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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky


  2. Looking good!! Boomer sooner!
  3. aroundhky

    freezing ?

    I was always warm before surgery, but did notice for the first month or two after surgery that I was chilly fairly often. Now I'm back to being hot all the time.
  4. aroundhky

    Belly loose going down to private area?

    I agree, you have age on your side. Try not to get too down if you have some initially. My guess it will bounce back (tighten up) a lot sooner than for us "old farts" like Pdxman said.
  5. aroundhky

    Carb question.

    I count everything as well. That said, I eat more beans and veggies like broccoli on days I lift weights (the 2 meals post workout). To build muscle, that muscle needs slow digesting carbs just as much as it needs protein. So I have as many veggie type carbs like broc and green beans as I want, with a lean protein on those workout days. I count them on those days, but I don't really limit the low glycemic carbs then, I just count them to compare my macros to my non-lifting days where I DO limit my carbs. Though I'm human, I try to avoid the simple carbs like sugary foods and drinks such as Gatorade unless I do some long insane cardio session and need it after that workout. This all works for me, but we are all so different metabolically, you may just need to find what works for you and go from there. And more than likely, when you do, your body will change.
  6. aroundhky

    Liquid Viagra/Cialis ?

    Yes, let us know! You're peaked our interest now, so we want to know how it turns out and looking for feedback.
  7. aroundhky

    Liquid Viagra/Cialis ?

    I've never heard of that! ArcusX is right, better to check with your Dr than risk it. Good luck!
  8. I'm sorry, I thought you meant the pre-op liquid diet. My insurance, or surgical team, not sure which, did not require the supervised diet for months leading up to the surgery. Like most on here, I had already tried it for 15-20 years with back and forth success.
  9. I jumped the gun just a couple of days early....once I found out my surgery date. I lost about 15-16 pounds in 2+ weeks. My Dr only required a 10 day pre-op diet.
  10. Haha! :) Yep. Doing pretty well...you?

  11. aroundhky

    Soreness after workout, continue next day?

    Sometimes a light workout a day or two after the heavy workout can actually help flush out the lactic acid (one of the main causes of muscle soreness) out of those sore muscles if you subscribe to the lactic acid theory. But if you do one of these workouts while still sore, make sure you don't go at the same intensity as the prior workout and lessen the volume as well. Also stretching can help flush out some of the lactic acid. Some people think the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) comes from micro tears in the muscle and need recovery days to heal back and during that healing process there is slight muscle gain or growth each time. It's kind of hard to tell which is the real reason for muscle soreness, but since we are all different, I would just try one method and see what works best for YOU. I know with myself, age has really come into play the past couple of years. I just turned 40 so I think the rest/recovery days tend to help me due to my advanced age.
  12. aroundhky

    Soreness after workout, continue next day?

    Soreness from weight lifting is a good thing if it doesn't partially or completely disable you. Let's you know that you really worked those muscles. Just make sure that the soreness in those particular muscles is pretty much gone before working them again. I'll do splits on my workouts, which allows me to work a few body parts while the others are recovering.
  13. aroundhky

    Just How Much Is Everyone Exercising?

    I lift weights 4-5 times a week and do cardio 1-2 times a week. One of the cardio sessions is my weekly Muay Thai for one hour and the other I run or do stationary bike for 30-45 minutes. On my lifting (resistance training), 1-2 of those are of the HIRT (High Intensity Resistance Traning) which involves olympic lifts.....but they really kick my butt and I can't do them more than twice a week.
  14. aroundhky

    After 135lbs

    Oh my! Amazing! Congrats!
  15. aroundhky

    is brown rice better for you?

    Good point "Catracks"! I put quinoa in a lot of stuff....turkey meatloaf, lean ground beef with a low cal sauce, chili, etc. Good slow digesting carb with the protein too! Can't find many foods like that.....it's even better than oatmeal.
  16. aroundhky

    Weight training is hard

    Is it more a lack of focus? Or your muscles tire out quickly? If it's physical and not mental, that will improve with time and just try and stick to it. If it's mental or a lack of focus, not sure what you can do. If there is a lack of good motivation, or the right kind of motivation, I guess the focus could suffer some. I hope you don't give up without giving it a good and deserved try. If you hang in there, I think you'll be happy that you stuck with it. Good luck!
  17. aroundhky

    is brown rice better for you?

    I love me some brown rice with chicken for my post workout meal! I'm not sure on the glycemic index......it's probably middle of the road to low and better than white rice.
  18. Hello? Is this thing on?

  19. "Jacob"...it can be really challenging. For me, I have to be ever mindful of what I eat and when. I do add in more low glycemic carbs on the days I workout, after my workout and later that night. On days I don't lift, Sat, Sun and sometimes on Wed, I eat less carbs and slightly higher fats, all while trying to get in at least 100-120 grams of Protein. It can be done, but like you said, it's a bit challenging, especially the first few months post op. Now that I am a year+ out, it's fairly easy for me to get in my macros. Hang in there!
  20. "Mrchris" this is a really good topic and I'm glad you brought it up. It's really interesting! Whether I'm more vulnerable or not (and I don't feel that I am even post op), if I decide to stand up for what's right and it's important enough to me to get my a$$ kicked, I'm still going to stand up for myself. I think the key for me is "importance" of the situation and is there a physical threat to me or my family/friends. If someone honks their horn at me for switching lanes abruptly and coming over on them, that's rude of me and I deserve it. But if that person later pulls up beside me at a traffic light and wants to make it a bigger issue than it is, and advances towards me physically, well, then it's on. Because I have a right to defend myself/family/etc and I will, even if I think I'm going to get my butt kicked. To answer your question on if I feel more vulnerable, I think the answer is probably no for me. In my 20's, I was 6-4, 320 ish and though I was strong, I feel that my current self at 6-3, 228 (yes I think I've shrunk in height), can kick the crap out of my "20 something self". I'm quicker, more fit, now taking Muay Thai lessons, and with my current lifting approach, probably even more explosive than I was in my late 20s. I think that if I was in this hypothetical battle with the younger version of myself, that as long as I stay on my feet and not make it a floor (wrestling) event, that I would win. Even if it did go to the mat, I think I may be able to tire out "20's Mark", then move in for the hold and defeat this younger version of myself. With that said, if Brock Lesnar, or similar type fighter, was really mad at me and came at me to kick my a$$, I would probably feel VERY vulnerable. But if I felt the situation was important enough for me to defend myself, I'd still give a futile try. So for me, I guess it's all relative.
  21. KK66..........this sounds fairly normal for sleeve patients. I think if you are mostly doing what your told on how many macro-nutrients (protein, carbs, fat), water (sounds like you are close to getting in your 60 ounces), taking your time eating, etc....you'll be just fine. You are still pretty fresh from surgery, so I'm not sure how much you are exercising, if any. Most of us experienced the same worries at a month and a half out, and some still do even several months out. My recommendation would be to comply the best you can with your drs instructions, sit back and enjoy the ride and a healthier you. Not sure how often you weigh yourself, but I would caution you against weighing daily or even multiple times a week.......you'll drive yourself nuts when you hit a stall, we've all done it. I know I did early on. To answer your last question, I'm not aware of any money back guarantees from the surgeons. Maybe there are some out there, but it seems like there are too many ways to sabotage one's surgery and not lose weight, but it seems a patient would have to try and go against all dr recommendations to do that. But if you stick relatively close to your guidelines, you should be just fine. Good luck and keep us posted!
  22. aroundhky

    Introducing myself!

    Welcome and congrats!! I have found the people on this message board to be most pleasant and very helpful!! I hope it goes well for you and keep us updated.
  23. aroundhky

    Miss soda?

    Haha! Same here! I'm in Western North Carolina.
  24. aroundhky

    Miss soda?

    I was the same with Sun-Drop (local drink that is similar to Mountain Dew, only better). I missed it during pre-op and for a couple of months after my surgery. Then I tried a couple of sips of one and I could no longer stand it....it was awful! Way too sweet and the carbonation hurt my stomach. I've not missed it since. I'm not saying to go and try a Dr. Pepper to rid you of the longing, I'm just saying that often our tastes change post-op and that there is a lot of truth to the reasons to avoid carbonated drinks. Hopefully your craving for it will disappear, or at least subside.
  25. Congrats on all of your progress! I hear on ya on the holiday foods! I ate way too many little smokies!

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