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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. If it's for skin issues, I think what has helped me (along with patience), is resistance (weightlifting) work. Perhaps concentrating on the areas you think you may have a problem with loose skin.....tummy, arms, chest, etc. I was a little worried about a sagging tummy when I got my sleeve, so I did lots of core and oblique exercises like sit ups, planks, deadlifts, etc. It has built up muscle in my torso and has filled in SOME of where I would have had loose skin. Now I'm concentrating on my chest in addition to all of the other lifts I had already been doing. But there's probably only so much that lifting can do to help with possible loose skin. Also patience/time (I'm over a year and a half post op) and many other factors/variables that determine loose skin issues. In fact, I have a link posted on my profile about skin issues....it's simple, yet informative.
  2. I'm no expert, but I had the same general goal after surgery. What are your specific goals?
  3. aroundhky

    More Definition

    Great job!
  4. aroundhky


    Looking good......very sexy!
  5. aroundhky

    pre-workout supplements

    I don't really use a pre-workout, but I have tried one. It was the Jack3d about a year ago or so. I'm not sure I really need it, I like lifting on an empty stomach (2-3 hours after a protein shake), and that's enough for me. I gave the Jack3d to a friend after trying it a couple of times. I felt a little sick from it and jittery, so I just stick with a protein shake a few hours before and make sure it's out of my stomach by the time I lift. Everyone reacts differently.....I think my issue is just my weird stomach.
  6. aroundhky

    Excess Skin?

    I worked out before surgery....probably 3-4 times a week. But I've stepped it up even more since surgery......now 5-6 times a week. I still think my body needs a rest day every week, so I try not to go more than 6 times a week. I do think exercise has played a key role in my lack of saggy skin.
  7. aroundhky

    Excess Skin?

    So many variables involved: genetics, starting or highest BMI compared to amount of weight lost, age, diet/water, amount of resistance training, time passed since weight loss, gender, etc. I get asked this fairly often. I've had very little if any sagging skin issues and I can only speak for myself. What works for me may not work for others as our situations may differ. I get plenty of water, lift a lot of weights (especially for my core) and it's also been close to a hear and a half since I lost the bulk of my weight. I really think time has helped me and the weight lifting....those are the two main factors for me. Plus, I've not lost as much weight as the typical sleever. Hope this helps....
  8. aroundhky

    Always being a 'big guy'

    Yep! I've heard the term...."Sasquatch" a few times.
  9. aroundhky

    Taking 18+ months to reach goal

    "Goal" is relative and is dependent on the individual. I'm assuming you are referring to goal weight. I had many goals, one of which was goal weight but probably my #3 or #4 goal after getting off of my meds, feeling better, etc. I'm a little over 18 months and still not at goal weight. I'm not overly worried about it, but I'm still wanting to get there. It's the last goal left for me to accomplish from this surgery. Main thing is and something to consider.......is overall health. But I understand that the number on the scale can often be symbolic of the other goals reached. Just maybe try not to obsess too much over the number on the scale and try not to beat yourself up (or let your Dr) beat you up if you don't make your goal weight.
  10. aroundhky

    Muscle gaining question - help!

    When I look at what I've eaten sometimes.....I'll find a lot of hidden salt in my diet.....mozerella, sauces/spices, deli meats, beef jerky, etc. Though I don't really want to be bloated, by biggest concern is my blood pressue, so I'll try to catch myself and cut back if I see too much salt creeping into my diet. I don't know a lot about the bodybuilding aspect and contest stuff, but just make sure you're being healthy and not harming yourself or dehydrating too much. I've heard tells of some of those dudes doing some real drastic stuff....so just be careful and stay buff my friend!
  11. aroundhky

    Muscle gaining question - help!

    Fiddle.....this was back in December and I was "carbing" quite a bit here as well as taking creatine then and not watching my salt intake all that much.....I definitely look more bloated here than I do currently. I was also probably 5-6 pounds heavier then as well...perhaps some water AND fat.
  12. aroundhky

    Muscle gaining question - help!

    What up Fiddle!! Sorry, I hadn't been on the site for a few days. Anyway, going back to your original post about definition...what do you mean by that? Less muscle "tone/vascularity"? If so, how is your salt intake? I've noticed that when I reduce my salt......I can really see the "striations" in my shoulders and my arms and even legs get all veiny. In contrast, if I've consumed a high amount of salt....I'll get a little on the bloated side. Not sure if this is what you're referring to. Mark has a good point on those carbs and those are tied to Water as well.......carboHYDRATE....stressing the "hydro" part of it. Honestly, I don't think you can lose muscle that fast without crash dieting for several days.....so my guess is it could be a water/salt issue. Great on those big compound lifts....they'll really help. Just be patient......Rome wasn't built in a day. Stick to it and you'll be glad you did. I think you're on the right path with eating frequently for muscle gain. For me, I'll have plenty of protein in all of my small, fequent meals with some complex, slow digesting carbs. It looks like you have a good approach both with your lifting and nutrition.....hang in there!
  13. aroundhky

    40 Fit and Fabulous Photo Shoot

    Shhhhh.....deep thoughts in progress You're looking good sweetheart!
  14. aroundhky

    Abs, excess skin and body fat %

    Here ya go Fiddle....... http://movies.yahoo.com/news/hugh-jackman-talks-getting-bodybuilding-advice-dwayne-johnson-213759507.html
  15. Not sure...where exactly is that county? I'm in the Hickory/Statesville area.....
  16. aroundhky

    Gym etiquette.....is it just me......

    He actually caught me on a good day, most days I would not have been so diplomatic.....especially in my younger/angry years.
  17. aroundhky

    Work out attire

    I wear compression shorts under my gym shorts as well. Certainly no "commando" here, well not while at the gym anyway.
  18. I can't speak for others on here, but I didn't feel judged at all. Even by the lady at the check in desk the day of surgery, and I've had experiences with them being a little crabby in the past. Everyone that I had contact with at the hospital was very supportive and happy for me. Not sure if other hospitals are as friendly, but my staff was.
  19. Good job bud, keep up the good work!
  20. aroundhky

    Gym etiquette.....is it just me......

    I hear ya "Minky" on people leaving barbells and machines loaded with plates! Drives me mad thinking of how some people think the world revolves around them. Someone left the machines empty for them to use, but they can't do the same and put their weights back up for the next person. Like their momma is around there to clean up after their lazy slob-like selves! On the sizing up thing.....I guess when someone advances at me with some aggressive tone....I have no choice. It's a crazy guy self defense thing I suppose.
  21. aroundhky

    Anyone from NC?

    NC here.....Hickory area
  22. aroundhky

    Gym etiquette.....is it just me......

    Try not to let those people determine whether you work out or not. Those kind of people don't mean anything to you, so I wouldn't even worry about what they might be thinking......who gives a rip! From my experience, most gyms are not like that. I do hope you still try exercising and not let those rude people determine your fitness future. Hang in there!
  23. aroundhky

    Gym etiquette.....is it just me......

    Thanks for all of the feedback everyone! Sorry if I made it sound like it was a lady wanting to hog the dumbbells. From my experience, it seems that guys are usually more rude in the gym. I get it.....I'm a guy.......so it's kind of natural to want to me macho and such......but being rude or a prick is not called for. It took all the patience I had not make a deal of it like he was trying to do.
  24. aroundhky

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Western NC here............I think
  25. aroundhky

    Abs, excess skin and body fat %

    If you do....you'll probably be as famous as Hugh Jackman. That dude is impressive!

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