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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LADY LOVELY

  1. Hi Everyone,

    I had my banding done on September, 26th ( 3 days ago). It has been a tough time because initially I planned to get the Gastric Balloon, but then at the last minute I went with the Band. I had my Op done in Korea. The first day was so rough. I had the worst chest pains. I had my doctor remove some saline from the band. I felt really scared about not being able to breathe properly. The worst part was that I couldn't burp! I think that made my chest ache more. I think my body was in shock. It was my first time having a surgery. The past 3 days has been an emotional roller coaster for me. Sometimes, I just cry, thinking why did I do this to myself? But, I'm trying to be strong. I'm trying to just take it one step at a time because every day I am feeling a little better. The first 2 days, all I wanted to do was sleep. Yesterday, I started back working. I worked for just a few hours, but I was really aching after. I'm a teacher. I'm accustomed to jumping around and being active in class, but yesterday I was barely able to sit and stand properly. I think what scares me the most, is my worry of something going wrong. I wish I was better prepared, but I am trying my best. For the past few days, I've been on just liquids.

  2. I made it too! My surgery was on 09-26-11. I had the Lap Band procedure and the surgeon found that I had a hiatal hernia that I didn't know about, so he fixed that too. Hey I am with you about a cheeseburger! I am going to get some Protein Powder today. With just fluids I feel weak. Might also check out ready to drink Protein Shakes. We're going to look and feel so much better real soon! Have a great day!

  3. Ok July Bandsters was a great success and I was so thrilled to watch everyone's progress and immediate results that I thought we should start a thread for September Bandsters to share

    I'm excited and yet apprehensive at the same time as I'm sure eveyrone has been. I start my presurgery diet next week (high Protein, low carb). I was only 37 BMI so they told me to hold off until I got approval! On September 7 is my preop. I also think that's the day I start the preop liquid diet?

    Feel free to add yourself and we'll keep track together!

    Winifred Sept 17

  4. Congratulations. I had my surgury on 9-1-11 I have lost 25 pounds. I had my first fill this past Wed. didn't hurt just a very weird feeling. I can see a difference now in how much I can eat and I stay full longer. I think it helps not drinking Water during my meal. I follow that to the T. My Dr. suggests no drinking 20 min before a meal none during the meal and none an hour after the meal. That has been my hardest adjustment. I hope all goes well with your surgery.

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