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LAP-BAND Patients
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About RosyG72

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/20/1972

About Me

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  1. Happy 41st Birthday RosyG72!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday RosyG72!

  3. l lost 20....it does get mentally draining but oh so very worth it,
  4. :wow: I bought a dress for an upcoming family wedding this past summer. I tried it on last week since the wedding is on friday and my jaw almost hit the floor..who knew that 38 pounds would be so evident. I had to get the dress taken in an inch on each side and from the shoulders. I still have no fill and thats ok for now since Im learning how to eat and what works for me. Im making this my official "look at me" day so I will be taking pictures. I cant wait!!!
  5. You look absolutely amazing and must feel great. Can you tell me how you managed to get your weight down. I just need a "move" push since I do not expect the nband and my food to do all the work. Thanks.

  6. Hi. I'm doing better the endo turned out that the band is in place (thank God) Im still sore on the incision itself so I put some neosporin on it this morning hopefully that will work. I weighed myself this morning and im at 278 from 312 so Im really happy about that but I guess from here on out its about me moving since the weight will come off SLOW but atleast its coming off.

  7. Hi. I read your stuff down below her. How are things going for you now?

  8. Update: Had my procedure today and all went A-OK....the band is in place and it seems that the rash/swelling around my incision is just some type of reaction so Im going to put some type of neosporin or something!:thanks:
  9. RosyG72

    No restriction at all

    I have no retriction, had my surgery on 9/20 and Ive adapted to that "hunger" feeling....protein shakes have become my best friend and the light cheeses (also high in protein). ...and to date I have lost 34 pounds....but more than that I seem to be losing inches.... Good Luck to all, we are all in this together :Dancing_shocked:
  10. Great to know! Thank you so much for the insight since I was completely freaked out! I will keep you posted.
  11. I had my surgery 9/20 and am doing pretty well.....until today that is....I've been getting a sharp pain in my port area and today while I was at work I felt a burning sensation at my incision, I work at a desk so I promptly lift my blouse to see what was going on. To my surprise the area is swollen, red and irritated....yes, I panicked!!!! I called my doctor and have an endoscopy scheduled for Friday morning to see if the band may have slipped. Now, I must explain how GOOD ive been at following instructions and have been very proud of myself, Ive lost about 33 pounds and now I have to deal with this....Im really nervous about this, and now as Im home Im getting this burning feeling from my stomach area up my throat and I have no clue what thats about....has this happened to anyone??????
  12. RosyG72

    Sunday recipe

    that sounds amazing...im in my mushy stage which is so confusing to me....but, once im on my real food stage im def making it. Thanks.
  13. I read every word and truly hopoe that as you lay to rest tomorrow will be a better day for you. Congratulations on adding years to your life by the loss of all that weight...it is indeed an accomplishement. As for you doctor, when you goon your visit make sure you voice your concerns directly to your doctor as only he/she has the right answer. As for tonight, look in the mirror see past the "flaws" you may see since you had the same feeling when you looked in the mirror when you were heavier and pat yourself in the back....you've come a long way my lapband friend!!!!
  14. I couldnt take it today so i mushed a tiny potato and mixed it in with my soup...it was delish! and, satisfied me....and I dont feel bad either becasue Im still on my protein and drinking lots of water. I also exercised so.....
  15. thank you all for your responses and words of encouragement....im trying!!!

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