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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    Dating and letting them know you had surgery

    I guess it's how one defines "dirty laundry". Assuming that dirty laundry is something negative, yes, probably need to get that out of the way fairly early on. But I don't see the fact that I got the sleeve procedure as "dirty laundry". I don't think it's negative, immoral or unethical. Actually, perhaps my overeating and gluttonous behavior BEFORE the sleeve was perhaps a negative, but almost all of us (sleeve AND non-sleeved) are guilty of that behavior at some point. I just indulged myself more often and at a higher intensity than the average person. Personally, I've told the people I'm closest to (probably a dozen people or so). Basically loved ones (family, really close friends). I'm guessing at some point during the dating process (since it involves eating most of the time), I would probably bring it up. Like....."Why don't you drink anything while you eat?" question that's likely to come up. Then I would just try to get a feel for the moment and decide if it's a good time to mention it. There's a time and place for everything as far as I'm concerned. But that's just me. It's everyone's own right to mention it or not and when they mention it, especially during the dating process. Interesting topic.............
  2. aroundhky

    Dumb move

    I can drink a little more now than I was able to a few months post-op, but I cannot chug anywhere near the amount I did pre-op. I miss my chuggin'........................
  3. Job well done.......major pat on the back for you!! You look great!!
  4. aroundhky

    A Man's Point of View

    Yeah, what's the question? If it's asking about what guys do the stupid things we do, we don't really have an answer........
  5. aroundhky

    belly help please

    Sorry for the double post. Saw that it's actually been closer to 8-10 months since my last waist size drop.....my how time flies!
  6. aroundhky

    belly help please

  7. aroundhky

    belly help please

    I don't know what the moving down stuff means. Since your waist has measured smaller in the past couple of months, have you lost weight in those months? Also, are you doing any kind of resistance training lie squats, deadlifts or even ab work such as crunches, burpees? If so, you could be adding some core muscle which adds muscle thickness to waist while not losing inches there. I've not dropped a waist size in 6-8 months, but I've lost 10-12 pounds since my last waist size drop. I know I've lost some fat on my waist during that time, but I also have new muscle there since I've been training my core pretty hard, which equals no smaller waist, but a fitter waist, so I'm cool with that. There also may be other factors like sagging skin, water retention, etc. Do any of these apply in your situation?
  8. That sounds like a pretty nutritional post-workout meal! I need to try it! Thanks!
  9. aroundhky

    Really hungry, need advice

    Been there man.....I hear ya. I try to get my fill on mostly lean protein when I'm feeling like that. And since mine usually comes after intense lifting sessions, I'll add in just a few complex carbs as well. But if you're getting in mostly protein when you're feeling really hungry, you should be fine. Also, the drinking water approach when hungry can work too, but if you know it's really hunger, I wouldn't sit there and just starve and be miserable. Eat good lean protein and veggies and you'll be fine. Gotta watch those granolas and/or protein bars, some of them have a good bit of sugar in them, which is really just a slightly more nutritious candy bar.
  10. aroundhky

    Before and After Stories?

    I'm 17 months post op
  11. aroundhky

    Moves for butt and back?

    I second those recommendations as well. Would just like to add that when I go deep on my squats, I can really feel it my butt for a day or two....so I know it really hit those muscles. On squats, the deeper you go, the more it incorporates your hamstrings and glutes to get you back up. Just start light or with a bar the first few times to get the right technique.
  12. aroundhky

    Before and After Stories?

    Cardio-wise, I can easily run 2-3 miles now where before surgery it would take a lot of effort on my part just to walk 2-3 miles. Strength-wise, I'm as strong, if not stronger than I was before surgery. Keep in mind, I've been a lifter for years, but even after having dropped 66 pounds, my max lifts are back to where they were when I was 300+ pounds. What I really like are the body weight lifts such as dips and pullups. With my lighter body weight now (along with the same strength I had before surgery), I can do many more reps on these. Example: before surgery I could get 2, maybe 3 pullups (chinups) at a time. Just the other day I repped out 16 easily.... it was awesome and I nearly got a woodie! Sorry for my crassness there. Speaking of a woodie......sex......also improved. And from what I've read on this message board, that seems to be the case for MOST people on here as well. I can also do yard and house activities with a lot more ease and energy, which is a plus too. It's a lot easier to be active and do all of these things when I know it won't kill me and have me down for a day or two just from push mowing grass or something like that.
  13. Good advice, and usually a good idea to ease into anything new, especially anything that's high on the intensity scale. Kettlebells are great for you! Just get the technique down before going crazy with them and not do like I did the first time I tried them a few years ago. That bump on my head lasted close to two weeks.
  14. aroundhky

    1 yr 4 mos post op

    I'm about the same as you as far as months post-op......17 here. I'm a slow loser, but I try to focus on how much better my life is, how good I feel and how much healthier I am now. This keeps me in a great frame of mind and is very motivating for me and helps keep me stay on track to living, feeling good and getting to the gym. I'm no doctor, so there could be some hormone issues at work or something. I know there are times when I fall off the wagon too and eat something bad, but it's best to know those times will happen, try to reduce the number of times they happen and when they do, pull yourself back out of it as quick as you can and not feel so bad about it or let it start a downward spiral. Have you sought out counseling or therapy? Don't give up and I wish you the best!
  15. aroundhky

    Divorce/non marraige breakups

    So much sleeve relationship drama around here. Things are good on my end. Wish you the best "Capt".
  16. Holy.......wow!! Hum a na, hum a na!! Way to go and congrats!!
  17. aroundhky

    Tall Sleevers? 6'?

    Not a tall lady here, but a tall guy, well at least the last time I checked anyway. I'm 6-3 and I know what it means to be confused by all of the "numbers" out there. The scale AND BMI can be misleading. When I started thinking about the whole surgery process, I was 300 pounds and was 292 when starting pre-op, 272 the day of surgery and now 226. I'm still a long way from my goal of 215 and I am now 17 mos post-op. So I know there's a pretty good chance that I'll never make goal. The reason the scale and BMI can be misleading is that neither takes into account the composition of one's body meaning how much of that weight is muscle and how much is fat, Water, etc. Also what the scales and BMI charts don't really tell us is if we are healthy or not. I'm a long way from being at an "acceptable" weight or BMI. However I'm off all of my cholesterol and blood pressure meds and I feel great now! I have no idea of how long I'll live now, but I have to believe that having the surgery has only helped my chances of living longer and I know that I am MUCH healthier now than I was 2 years ago or even 10-15 years ago. So even though I know I may not reach my goal of 215, I've reached all of the goals that really matter to me. And with a body fat % of around 14-15%, I'll take that, especially since I'm now 40 years old. So just remember, numbers can be deceiving if taken out of context or if one is using the wrong numbers like those listed on the scale. Not saying the scale should be ignored, it's just a tool for tracking SOME of our progress and doesn't tell us everything. Good luck and make us tall people proud!
  18. aroundhky


    Sorry, not sure why that went to my "Before" album. But thanks!
  19. aroundhky


    Thanks! Nope, it's still me. That was probably too risque to post.....had a little wine and being goofy when I took this picture the other night. : P
  20. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    So much progress in everyone's photos!
  21. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    I haven't lost as much weight as most people on this board, but here's mine.
  22. aroundhky

    amino acids n Rapberru Ketonos

    I'm sure amino acids are fine since that's what protein is made up of. I'm not sure what the other stuff is......
  23. aroundhky

    Suprising offer by hubby.

    It's nice to actually hear about good husbands (boyfriends) on here. Seems to be so many complaints about them on here. We (guys) are not all bad,
  24. aroundhky

    Suprising offer by hubby.

    What a cool (and supportive) guy!
  25. aroundhky

    ideal body type

    Thanks! Yes, kinda......

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