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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    So...I joined a gym

    Congrats LMZTUDE! I think you'll be glad you did. I don't know what I would do without my de-stress outlet (gym).
  2. aroundhky

    Exercise when not getting in fluids?

    That's a good question amy.....not sure what the answer is. If you are having trouble getting in close to the 48 oz, I can see where really long/sweaty cardio can be a problem and possibly cause dehydration. I would maybe still try some cardio, but less intense and short periods building up as your water intake increases.
  3. aroundhky

    Exercise and Excess Skin

    But muscle can help fill in under loose skin to where it's not as saggy, but only to a certain extent. If loose skin is just a small problem, building muscle underneath it can help, but if there is lots of saggy skin, muscle underneath it will help out only a little to fill it in since it's not really easy or do-able to pack on large slabs of muscle.
  4. aroundhky

    When can i start working out?

    Yeah, a bit early for any straining. But those first few weeks after surgery, moving around a lot is a really good thing.
  5. aroundhky

    for the older age sleeve gents

    It's about the same for me as pre-op. Rest is sooo important, and getting up 5-7 times a night makes a good nights rest impossible. Wish you the best and hope that gets resolved for you.
  6. aroundhky

    anyone having posture issues?

    I find it a challenge too, due to having a desk job and other factors. Your chiro brings up a good point. I have found that a lot of stretching and upper back exercises have helped me. Strengthening the traps, rear delts and lats have all improved my posture. Also, being mindful of it (posture) when sitting at a desk or table, etc and training yourself to have better posture. I used to catch myself slumping and pulling my shoulders forward. The upper back lifts and stretching have now pretty much eliminated my slumping posture. The exercises I use are 1) bent over rows, 2) pullups (use assisted if you can't do your body weight yet), 3) rear delt flies (see video) and for traps 5) I do either upright rows or behind the back barbell shrugs.
  7. aroundhky


    But it's all in the right areas...... ; )
  8. aroundhky

    9 14 12 156

    Wow! Looking good!
  9. aroundhky

    Exercise and Excess Skin

    I'm a little older, but I have not had any problem with excess skin. I feel the biggest reasons are that I haven't lost as much weight as most sleevers and that I weight train/lift regularly.
  10. aroundhky

    Most recent before and current.

    Looking great!
  11. That's a really good point Kirk.....thanks!
  12. aroundhky

    Post Op Penis Size

    Get out! They are really sending them to you???
  13. aroundhky

    Post Op Penis Size

    Huh huh, huh huh...............you said......................pole!
  14. I still do this from time to time as well and I've struggled with it since my surgery 16 months ago. Depending on how ravenous I am, when I do eat, sometimes I dive right in and my old eating habits come back to me. I have to think about eat slow and with small bites, or I go right back to eating fast. Some foods go down without a problem, others will quickly let me know that I'm eating too fast, will get my attention and then I slow down, but I never get sick, just can feel uncomfortable. I don't have any answers as I continue to struggle to remember to slow down to this day, but I can relate.
  15. aroundhky

    Any sleevers under 24?

    You'll not fuss about about loose or saggy skin as much as us old sleevers. Good luck and hope everything goes well on Monday!
  16. aroundhky

    may of 2012

  17. aroundhky

    Need other men's advice.

    I am fired up after reading that! Way to go "gmanbat"! Tell it like it is!
  18. aroundhky

    Need other men's advice.

    With me, yes, at first it changed family/social gatherings and how I approached food at those gatherings. But those changes to me were not all that big of a deal. To me, it's more being mindful of the surgery I've had when I'm at these functions, such as eating the Protein foods first and not drinking with those meals. Other than that, I just enjoy myself and since I'm over a year out, it's almost just habit for me to get protein in and not drink with my meals. By that time, I'm so full that IF I do want a dessert and partake, I'll eat very little of it. It may be an adjustment for the first few months trying to keep these things in mind, but eventually it will be something you'll not even think twice about and can concentrate on entertaining your guests or just relax and enjoy yourself. For most, the benefits of this surgery far outweigh the mild annoyance from the minor adjustments we have to make after the sleeve. I had these same concerns before my surgery as I'm in these social situations a lot (parties, holiday gatherings, tailgating, etc). But I've had to sacrifice very little and I still party ALMOST as hard as I did before. With that in mind, just be careful with your alcohol and know that many sleevers turn to drinking as an emotional outlet to replace their past dependency on food. Also, there are all of those empty calories with alcoholic drinks, but I do have a glass of wine or a draft beer (lower carbonation) on occasion.
  19. aroundhky

    anyone taking Ibuprofen?

    My doctor said no for the first few months, then said to be very very cautious with taking them after that. As in only when you really really need relief for a very bad headache and tylenol will not work at all. I've only had about 3 of these instances in over a year that I had to turn to ibuprofen. In the past it really helped with a headache and of course inflammation. The few times that I've used it due to tylenol not helping with pain since being sleeved, it helped. I just try use it only as a last resort. With that said, I would just do what your Dr said and go with that. Mine gave me permission to use it on a very limited basis, which I adhere to.
  20. aroundhky

    2nd best preworkout drink?

    I'm not currently taking any pre-workout, but I did back in late summer/early fall and took DS Craze. If you're into "pumps", it will not help a lot with that. Of course if you lift intensely enough and with volume, you'll get that good natural pump. But Craze really helps you focus.....a lot. Side affect alert.......... I had some weird dreams at night while taking it, so I stopped using it. My sleep is more important to me than some additional focus during my workouts. However, if I try a pre-workout again, I'll give Craze another try and maybe just workout earlier in the day or in the mornings and hopefully it will not mess with my sleep.
  21. aroundhky

    Post Op Penis Size

    Can't speak for everyone, but mine went from 9" to 11+". Just kidding, I really haven't noticed much of a change, if any.
  22. aroundhky

    loosing fat -confused

    Usually, yes. I guess unless you've gained all of the muscle in your abs and obliques of course. Otherwise, yes, you should lose inches as far as your belt size goes.
  23. aroundhky


    From the album: Nourishment

    Sirloin tips, broccoli, quinoa and a tad bit of brown rice
  24. aroundhky

    I Can't Believe It

    You're ummm.......socks don't match.
  25. aroundhky

    Exercise questions

    I'm guessing you are already taking Protein supps, so other than that probably fish oil and maybe even creatine. Just do some research on creatine before starting if you decide to use it.....you just need to be aware of the Water issues involved. Yeah, GNC just wants to sell any and everything. You buy my supps on Amazon. So yes, be well informed and save where you can on them. Same here Aaronb.....sorry

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
