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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    Anyone From Scotland?

    Got to be careful in Scotland, they'll make you wear kilts.
  2. aroundhky

    Re-Sleeved With Dr Aceves

    That's really a tough ordeal to have to go through a second time....I hate to hear that for you. If that was me, I'd think I would want a refund or have it resleeved for free.
  3. aroundhky

    381740 10150413758302886 524082885 8720969 1901736062 N

    Looking great!!!
  4. aroundhky

    PT 006.jpg

    You look great!
  5. aroundhky

    Disgusted By Others Eating

    It's weird how people who maybe had fingers pointing towards them in the past, now do the pointing. It might be nice to TRY to be fair and understand what these people that overeat are going through. We've all "been there, done that" and at times we've had out of control eating and/or relentless unsatiable hunger. It's one thing to see them overeating and reflect back on yourself, not see yourself in a positive light in the past and glad you had a tool to help you not be like that any longer. But we've been there, we know how overaters feel and of all people..... we should understand and see things a little how they see them. I'll see someone like that and want to tell them (without offending them or them thinking I'm calling them fat) that there are possible tools for them out there as well and tell them how happy I am with mine. But I've rarely done that due to not knowing how they would take it. I would like to help them somehow instead of putting them down or judging them.
  6. aroundhky

    How Much Weight Loss On Pre-Op?

    I think it depends on many variables like (age, muscle mass, liquid diet duration, if you're allowed some solids, etc). As for me, I was on the liquid diet for 2 1/2 weeks and lost 16 pounds.....but a good bit of that was muscle weight.
  7. aroundhky

    New Me

    You look fantastic!!!
  8. aroundhky

    Warrior Dash

    I think you'll love it! I thought it was very fun and for someone that doesn't like to run like me, that's saying something. Just maybe wear stuff that you are ok with ruining. Most of my clothes washed up pretty well, but it will be wet and muddy. I made sure of it by doing a head first slide (like in baseball) across the finish line.
  9. aroundhky

    Best Exercises

    I think I want to try it now!!
  10. aroundhky

    Best Exercises

    I know compound movements (pullups, deadlifts, squats, incline bench press, etc) really help build muscle and have helped me. I've not lost a ton of weight (60+ pounds so far), but I think I've added a good bit of muscle weight, lost a lot of fat and I have zero problem with saggy or excess skin. But then again, there's genetics and age involved as well. Just letting you know my experience.
  11. aroundhky

    Warrior Dash

    Yeah, when some got to the top, they straddled it and gave a hand to their friend (or stranger) below. Some still couldn't get over it even with help. I saw a few people just run around it and keep going. But I think they should at least try getting over the wall and not just give up before they start....but that's just me I guess.
  12. aroundhky

    Warrior Dash

    There was a wall (straight up verticle) that you could climb or use the rope. I tried both and it was really difficult due to all of the muddy competitors that had been there before me. The mud made it insanely wet and slippery. But maybe others were fine with it, especially the ones who ran earlier in the day while the wall/rope was dry.
  13. aroundhky


    Well, last weekend I really drank beer for the first time in almost a year. I had tried a sip or two a few months ago from a bottle and the carbonation made it awful on my stomach. A friend of mine had a get together last weekend and there was a keg of Yuengling (spelling?). It's seems to be true about the draft beer......much easier to drink and I had about 3 "solo cups" full of it in about a 2 hour span. It tasted wonderful and went down easily, not bothering my stomach! It was almost too good....now I'm thinking I can drink beer (draft) again. But going to try not to....way too many empty calories.
  14. aroundhky


    Way to go!!
  15. aroundhky

    First Day At The Gym

    Yuck! You must go to a Planet Fitness! They ARE judgmental if you don't lift weights like they do and look like they do. That's a bunch of marketing BS on their part if you ask me. I got a temporary (one month) membership there close to home over the Christmas/New Years break last year. I usually workout on my lunch break and it's out of town given that I work out of town. Since I was off a few weeks for the holidays, I figured I'll just get the one month membership at Planet Fitness and pay a little extra just because I was just starting back after my surgery and it would be important to get off on the right foot out of the gate post-op. Mistake on my part! Not for exercising, just exercising at PlanFit. My second trip there (and my last), I barely made a tad bit of noise setting the weights down.....off goes the Lunk Alarm and everyone stops what they are doing and looks at me! What a load of crap! When lifting, people should give "effort". When giving "effort", I pretty much go to failure, that's the only way I get benefits from lifting. So when I put some weights down after giving "effort", it may be difficult to place it on the rack ever so gently.....shame on me! I get it that people don't like the guys that yell and clank weights with every rep....and I don't like it either. But they have gone way overboard with their Lunk rule. Also, way too many people at my local PlanFit that are orange and fake looking. So I left and told them this just isn't the place for me. I just stick with my great gym close to work now and may just take a couple of weeks off this holiday season. Sorry, I had to chime in once I read that part of your post and I may be a little bitter towards Planet Fitness and their absurdity. Carol, keep up the good work and do whatever you need to do to motivate yourself at the gym, and you will be just fine!
  16. aroundhky

    9/5/12, -63 lbs.

    You look awesome...congrats!
  17. aroundhky


    I do and like it. I usually use it on days I workout, gives me that complex carb that my muscles need and also helps with my overall protein. I'll put it in spaghetti and meatloaf (both with lean turkey).
  18. aroundhky

    Muscle Vs Fat...please Stop

    A cubic foot of muscle DOES weigh more than a cubic foot of fat. It just needs to be worded correctly and refer to equal volume when comparing the two types of tissue. That's the main reason people want to assure others that just because the scale is not moving, check those clothes to see if they are more loose. If so, and the scale is the same, you have less fat and more muscle and the body fat % is less. I think that's the main reason that phrase came about. And then there's the whole water weight and glycogen issue too.
  19. aroundhky

    C360 2012 08 31 17 44 31

  20. I wasn't a wine drinker either until after surgery. I don't mind it now and actually kind of like it on the rare occasion I want a drink. I've tried a beer twice (my pre-surgery drink of choice) and the carbonation is too rough on me. I can't even drink half of one now due to it causing issues with my sleeve and feeling extremely uncomfortable. Oh well wine and whiskey for me from now on if I want a drink. These posters are right about it affecting you quickly....you may want to ease into it if you decide to have that drink. Good luck!
  21. aroundhky

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    If it's just because of this extra attention, that may be something you need to seek some counseling about. Did your husband give you attention regardless of your weight (before and currently)? If so, he deserves some credit for doing so while these other guys never took a second look at you.....if that's what happened.... I don't know. Maybe there's some underlying problems or something other than the new attention you are getting. Just hate to see someone throw away a marriage (assuming it's satisfying for both) just because one is getting some added attention. Hopefully you've at least talked to him about this. I hope you take this attention with a grain of salt and able to get to the point where you are not questioning your marriage just because of the extra attention from other guys. Regardless, I wish you and your husband the best of luck and I hope things work out for you both. Here's to hoping you hang in there.....
  22. aroundhky

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    1 - I have more caffeine than I should, probably at least every other day. I really have trouble getting going in the a.m. 2 - The sight of a soft drink still turns me on. But, I've stopped trying to indulge myself because just one sip of that carbonated stuff causes my stomach to feel awful and make me want to see how far I can throw that can! I've not tried a sip of one in over 2 months and don't think I will again. 3 - I have wine or a little clear liquor about once a month. 4 - I still probably push it too much when eating and dont chew thoroughly or slow down enough, and I later pay the price for doing so. 5 - Well, I can't come up with a 5th one, so I'll call that progress for myself. : )
  23. aroundhky

    South Carolina Sleevers

    Close......North Carolina here. Congrats and I'm glad it went well for you!
  24. aroundhky

    Peanut Butter?

    I did around a week and a half out..........soooooo goooood!!!! I probably eat way too much now.
  25. aroundhky

    001 Ooooh Cring...

    Smokin'! ; ) Congrats!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
