I was banded on 9/23/11 and have lost 50lbs so far. My surgeon made me sign a paper saying that I would not get pregnant for at least two years after the surgery and I decided that I needed to go back on the pill anyway, so I started back on the pill in October 2011. Everything seemed great the first month or two...lighter periods, less days of a period...all the perks of taking the pill. Then the irregularities started. I was starting my period days to weeks before I was done with the active pills. I initially called the nurses line at the gyno and she said to give it another month and see what happens. Called again the next month with the same issue and got the same answer. I finally went back to the gyno in February and she suggested switching the pill and also starting me in the middle of the week instead of being a sunday starter day as I had always been previously. This time she put me on Loestrin24. It seemed ok for the first two months with starting only with one or two active pills left. Last month, I had 5 active pills left and I called and insisted that they do some form of hormone testing because I feel like something is wrong with this, so they sent me for some blood work. They called me a couple of days later and left me a voicemail saying "All the testing was normal, have a nice day." I feel like they don't care that this is going on and that I'm bothering them, even though having two week periods is bothering me. Because I continue taking the packs as expected and it continues on through the non-active pills. This month I started with six active pills left and I didn't even bother to call because I know they're just going to tell me nothing is wrong with me again. I've discussed this with the PA at my surgeon's office and she said this could be normal. I think what bothers me so much is that I've ALWAYS been like clockwork - on the pill or off the pill. Has anyone had any experience with this as well, or any advice or something to look for that could be wrong? Thanks.