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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    intense exercise and libido

    What was the title of that post? I bet it was a very long title.................!
  2. aroundhky

    Fitness dilemma

    Good suggestions "Don" and "Coop"! Bianca.....sometimes it's not really all about what kind of activity you are doing, as long as you are doing something/anything physical. So just maybe try experimenting to see what floats your boat and hopefully you'll find some type of physical activity to throw yourself into and perhaps that will be enough motivation for you. If walking on a track in circles doesn't quite do it for you, maybe hiking on nature trails, biking, etc. Sometimes just getting to the track, gym or where ever is half the battle.
  3. aroundhky


    'Its All New'......I'll get back to you soon on the message and I'm really glad you've decided to do this, yet also know and understand about moderation (not doing anything too obsessive) and understanding that staying who you are and being feminine is really nice to hear! So many people in that industry take drastic and unhealthy steps (hormones, over-tanning, etc). I wouldn't call myself a bodybuilder and Ive never competed, but I have lifted a lot with my physique being one of the many benefits I get from lifting. I would advise you first to have a reasonable expectation and approach toward adding lean muscle, and with your 1 year goal, I think you already have a good grasp on that. Muscle, especially for women, is added to the body at a very slow rate, much slower than adding the other type of body mass......fat. I speak from experience on that one. . But with the right workout, proper nutrition and patience, it's possible. Again, I'll reply soon to your message and will tell what I know and what works for me. 'I'm not a personal trainer....but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night'.
  4. If I have an addiction problem as you say....I guess there are worse things I could be addicted to.
  5. Preach it BigJoe....well said!!
  6. aroundhky


  7. aroundhky

    Best peanut butter?

    Huh huh, huh huh..................
  8. "Globetrotter", you have very big............................................topic titles.
  9. aroundhky

    intense exercise and libido

    I hear ya!! All I have to offer is the "bro-science" aspect and my personal experience. Like in the other post, I stated that lifting really helps me feel great and spikes my testosterone. When I do some intense lifting, especially with compound lifts, it's an even more drastic affect for me. Ex: If I do heavy squats or deadlifts at the gym..........for a couple of hours after that lifting session............I feel like I can kill a polar bear with my bare hands, take him home to a hungry family and and breed a harem of women all in the same night!!! All I can think of is violating some women and spreading my seed!!! Of course this only lasts for a few hours after my lunchtime workout, so by the time I get to the evening, I've come to my senses and I'm just back to a more reasonable horn dog state of mind.
  10. Yeah, I also get it from lifting more than running. Don't get me wrong, running helps, but nothing like lifting for me. Thanks for the article!!
  11. Looking good and tough man.......keep it up and congrats!!!
  12. aroundhky

    7months of changes w/pics

  13. I started walking the day of surgery, increased the distance and pace slowly each day for the next 2-3 weeks. Then I went to the gym and did extremely light lifts and continued with cardio once or twice a week. After about 2-4 weeks of gradually building up those lifts (roughly 6-7 weeks post op), I started lifting pretty heavy and doing fairly intense cardio 1-2 times a week. But that's just me. Make sure to TRY and stick to your Dr's orders and when you do get back into it, just build up gradually.
  14. Yeah, the running at least once a week helps me lose just a tad bit of fat. But for me, I think getting back to the weight room, and turning up the intensity even more has helped me most. And your right, it does take a lot of time and patience with the weights. For me, it's as if I have to embrace it some other way to not look for instant results. So I love the way I feel after I lift and the testosterone spike I get from it, but persistence and resolve can lead to great results if willing to stick to it and commit to it.
  15. aroundhky

    DSCN4505 copy

    Yeah.............you got it goin' on!!! Wow!
  16. DANG!!!! Look at you!!! Congrats!!!
  17. aroundhky

    Public Service Announcement

    NOW you tell me!
  18. I know I'm unlikely to find anyone in my area on here, but thought I would take a stab at it. Had a lifting buddy that has moved to another state, so I could use a lifting partner in the Statesville, NC vacinity if there is anyone on here in this area. My routine varies and I'm pretty flexible in regards to my lifting schedule as long as I can get a few of my basic compound lifts in each week. Also could use a running partner about twice a week. If there's anyone interested, let me know. Thanks!
  19. aroundhky

    Lifting partner in NC foothills?

    Thanks "Wls4me".....if you remember, let me know and I'll see if I can contact him. Also, if you're in the Statesville area sometime, let me know, I'm not afraid to lift with a girl as long as she can't lift more than me.....that would destroy my ego. "Butter", same goes for you, if in the area, let me know, I can usually bring a guest for free once or twice a month.....but don't bring your joint smoking lifting buddy.......the second hand smoke would give us the munchies. Man...that's crazy!
  20. aroundhky

    Calorie intake @ 1 year post op

    I'm 17+ months out and could probably eat 2000 cals a day, but I'm usually around 1500, give or take 200. I do try to get a few more cals (protein and complex carbs) the days I lift weights, which is about 5 times a week. The other days I'm less than 1500. But again, if I wanted, I could get in 2000 or more in a day. My restriction is no where near what it was a few months after surgery, but still better than before surgery.
  21. aroundhky

    How soon to start lifting heavy again

    "BryJohn".....if you are used to working out before surgery like myself, you'll find the first couple of months post-op very frustrating. With that said, try not to get too discouraged like I did. I saw my strength and muscles nearly waste away before my eyes for the first 1-2 months post op. Right after surgery, I made sure to walk, walk and walk some more. Though this didn't really help preserve any muscle/strength, it did help me get back to the gym sooner than I otherwise would have. Everyone is different and has different Dr requirements. I started back at the gym slightly sooner than my Dr recommended. I went to the gym somewhere around 3-4 weeks post op (Dr suggested 6 weeks), but I went EXTREMELY light. Such as just getting the movements from my lifts in without any weight that I could really feel. Ex: Deadlifts.....I just used the barbell, practiced my technique/form and did those really light lifts for about 2 weeks. Then added a slight amount of weight each week, until around 5 months post-op, then I was back to pretty much my old max lifts. Again, everyone is different, just make sure to ease back into it really slow, and maybe even absurdly slow, and you'll be fine.....don't want any injuries to make the recovery slower than it already is. Then just make sure you get in the proper nutrition that allows you to get the most out of those workouts and keep your end goals in mind. Good luck!
  22. 6'-3" here and..... Pre-op highest................./...320 ish Day I started pre-op diet......292 Day of surgery.....................276 Post-op so far........................226 For the most part, people on here are very helpful, so just give a shout out and there are usually people more than willing to help, give advice or just listen to us rant. Good luck!
  23. aroundhky

    So Weak!

    Building up to being active after surgery is a really slow and frustrating process. I just did the walking for about the first 3 weeks or so. Doing anything more than that is really taxing on your body if you are not getting the minimum nutrition (protein) in, which most of us still are not at a month or less post-op. Hang in there, get in your protein (and water) and slowly build up your activity level and at 2-4 months out you should be fine and able to try whatever you'd like.

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