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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by kate82955

  1. kate82955

    Top Necessity Before Lap Band Surgery

    I was only in the hospital overnite so you really don't need anything. As for at home your doctors office should have given you a program for your eating schedule. I was only off work for 1 week. One of the things i have found on this site is that lap band patients are not informed... its really sad. Im not sure why- is it the bariatric programs that are at fault ?? Anyway, i had my lap band 2 years ago, have lost 80 pounds, just had a tummy tuck. It has been my experiance that lap band patients will never eat the way they used to ever again. I have been filled to 7cc (14cc band). My diet mostly consisits of soups, chilis, and chowders. Your life time food intake will depend on what you find you can tolerate. I cannot tolerate meat or chicken or fish and believe it or not could not get yogurt or mashed potatoes to stay down. As for protein- most protein from GNC or Costco, or muscle milk has protein that bariatric patients cant use... there are different types of protein. I use ViSalus - they have tri sorb protein that is readily absorbed into the muscles. Its also much more affordable than the other products. Its not the quantity of protein but the quality of protein you need. Good Luck to you.... Be Healthy
  2. congrats on your upcoming banding. I had my band 2 years ago and have lost 80 pounds.It was the best decision i ever mad- i am no longer diabetic, asthmatic, hypertensive and my arthritis is much more manageable. Once you get past 18months the loss slows down. I had no problems with it other than the fact that is seems that everyone on this site seems to think that life goes on as normal afterwards and that just simply is not the case. From what i have read here, many people are very misinformed and because of that there is a 30% failure rate with bands. Now for the good news....you are the only one who can determine what you can and can not eat. I cannot eat chicken or any meat- it is not possible for me to chew it to the point of puree, i havent had bread, Pasta or raw veggetables since before my band. You also have to be very careful because as easy as it is to drink smoothies you can get 5000 calories in a smoothie. I have a personal trainer - one who actually went to school for it and has a degree in exercise physiology,not just a muscle bound guy who thinks everyone needs to do a million reps of anything. My diet now consists of Protein shake( ViSalus) for Breakfast and lunch, Soup, chowder or chili for dinner... and lots of Water. I take Vitamins as well- I use Visalus nutritionals- they can be crushed and put into the shake. You are on a wonderful journey-- to a new you...Good luck. On Nov. 11 i will be having a tummy tuck--- its going to be a bathing suit summer next year. Take care, feel free to contact me anytime .... Kathy
  3. kate82955


    The quality of the Protein is what is important not the amount. There are Protein drinks out there that have 40 gms of protein but if your body doesnt use it, it does you no good. The Tri sorb protein in ViSalus were specially designed to help you retain and build lean muscle and burn fat. Other brands use Gelatin, milk powder or other Proteins that may be great for skin or hair or nails but wont help you burn fat or boost muscle. The Vi-Shape shake mix helps to keep your blood sugars level and keep you from getting hungry. It also is alot less expensive than the relatively comparable products on the market. As for the multi level marketing dig... so what if you buy it from a person instead of a store..... direct marketing is becoming the fastest growing job market in the world... And if you don't believe that ask anyone who sells Avon, Partylite Candles, Pampered Chef, Lia Sophia, Herbalife.... the list goes on and on.
  4. kate82955

    Starting Over...

    keep in mind that with the lap band you don't lose weight as fast as someone who has had the bypass. I had my band 2 years ago and have lost 80 lbs. I now work out with a trainer and will be having a tummy tuck this friday. I am now a size 12 - i was a 22. It is important to realize that with the band you will never eat the way you used to ever again. I have found a great supplement that i highly recommend. I take a shake for Breakfast and lunch and ususally have Soup, chowder or chili for dinner. I became a vegetarian because eating meat of any kind became too difficult with the band. The shake is called Vi-Shape and is by ViSalus. They also have other nutritional supplements as well. Check out the web site www.myvi.net/katelm i only took 2 days off work, i am an O.R nurse. Post op was uncomfortable but not painful. i started yoga and exercising about 4 weeks later. the weight will come off relatively fast at first but will slow down. Just stick to your diet that works for you and you will be successful. I found that what i could tolerate may change daily- thats why i went to shakes and Soups etc. Sometimes i could eat yogurt, eggs or Pasta and some days not at all. I havent had any pasta, eggs, bread, or meat since the second month after the surgery. Good luck to you... life will get better--- you are changing for the better!!!
  5. kate82955


    I use Vi-Shape by Visalus. It is a nutritionally perfect shake, and you make it taste anyway you want... love it. It also is very affordable. I had my band done 2 years ago but only discovered ViSalus 3 months ago. check out the website www.visalus.com or www.myvi.net/katelm Good luck
  6. try Vi Shape by ViSalus - its advertised as the shake mix that tastes (and smells ) like a cake mix. I had my lap band 2 years ago and discovered ViSalus 3 months ago.... i love it.... you can order it online www.myvi.net/katelm good luck- hope you like it...
  7. check out www.visalus.com they recently opened up in canada and the web site will put you in touch with a local rep. The Visalus shakes are by far the best of the best when it comes to nutritional supplements. I had my lap band 2 years ago and found visalus about 3 months ago-- it was a life saver for me... Good luck
  8. kate82955

    I Got Approved!!! YESSSS!!!

    I have tried most of the Proteins mentioned on this post and have found that they dont meet my nutritional needs. You need other nutrients other than just Protein so i would suggest something more complete. I use the Vi shake by ViSalus. It is also very reasonably priced. Check out the web site www.myvi.net/katelm if you are interested let me know and i will send you a sample. Good luck on your journey
  9. kate82955

    Everything getting stuck

    after a fill you are supposed to go back to square 1 for a couple of days and progress to eating solid food again. I don't eat meat at all-- i drink Visalus shakes in the morning and for lunch and usually have chili, chowder or Soup for dinner. I do not eat bread Pasta, or anything that i think could get stuck. I am an OR nurse and we had a patient who tried to eat a sandwich1 month after surgery.... she ended up having to have the clog removed sugically. its not worth the problems... i love my shakes and they are so easy to make different each day and they are nutritionally perfect. I have lost 100 lbs. and work out with a trainer 4 times a week... never been happier. Good luck www.myvi.net/katelm
  10. kate82955

    What are you guys eating for protein?

    Had my band 2 years ago...i had no luck with any of the Protein supplements mentioned. Most of them such as muscle milk, prograde and unjury can cause you to gain weight and they contain products in them that really aren't good for you. I have found that ViSalus is the best protein on the market. it has both whey and soy protein. so you have extended use of the protein. the soy protein is non gmo soy (not genetically modified) so people who are allergic or cant take soy because of estrogen based cancers can use this product. I researched it and talked to several different bariatric surgeons and nutritionists who recommend it highly. www.myvi.net/katelm
  11. kate82955

    What are you guys eating for protein?

    Had my band 2 years ago...i had no luck with any of the Protein supplements mentioned. Most of them such as muscle milk, prograde and unjury can cause you to gain weight and they contain products in them that really aren't good for you. I have found that ViSalus is the best protein on the market. it has both whey and soy protein. so you have extended use of the protein. the soy protein is non gmo soy (not genetically modified) so people who are allergic or cant take soy because of estrogen based cancers can use this product. I researched it and talked to several different bariatric surgeons and nutritionists who recommend it highly. www.myvi.net/katelm
  12. kate82955


    My band is two years old.... lost 80 lbs.... i have no exercise restrictions from either my doctor or my trainer. Do only what you can confortably. I work out 4 times a week with a personal trainer. I also have a total hip replacement that was done last year. The only thing i can't do is run- too much impact on the hip joint. I do a cardio warm up and then strength training with bands and weights. I haven't had any issues with the port site. Good luck!!
  13. The band is restrictive regardless if you get a fill..it creates a pouch- like putting a rubber band around a balloon . Some people never get a fill.... i have had 4 fills to the amount of 8cc's( my band holds 14cc's) I havent had a fill in 5 months. Weight loss has slowed down. My surgery was almost 2 years ago. I have lost 80 lbs.
  14. I have been told that the band is MRI safe. I did have to have it deflated to have surgery on my hip.
  15. kate82955

    bloated because..................

    Please understand that this is only my opinion- I think you are getting way too much protein- my doctor told me not to go over 90 gms per day. I stay on a high Protein, low carb low sugar diet. I take 2 protein shakes per day and stay with protein rich chilis, chowders or Soups for dinner. I work out with a trainer 4 times per week and my calorie intake is about 1000 calories per day. I am at a plateau right now but i think that your body gets comfortable at a certain point and you have to jump start it again. As for the bloating - too many carbs can do it.... i'd decrease your total carbs per day to about 50 gms. Good luck on your journey...Kathy Hi Guys / Girls Im 8 weeks after my 2nd fill and feel restricted but able to consume larger meals of some types, but smaller portions only with the majority of food types...anyway, im back in the gym and started on the weights, 1st time for six years, so I have upped my Protein intake. This consists of as lean meats, fish and 2 to 3 protein shakes a day, amouniting to about 200grms of protein per day. My problem is that im constantly bloated and my stomach always seems distended. Ive lost over 50lbs from 19st to 15.7st and feel as though Im doing ok, but this stomach thing is getting me down. Any others out there with the same problem??????? Thanks big welsh guy (England)
  16. kate82955

    chest pains

    You may be eating too fast. you need tiny bites, wait in between each bite and no more than 2-3 bites per meal. When you eat too much or something is stuck you may also hyper salivate with the chest pain... usually the only thing to relieve this is to throw up but thats not good for you either because you could get a gastritis or erode. I have totally eliminated meat and chicken because no matter how its prepared or how much i chew or chop it , it gets stuck. The solution to this was protein shakes. I actually get more usable nutrition in the shakes than i do from eating chicken or meat. i have tried many different shakes and my favorite is Visalus. Check out the web site and best of luck to you. It has been 1 1/2 years since my band and i have lost 80 lbs.www.myvi.net/katelm
  17. kate82955

    So disheartened :(

    Hang in there... i had to wait 2 years and had to have an obesity law firm file a lawsuit on my behalf. I wouuld suggest that in the meantime you work on getting healthy- and i don't mean trying to lose weight... i mean join a gym, get active, learn about nutrition, and build the support team you will need once you get the band. My band was 1 1/2 years ago and somethings are still a challenge. I recently found the perfect protein shake that you can start now and continue when you get the band. Check out www.myvi.net/katelm Good luck!!
  18. kate82955

    Do I tell my trainer about the Lap Band?

    Of course you should tell the trainer, for several reasons. 1. Some trainers make you drink Water several times during a work out. You need to be careful with this. It could make you throw up. 2. Some exercises press on your abdomen- be careful of your port site. 3. All lap band patients should wear a medical alert tag in case something should happen that you can't speak for yourself. 3. it is important to get an adequate amount of Protein so that you can build muscle.. www.myvi.net/katelm 4. You should be proud of the band.... and your trainer will be proud to be part of your journey to better health. Best of luck to you!!!
  19. make sure youre getting adequate nutrition.... more than likely your blood sugar is dropping.... www.myvi.net/katelm

  20. I was told not to drink water 2 hours before or 2 hours after a meal. Water can expand the stomach pouch making it easier to over eat. What i do now is a visalus protein shake for 2 meals a day and usually a bowl of chili, soup or chowder for dinner. It is important to get about 60-70 grams of protein a day and i cant seem to do that without the shakes. I have found that eating or drinking too fast can cause the problem you are having so if i eat slow and drink slow it seems to not be as bad. I've lost 80 pounds over the last year so i must be doing something right. Good luck!!
  21. kate82955

    Kate82955's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
