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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Fiddle................. when you get a chance, can you message me what your weekly lifting routine is and also an example of your typcial meals for a day (on days you lift)?
  2. Thanks and probably VERY few want to see such things....... Yes, things really slow down several months after the sleeve....but it doesn't mean the weight loss has to stop entirely. With me 1/2 pound loss a month was better than say a 2 pound gain. . You can do it!
  3. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Thanks Curvy/Fiddle! Not going to lie, I am able to put on muscle (and lose it quickly with big cal deficit and cardio), but I also hit the weights pretty hard, with the exception of cutting back slightly the past two months. I also try and eat to support the lifting. I eat a lot smarter to get the most from my lifting. Before surgery, I lifted, and just ate everything in sight.....and crappy foods. Wish I knew then what I know now about nutrition....and even lifting some as well. I have some good genes and bad genes (early baldness and family heart/blood pressure history), but I guess you just play with the hand you're dealt. Fiddle.....hang in there.....work hard, eat right and be patient.......you'll get there bud.
  4. aroundhky


    Haha Curvy.......touche
  5. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Looking great!!!! Except for the Phillies shirt of course......
  6. aroundhky

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    Haha!! It's your quick and extensive wit that contributes to your one liner ability! Very impressive!!
  7. Is this a trick question???? As far as "tossing" it.............. Let's just keep calm here and be cool. Deep breath.......don't want to do anything too hasty.
  8. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Thanks Butter, but I've been skimping on the "mofo" attempts lately, but hoping to regroup soon and see if I can make another run at the "mofo mojo" and "get my strength on"!
  9. aroundhky

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    I like the way you think!!
  10. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Thanks "tally"! Don't think anyone would say that about the "before" picture.....haha!
  11. aroundhky

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    Congrats Lovetennis! You're right, there's more to finding the weight you want than seeing or thinking of a number on a scale. I think that's why I've been so slow to lose.....wasn't motivating enough for me.
  12. aroundhky

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    You're too funny! Then you probably could've found some "edited" front page photos on the local newspaper with headlines that read........"Local man arrested for indecent exposure at local gym....." Naked and cuffed!!
  13. Update........ FINALLY!!!! Felt like I had to starve myself the past two months to make a push for goal weight...........but I finally made it (21 and a half months after my sleeve). I'm a little weaker since I've not lifted weights quite as often, upped my cardio and cut calories/carbs. So I'm going to get back to my normal routine of lifting more, a little less cardio and up my cals and carbs slightly and eventually settle back into the low to mid 220's. On the sliding type scale......it finally balanced just under 215 1/2 and closer to 215 1/4......so I'm rounding down and calling that my goal weight of 215. If I stripped all the way down I think I would have lost half a pound of clothes. I had to get down to my shorts and socks to get the 215 1/4. Since I was at the gym and the scale is located by the water fountain.....I couldn't strip any further. :wub:
  14. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Update........ FINALLY!!!! Felt like I had to starve myself the past two months to make a push for goal weight...........but I finally made it (21 and a half months after my sleeve). I'm a little weaker since I've not lifted weights quite as often, upped my cardio and cut calories/carbs. So I'm going to get back to my normal routine of lifted more, a little less cardio and up my cals and carbs slightly and eventually settle back into the low to mid 220's. On the sliding type scale......it finally balanced just under 215 1/2 and closer to 215 1/4......so I'm rounding down and calling that my goal weight of 215. If I stripped all the way down I think I would have lost half a pound of clothes. I had to get down to my shorts and socks to get the 215 1/4. Since I was at the gym and the scale is located by the Water fountain.....I couldn't strip any further. :wub: Before After......
  15. aroundhky

    Low Bmi'ers...how Long To Goal?

    Update........ FINALLY!!!! Felt like I had to starve myself the past two months to make a push for goal weight...........but I finally made it (21 and a half months after my sleeve). I'm a little weaker since I've not lifted weights quite as often, upped my cardio and cut calories/carbs. So I'm going to get back to my normal routine of lifted more, a little less cardio and up my cals and carbs slightly and eventually settle back into the low to mid 220's. On the sliding type scale......it finally balanced just under 215 1/2 and closer to 215 1/4......so I'm rounding down and calling that my goal weight of 215. If I stripped all the way down I think I would have lost half a pound of clothes. I had to get down to my shorts and socks to get the 215 1/4. Since I was at the gym and the scale is located by the Water fountain.....I couldn't strip any further. :wub:
  16. aroundhky

    How to build muscle postop

    Of course. It's a good protein!
  17. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    I would go for the Porsche as well instead of that other stuff......good choice!
  18. aroundhky

    Peanut butter?

    I appreciate that! I'll take Peanut Butter anytime......do accept COD? Maybe I will ask around and find someone who has one.
  19. aroundhky

    Peanut butter?

    I don't have a Costco membership......perhaps I should get one. Been meaning to for a couple of years.
  20. aroundhky

    What is your workout routine?

    Here's a similar link that was started recently that may be a good resource as well.... http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/91070-fitness-plan-ideas/ I am about 21 months post op and my routine is in that link towards the end I think.
  21. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    Laura......word on the street is that you show up to the gym in 80's style, color coordinated designer clothes with matching bling bling, makeup and hair spray.
  22. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    Yep......that's a lack of consideration for others.....makes it hard for me to breathe.
  23. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    Thanks SueJersey! Though I support their right to look artificial and stupid if they choose.......I have my own right to be grossed out by the excessive tanning and makeup. Natural looks better to me....but maybe that's just me. I get that people may want to get a "base tan" or whatever you call it. But I think that so many people don't understand the concept of moderation in regards to their looks....tan, makeup, hair color, etc. My personal preference is certainly NOT for the fake blonde, overly tanned female creatures that walk this earth with little dogs in their purse. And why they show up at the gym that way...........I have no clue. Though I haven't actually seen one bring their dog to the gym............but I'm sure it's coming.
  24. It's hard for me to think that you've damaged something as a result of the surgery that far out. If there's damage, it may just be from doing something that you've not done before or dove in without easing into it....? If so, sounds like that would've happen pre or post surgery and not caused by the surgery. I'm really hoping it's just sore abs. I'm guessing there was a lot of core work involved with this and I'm guessing i'st just soreness. Is there any intense shooting pain involved? If it doesn't go away in 3 or 4 days, it could be some damage instead of soreness. I wish you the best with it and keep us updated!

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