not been in 3 mos since mid oct. And he said i was doing fantastic. I have lost 22 lbs since oct. So he decided i did not need a fill today. Said if i feel like i have lost restriction to come back and he will give me another fill unless that happens i dont see him again till april. Below is a new pic just taken tonight. I am the smallest i have been in oh 14 yrs or so...I still have a long way to go but i am very happy with the voyage so far Blue Cross of California_ Medical polices and Clinical UM Gui....pdf


  14. I had not been able to get into a size 16 in over 13 yrs I went last week and bought me a pair they didnt zip :( but i layed them on my dresser and last night when i couldnt sleep i tried them on and YES they are tight and YES i wouldnt wear them just yet but they ZIP!!! and i didnt even have to lay on the bed to get them to zip..... A huge Huge Huge .. NSG for me...... I had to share.

  15. I have not experienced that. But i did have a fill bout 2 mos ago and just NOW got where i can eat much of anything. I am due to go back to the dr this month but unless i change my mind don't believe i will be getting a fill. I am ok with getting sick often but it really upsets my daughter that i eat then have to run to throw up. I do contiune to slowly to lose weight. I just thought its been 8 mos since i had my band placed I was sure i would be at the 80 lb lost mark now but instead i am at 66 lbs lost. Which is alot better then i was a yr ago. I think i really need to focus not so much on my goal of loss per month but on the total goal. I am a much thinner person then i was when i started on this journey.

  16. Hey Jules

    Gosh missed seeing you on here. I am doing some better. I just have to be careful what i eat and how much i eat. If i eat something fast or to much it dont stay down. If i eat something that i cant tolerate then it starts me throwing up and it keeps up till i am clear. But as long as i follow the rules and eat slow and stop the first min i feel full and dont eat things with alot of bread etc... I do ok. I have lost 10 lbs since i had my fill.

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