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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    Sushi made with quinoa

    The quinoa I'll pretty much eat with anything, it's a good carb and also has protein. Now the sushi part...... that's not how I roll.
  2. aroundhky

    Why diesnt my butt hurt!?

    Here's a good link explaining it a lot better than I did. Starting around 0:40 to 1:40 or so.....
  3. aroundhky

    Why diesnt my butt hurt!?

    Just from my experience, I've noticed that I really only get DOMS in my glutes when I go really deep on my squats. Squats (especially the early movement towards parallel with the floor) are mostly using the quads. To really hit the glutes (butt), I have to go extra deep on my squats, that's when your body has to start using glutes, as well as hamstrings, to get you back to parallel with the floor so that your quads can take back over to get you back to standing again. So basically from the squat stance to your thighs being parallel with the floor....it's using mostly quads, then the lower you go (past parallel with the floor), the more your glutes and hamstrings work. You can probably also do this with the leg press machine if you don't feel comfortable squating that low, but be careful with the leg press and going low, it can injure your back if you don't keep it flat on the machine.
  4. Very good point "Escape"! A lot of the weight (not all) associated with carb intake is Water. I think that's where the "hydro" comes in on the word carbohyrate. From what I've read, cutting down carbs for a few days will help one lose weight, but the initial weight loss will be more water than fat. Then fat loss will come a little later on the low carb eating, and that loss will be a lot slower than the water loss.
  5. aroundhky

    New to the site!

    Welcome "stacechase'! Good luck with all of the appointments, I hope they, and the surgery goes well for you!
  6. aroundhky

    Let's SEE pics!

    Looking strong "kingox"! Way to go!
  7. aroundhky

    Pro Wrestling?

    I haven't. The closest I've come to that is my weekly Muay Thai. I say go for it and give us some updates.....sounds very interesting!
  8. aroundhky

    8 months out before & after pics

    Awesome!!! Looking fantastic!!! Way to go "buckeye"!
  9. aroundhky

    Let's SEE pics!

    Hey Michelle! Was that Bret Michaels???? You're looking good!
  10. aroundhky

    Fun strength training ideas?

    Have you tried flipping tires? Actually since you really enjoy cardio, adding a steep incline can add in an element of resistance training to your cardio routine or maybe add some weights to your body while running/walking.
  11. aroundhky

    Mediterranean Quinoa Salad

    Sounds good! Love me some chicken, olive oil and quinoa! I'll have to try it, thanks!
  12. aroundhky


    I would just go with what your Dr says. Hope that's not too long and you can get in the pool soon!
  13. aroundhky


    Now it's a party!
  14. aroundhky

    Lets Talk Flabby/Saggy Skin!

    Relative to most sleevers, 100 pounds isn't all that much overweight. And given the fact that you are still young, you can definately get there and I'm guessing it's very realistic! I've gotten this question a few times lately. There is only so much information I know about a person on here and given my limited knowledge on the subject, I can't say without a doubt and can only let someone know what works for me. I think patience is key to skin bouncing back. Also lifting weights and drinking plenty of Water can benefit some. I say decide on a program to get to where you want to be, have that plan and stick with it and be patient.....it will probably pay off for you. Good luck bud!
  15. aroundhky

    10 months out, 143 lbs, 75 lbs down

    Yeah..........that's it! Looking good! Congrats!
  16. aroundhky

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    Always enjoyed lifting and since the sleeve, I almost can't live without lifting, as my day just doesn't feel complete if I haven't engaged in some type of intense resistance training. I feel very fortunate to be able to enjoy exercise, as I know many people do not like it or even hate it. With that said, I often try to see the positives in anything and focus on that. Not that there are no negatives, I just think it helps me to have a positive approach and outlook. The positives I get from exercise are: 1) I know it will make me healthier, 2) love the feeling/hormone rush I get from an intense lifting session (maybe that's just a guy thing), 3) it gets me out of this crazy office for an hour and 4) it helps (some) with my physique. Perhaps a reason I like it even better than I did pre-op has something to do with the words....."crossover" and "addiction".
  17. aroundhky

    finally get to post in the vets forum (pics)

    You're fine "Tink", don't worry about it and congrats!
  18. aroundhky

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    Looking good "CLK"!!!
  19. aroundhky

    lose fat, not your muscle!

    Yeah, that seems to be a bit of a controversy at times. I think some people.....ectomorphs.......can and almost have to eat this way (dirty), to put on mass. Maybe that's kind of what he (author) was referring to, but he needs to realize that not all people are ectomorphs, in fact most are not. I knew guys like this in high school.....they lifted a lot, skinny as a rail and until they pretty much ate everything in sight, they couldn't get bigger/stronger. Even when they ate everything and anything, they still had trouble gaining weight because their metabolisms were so revved up and/or they were very active. Those kind of people frustrate me, but it's not their fault I suppose. Anyway, I think people that are like this are typically young (teens to maybe early 20s) and are setting themselves up for weight gain down the road when their metabolism slows and they are used to those bad eating habits.
  20. aroundhky

    Seriously? Does everyone exercise?

    Welcome back bud!
  21. aroundhky

    lose fat, not your muscle!

    Amen!! I'm glad someone wrote a good article about how "fat loss" and "weight loss" are two separate things. I can pass on working out for a month, keep about the same maintenance calories, but still lose weight, but that weight will be almost all muscle. My body would think that I don't need it anymore and it would eventually go away. Ex: I've pretty much always lifted weights since about my junior year of high school. A couple of years ago I tore my bicep and it had to be surgically reattached. After the surgery, I had to be in a cast for a month and a half while the muscle grafted and healed back to my forearm bone. During this month and a half, I just sat around and did basically nothing. No lifting, no housework, no yard work, not even walking. I embraced it as a vacation and I vacationed with abandon. This was before sleeve, so I ate anything and everything I wanted in addition to not being physically active for a month and a half. A couple days after my cast was removed, I went back to the gym to do some lower body work. While I was there I weighed myself and I had lost 11 pounds while sitting around doing nothing and eating like a pig for over a month. That weight I lost was all muscle. So weight loss isn't always the perfect thing. I'm sure I gained fat during this time, but I lost more weight in muscle than I gained in fat.....to the tune of around 11 pounds. Great article that clarifies and sheds some light on the subject of "weight loss". Thanks!
  22. aroundhky

    The 3 Complaints I Can't Stand.

    Time for a group hug!!!
  23. aroundhky


    Thanks, I took a couple of weeks off from lifting right before my 1 year weigh in....helped me lose about 3-4 pounds. : P Went to 1 year weigh in and then hit the gym again!
  24. aroundhky

    Recovery after workouts

    Sounds like that's a good approach. I love me some dips and pullups! Good luck!
  25. aroundhky

    Recovery after workouts

    Yes, you may be over doing it. Sounds like a good bit of work....would hate for you to burn yourself out and give up. Would you consider scaling back just a little? P90X will pretty much kick anyone's butt and is really tough....that kind of intensity really needs to be added gradually and in increments. Basically slowly working yourself up to something like that would help with recovery between exercise. Also, I've never heard of not counting liquid Protein (shakes) into water intake. I always have. If I mix whey with 10 ounces of water, I count that water. Now I have heard it with caffeine based drinks since they can act as a diuretic and cancel out some of the water taken with them causing one to need to consume extra water. Anyone else heard of not counting fluid from Protein shakes? BPN....regardless, I'm guessing you're getting in plenty of fluid if you're not counting fluid with shakes.

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