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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    sex after surgery

    Well how you dooooooin'......?
  2. aroundhky

    sex after surgery

    You go!! Did your Dr tell you to wait 3 weeks? Mine said nothing too crazy at first and said to go for it if I felt ok. As long as you take it a little easy and let him do most of the work, you should be fine.
  3. aroundhky


    The first year or so post op, I got a runny nose
  4. aroundhky

    Building muscle!

    Way to go BigCountry! Keep at it man!
  5. aroundhky

    Who can eat everything?

    I have zero problems with food and could eat anything. But I can't tolerate any carbonated drinks.....so I stay away from them.
  6. aroundhky

    40 Fit and Fabulous Photo Shoot

    Looking good chica!
  7. We can't really paint everyone with the same brush saying that this will automatically do that or it will automatically cause this to occur. It seems we are often genetically different in the way our bodies respond to certain stimuli/stresses. Just my guess....I'm not a professional. I think the key is trying different things, be in tuned with how your body reacts and go from there. Also, we don't all have the same goals, so that is yet another variable. For me, if I consistently run long distances (a few miles for 3-5 times a week), my body does not respond well muscle/strength-wise. But if I limit cardio to no more than twice a week for 30 minutes or less, I don't really see any negative side effects for me in the weight room, yet I still get some cardio benefit. Someone else may be able to run every day and not see any muscle/strength loss. But on the other end of the spectrum, another person may just simply look at a pair of running shoes and feel their muscles run away in sheer horror from the sight of anything to do with running. That's probably a reach, but the point is that some people would barely do any cardio and have negative strength effects from it. For me, I fall somewhere in between and my cardio is just an auxiliary exercise for me, but also one that I don't want to give up completely.
  8. aroundhky

    Can you get to much Protein?

    I don't see where it's all that possible with the sleeve, but I could be wrong. One thing to keep in mind though, tons of protein for several days without fiber can be a bad thing if you know what I mean. Like needing to practice breathing techniques when trying to pass a #2. I did that once and it was like giving birth to a bowling ball.......not pleasant.
  9. aroundhky

    Energy to work out..

    Not sure if it applies in your case, but when your central nervous system is taxed from overtraining, it can give you similar symptoms. Also, have you had your blood work checked recently to make sure you're not deficient in any minerals/vitamins?
  10. aroundhky

    Chicagoland Weightlifting Partner

    We should have a section for something like this. I could use a new weightlifting partner in western NC myself. Or do we already have an "exercise hookup" section on this site somewhere....??
  11. aroundhky

    I did Category 2 and a Deep Thoughts Question?!

    It's vaporized! I think I'm going to go "vaporize" some fat today on my lunch break!
  12. Yes! Not that it was a problem or trying to get you to change it, just bustin' your chops.
  13. For me, it's the computer
  14. "Leeann".........you have an amazingly small font! Makes me feel old and want to run out to buy some bifocals.
  15. aroundhky

    Building Muscle

    Looking strong man.....keep it up!!
  16. aroundhky

    Gym 2 weeks post op

    Mine said about 4-6 weeks post-op.......but that didn't work for me. Just make sure that when you do start back to the gym to ease into it, your body has already changed a lot and it will take time to adjust.....don't want any injuries.
  17. aroundhky

    Daily workout.

    What kind of workout or what are your goals? Cardio, endurance, muscle/strength, agility/athletic based?
  18. aroundhky

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome Ted! Always good to have more guys on the site....even if you are a Saints fan. The people on here are really helpful and a very good resource. Good luck with your surgery next month and I'm sure you'll be glad you had this done!
  19. aroundhky

    Warrior Dash

    Oh ok, guess they do them at several locations each weekend. Uphill.....ugh. Ours went up and down hills rather equally I think. I tried it for the first time last year and I'm hooked and will have to do it every year now. And this coming from a non-runner and someone that doesn't particularly enjoy running.....but I love the Warrior Dash! Congrats and I'm guessing you'll go again next year!
  20. I don't know of anyone else that does this......but I'll eat the Quaker non-instant whole oats raw (uncooked and without liquid). There's not a lot of taste (quite bland) and they are a little dry, but I actually like them this way. I just chew on them slowly as a snack and about half a teaspoon at a time. I have a chewing/oral fixation at times and this really satisfies it without the sugar of instant and without the liquid with my food. I know it's weird and is dry, but I use it more for something to chew on and it's a healthy, slow digesting carb for my post workout snack.
  21. aroundhky

    Warrior Dash

    "Eazye".....congrats!! I ran the Warrior Dash this past weekend as well. Are you in NC? That mud pit at the end was brutal, but I had a blast!
  22. Ok, I was just trying to get a feel for your situation since you posted on here and thought you were wanting some honest feedback. But if you've already been sleeved, I suppose it's a moot point. If you lose a good bit of weight from the sleeve, you probably were taking in too many calories. If you don't lose weight, it's probably a metabolic issue. Or if you lose just a little weight, I'm guessing it could be some of both. No judging here or lecturing, just trying to get a grasp on your situation. I wish you the best of luck!
  23. Did you consider the lack of metabolic improvement from the sleeve before getting sleeved? Did anyone discuss with you the fact that getting sleeved doesn't really help your metabolism?
  24. I'm not sure the sleeve would work or be a helpful tool for someone who already eats very little and just has a slow metabolism. In that case, apparently restriction/calorie control, which the sleeve helps to provide, would not be your answer. If you already have limited calories, getting a sleeve will not help and if it's truly just a metabolic issue, perhaps a thyroid evaluation is in order.
  25. aroundhky

    Pull ups... what is a realistic time line?

    Yep, the assist machines are what I used when I first started back lifting and trying to improve my pullups. Helped me a lot!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
