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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky


    Congrats! Looking good!
  2. Ok...............it is I. I did it! I'm the one "Pookey" is talking about.....I'm busted. You caught me! Just kidding! Seriously, I'm not sure why people can't just be happy for other people's success or triumphs. Sounds like this person is trying to make herself feel better by putting down others? If that's the case, I think maybe overeating should've been the least of her worries. Perhaps some counseling or therapy is in order to help her figure out why she's a hater.
  3. Not sure I've seen this post before. I'm not to goal and not sure I'll make it, but here's mine........
  4. I've reached all of my pre-surgery goals that I really wanted to reach. The key word being "I" or even "my" goals. I wanted to get off of my medications, which I have since surgery. I wanted to feel better and not ache as much with increased energy, which I have. And I wanted to improve my body composition (lose a lot of fat, add/retain muscle), which I have also been able to do with help from the sleeve. The only goal at all that I haven't reached is my goal weight. I knew before surgery there was really no way to intelligently and realistically know what weight I would be happy with. There are just way too many factors to include to really know which number on a scale I would be happy with. Since the earlier goals mentioned were my priorities before surgery, I'm really fairly happy with where I am now. Before surgery, my Nut and Dr forced my hand on a goal weight, even though I knew it was just a number and I really had no idea what weight I wanted to be. Sure, I knew it would be somewhere in the low 200's since I'm fairly tall (6'-3") and with my strength goals, I know I would probably ideally end up with a good bit of muscle on my frame, which would limit progress on a scale. So when they (Dr/Nut) forced my hand before surgery over a year and a half ago, I told them 215 pounds, at the time I was at 300. I am still 9-10 pounds from that goal and like I said, I'm not really worried about it. But I also know that fitness and nutrition have to be kept interesting and meals, workout routines, etc have to be changed up sometimes to keep it all interesting and avoid burnout. So to get a little more motivated to do something and keep it interesting, I think I may actually focus on just the weight issue for the summer to see if I can get to my goal of 215. If/when I'm able to get there, I'm sure I'll settle back in around the 220-225 range because that's where I feel comfortable, strong and healthy. Since I've laid out a little background, I'm just wondering if anyone else has been really slow to goal weight or reached it well after surgery (year to 2 years post op)? If so, what were the keys to getting those last few pounds off so late after surgery? I really don't want to lose much, if any muscle, but I'm sure I can find a good 10 pounds of fat to lose, so that's my hope in all of this. My early plan is to cut out all sugar and simple carbs for the summer and even be careful with my complex carbs as well. Planning to cut my cals by 200-400 per day. I'm usually a 5-6 days lifting, 1-2 days cardio a week kind of guy, but I'm thinking about making more of a 3/3 ratio and lifting one day, and cardio the next. I really have no idea, but I think I will start with this and see what kind of progress, if any, I make the next few weeks. I do know that I still need to lift some and get in enough Protein to maintain muscle/strength. Just not sure what other ways I can get rid of those last few pounds of fat.......
  5. aroundhky

    Sit ups

    I started doing core work about 2-3 weeks after surgery, but since that's the area where they cut to do your sleeve, you'll want to be patient and careful getting back into it. Generally, once you're 6-8 weeks post op, you're fine to do all the core work as often and as intensely as you want.
  6. aroundhky

    Sit ups

    Sit ups, crunches, planks etc are good exercises to do, but it's true, they will not cause you to have a trim waist. If anything, working them intensely and hard can actually make your waist bigger, if not combined with fat loss. Bigger abs and obliques can also be a good thing if you have saggy skin or can help prevent or reduce saggy skin after weight loss by filling in the space where the fat has vacated. I know when I was 315+ pounds, I did some cruches and many compound movements that used my core, and my torso and waist would actually get bigger. I still ate tons on food at that point. Our fat is stored on top of our abs and we could really have ripped strong abs, but unless we reduce the fat on top of it, they just will not show and if the abs grow, they'll just push the fat out even further. I always say that "my abs are ripped! underneath all of my fat".
  7. aroundhky

    PicsArt 1371489460985

    Awesome! Way to go man!
  8. aroundhky


    Is he really worth keeping around now? I hope it works out, but that stuff tends to be a deal breaker and seems like it would be a constant worry as to if he will do it again one day.
  9. I've reached all of my pre-surgery goals that I really wanted to reach. The key word being "I" or even "my" goals. I wanted to get off of my medications, which I have since surgery. I wanted to feel better and not ache as much with increased energy, which I have. And I wanted to improve my body composition (lose a lot of fat, add/retain muscle), which I have also been able to do with help from the sleeve. The only goal at all that I haven't reached is my goal weight. I knew before surgery there was really no way to intelligently and realistically know what weight I would be happy with. There are just way too many factors to include to really know which number on a scale I would be happy with. Since the earlier goals mentioned were my priorities before surgery, I'm really fairly happy with where I am now. Before surgery, my Nut and Dr forced my hand on a goal weight, even though I knew it was just a number and I really had no idea what weight I wanted to be. Sure, I knew it would be somewhere in the low 200's since I'm fairly tall (6'-3") and with my strength goals, I know I would probably ideally end up with a good bit of muscle on my frame, which would limit progress on a scale. So when they (Dr/Nut) forced my hand before surgery over a year and a half ago, I told them 215 pounds, at the time I was at 300. I am still 9-10 pounds from that goal and like I said, I'm not really worried about it. But I also know that fitness and nutrition have to be kept interesting and meals, workout routines, etc have to be changed up sometimes to keep it all interesting and avoid burnout. So to get a little more motivated to do something and keep it interesting, I think I may actually focus on just the weight issue for the summer to see if I can get to my goal of 215. If/when I'm able to get there, I'm sure I'll settle back in around the 220-225 range because that's where I feel comfortable, strong and healthy. Since I've laid out a little background, I'm just wondering if anyone else has been really slow to goal weight or reached it well after surgery (year to 2 years post op)? If so, what were the keys to getting those last few pounds off so late after surgery? I really don't want to lose much, if any muscle, but I'm sure I can find a good 10 pounds of fat to lose, so that's my hope in all of this. My early plan is to cut out all sugar and simple carbs for the summer and even be careful with my complex carbs as well. I'm usually a 5-6 days lifting, 1-2 days cardio a week kind of guy, but I'm thinking about making more of a 3/3 ratio and lifting one day, and cardio the next. I really have no idea, but I think I will start with this and see what kind of progress, if any, I make the next few weeks. I do know that I still need to lift some and get in enough Protein to maintain muscle/strength. Just not sure what other ways I can get rid of those last few pounds of fat....... Sorry for the long post, but I'm just trying a little something different and wanted to focus on this goal weight thing for a change and see if I can make it. Any suggestions out there for people with similar experiences? Thanks!
  10. Thanks "Maharet"! I'm just passing along info that other helpful people were considerate enough to pass along to me in the past. So I'm very thankful to them! I certainly hope it's accurate and applicable for others as it has been for me.
  11. Well put Fiddleman! You've really done your homework the past few months and you're really well-informed! Getting where you want to be starts with informing yourself and setting some realistic goals in phases. "Dansgem"......remember, in the weight room, it's a little more towards quality than quantity. Like Fiddleman said, it's really about focus and intensity, though there are some benefits in regards to "time under tension" as far as lifting, especially early on if you've not lifted before. But as you progress, having really good focus and intensity (with supporting nutrition), will get you to where you want to be. Don't forget to go really light early on, learn proper technique and form and then you'll progress and hopefully stay injury free. Good luck!
  12. aroundhky

    New here!

    Welcome! North Carolina here as well.....Hickory/Statesville area. I had my surgery with Dr. Cook at Frye Hosp in Hickory.
  13. aroundhky

    Any BCBS North Carolina

    North Carolina BC/BS here. Sorry I'm seeing this post so late. Did you already get the sleeve done?
  14. aroundhky

    40 Fit and Fabulous Photo Shoot

    Yep and feel free to add all of the sweaty pics you want! ; )
  15. aroundhky

    In serious need

    It would be awesome to take R. Lee Ermey to the gym with me one day for a little added motivation!
  16. aroundhky

    Daily workout.

    "Smockie".....I get by with walking a lot, brief running (20-30 mins twice a week) and resistance training about 5-6 times a week. Although the muscle/strength issue starts in the weight room, it's important to get the most out of your hard work there by eating enough protein and well-timed complex carbs after those intense lifting sessions. Good luck and keep us posted!
  17. Heading in the right direction.....keep it up man!
  18. aroundhky

    In serious need

    Ruthie............sorry, I'm too late
  19. aroundhky

    In serious need

    Get off your crapper hole and get moving! "You little scumbag! I've got your name! I've got your ass! You will not laugh! You will not cry!" ----- borrowed from Full Metal Jacket
  20. Still working on my goal weight here....still inching closer to it....at about 1/2 a pound a month. But better than putting on half a pound a month.
  21. Have you spoken with your Nut about this? I take a multi with added iron, but the Nut said I could do this and in pill form since a week or two after surgery. It seems to be working for me. But perhaps your Nut or Dr knows something else and they know your particular situation, so I would consult with them about this.
  22. aroundhky

    sex after surgery

    Haha! I hear ya!
  23. aroundhky


  24. aroundhky

    what to eat before working out?

    I usually don't eat anything before a workout. Some people may need something in their stomach before exercise, but I've noticed my workouts are better on an empty stomach. Not necessarily in a fasted state, just an empty stomach. If I eat something significant within 2 hours of my workout, I feel sluggish and sleepy. Ex: I get up in the morning and have a protein shake followed by some raw rolled oats about 15-20 minutes later around 7ish am. Then I go to work, lift at lunch (noon) and eat right after my workout at my desk. Now if I do cardio, I may eat a little closer to my workout, but still no less than 2 hours prior to the cardio. I would suggest trying a few things and see what works best for you. Trial and error has worked for me as long as I'm tuned into what my body is trying to tell me. Sometimes I slip up and tune it out.........and pay for it.

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