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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    Mark!.....you seem angry.....you ok man?
  2. aroundhky

    Not at goal one year out

    I just recently (21 months post-op) made my goal weight....so hang in there. Looks like you are exercising a good bit, so perhaps you've added some muscle? That often happens when lifting or exercising a lot and was the case for me as well. If you are putting on muscle, you're still probably losing some fat as well, which will not show up on the scale all that much. But your body composition would be better. The other thing is...what's your BMI? I don't see it listed. Not that I'm a big proponent of those charts, just wondering if you are close to the BMI that is considered "healthy", or do you think you're goal weight may be too low?
  3. aroundhky


    I say whatever method of motivation that you can find to exercise.....go for it. As long as it doesn't hurt you....or someone else .....I say there's really no wrong motivation or type of exercise. Try to embrace the actual workout session if you can, then the longer term fitness/physique benefits will come a little later. If it's outdoor exercise, maybe it's the quiet part of walking (if on a trail) or the weather that you enjoy. I know for me doing cardio, I like the nice cool or sunny weather and also enjoy running in the rain (if it's on pavement and no lightening around). I'll come back indoors afterward, dry off and feel somewhat invigorated and refreshed. If it's at the gym, maybe try to embrace the music there or on your ipod or whatever. For me.....it's the "de-stressing" and hormone rush I get from lifting weights or doing sprints. Afterwards, I'm a bit tired, but I still feel better mentally and a little more full of life. That's what gets me to the gym or running.
  4. aroundhky

    Wine Weekend, May 2013

    As far as I can see....the reason you stick it out is because you're tall, which I like!
  5. aroundhky

    What do I do about these manboobs?

    Hmmmm.....conundrum....... Mark!......do you know if there is any truth to soy Protein raising estrogen levels?
  6. aroundhky

    muscle soreness

    I hear ya! Since you brought up joint issues......is there anything else that helps with joint pain? I've had some shoulder problems from years ago and they've slowly gotten worse and I'm sure I am some arthritis in them. Have you found anything else (over the counter) that has helped with your arthritis?
  7. aroundhky

    muscle soreness

    Glutamine, from what I've read, is very helpful indeed. However, most protein shakes, including whey, already have glutamine in them since it's an amino acid. But I don't think it could hurt to add more to the protein shake.......especially for old people like myself.
  8. aroundhky


    Very pretty! Well 2 out of 3 of you are anyway......
  9. PdxMan.....you have such a good grasp of life and are great with words! Well said brother!
  10. Sorry to hear that "cmcrider". I did it without support and never looked back. Not sure how you are presenting it, but when I did, I just told them what I am doing, explained the risks/rewards compared to not doing it (staying on my old well-traveled road and probably dying to early) and never asked for their support. Some came around to it later and were happy for me, others not so much. In the end, it's your decision and I think you'll be happy you did it. You've got support here.......
  11. "JessicaAnn"......those stalls, almost all of us have been there. You'll probably hit another one, keep getting in that protein and water and you'll be fine.
  12. Duh...neverminf.....I now see it was July 13th. Sorry about that. "JessicaAnn".....you are probably not far enough out yet to really get the feel for your sleeve or to know you are a slow loser. If you're like most, you're probably somewhere around that 3 week stall....or just coming out of it??
  13. aroundhky

    muscle soreness

    I've not noticed a whole lot that I've been able to do to speed up recovery personally. I think age plays the biggest part....and nothing I can do about that. I'm always been eager to get back to the gym and workout more frequently than I already do. I lift about 5 times a week, but would like to do 6-8 times a week (with some two-a-days every once in a while). Though I often like the muscle soreness (let's me know that I really hit those muscles well in the gym), I'm aware that I should not work those muscles again until they have recovered. So here's my approach....... -Get plenty of Protein and some complex carbs the first couple of meals after a workout to start muscle repair -Try to submerge myself in the coldest Water that I can stand a couple of times a week. This goes back to my college football days during two-a-days......really helped me recover then. Some people alternate hot and cold baths. -Stretch before and after workout -"Active recovery"....do some light cardio or walking between workouts. -Plenty of sleep and rest. I set aside Sundays as a rest day every week. Also, I've read where some people on here use supplements like magnesium, zinc, etc. I may try that sometime, but haven't yet.
  14. I think look great the way they are! Just sayin'.........
  15. I can see why. I noticed it the second time I looked at the picture.
  16. aroundhky

    What do I do about these manboobs?

    I see. Are you currently taking anything...testosterone shots/cream, etc? I've read on here a few times that low T can contribute to this issue.
  17. Congrats!! You look great!! One question......I see you holding a bottle of beer. I'll drink a draft beer maybe once a month, and I'm ok if I take my time with it. I hear it has less carbonation than the cans or bottles. Are you able to drink from the bottles without a lot of stomach discomfort?
  18. aroundhky

    New guy

    Welcome Anthony! I think you and your wife will be happy about your decision to be sleeved! Wishing you the best!
  19. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Oh and Tally......I had been doing a little more cardio and slightly less lifting this summer. But I'm getting back to lifting a good 5 days a week now and 1-2 cardio sessions a week.....(reversed from this summer). That's my personal best ratio for strength while also trying to get or stay leaner. My lifting is usually 4 sessions of heavy lifts with plenty of rest and one session that's more crossfit-like with lighter weights, ballistic movements with very little rest in between sets of hang cleans, high pulls and kettle bell work. My cardio usually consists of sprints or running stadium stairs lasting no more than 30 minutes total. If I'm a little sore, I'll walk for 30-60 minutes instead.
  20. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    "Tally"........not that I know exactly what to do or have any real nutrition/training education, but I'm curious if I'll see some red flag or something that can really keep someone from getting the most from his/her workout. Since we are all physiologically different with different goals....not sure I can really help, but it can't hurt to take an honest look to see what one is doing. Sure, send me an example of your lifting and eating routine and I'll be glad to look for the same. I agree on women with muscle.....to a certain extent. I think they very much help with a woman's physique just as much as it does for guys. The crazy, out of control bulked up women that are more than likely getting carried away with bulking.....not so much. I guess I draw the line (as far as my preferences go) with a woman that has more muscle than me. Also "Tally"...just from my own experience.....adding muscle and working toward a goal weight doesn't always go together and can slow down weight loss. Ex: Dropping 2 pounds of fat and adding a pound of muscle leaves you with only a pound loss on the scale, but much better body composition (body fat %). You mentioned trying to do both.....which is what I tried doing as well......so it took me nearly two years to get to goal......but well worth it for me!
  21. aroundhky

    What do I do about these manboobs?

    Sometimes I'm not real sure there's a lot that can be done. Do you do any chest exercises? That's what I'm implementing to help and it seems to be working a little. Also, you seem fairly young low "T", but are your testosterone levels ok?
  22. aroundhky

    Contact sports after Sleeve and excess skin

    "Derby"....I think it's great that you are exercising and plan to be active in this. I hear the roller derby is making quite the comeback! Like "Maharet" stated, that is very physical, so make sure you are not only healed, but you've given your body a chance to adjust and get some strength back....which seems to be needed for this sport. Other than that, I say go for it and post some pics when you can! On the skin...........soooo many variables. I think if you have fairly good skin genetics, do resistance training, drink plenty of water, etc., it will help some. Also, being patient with the loose skin after rapid weight loss has stopped...... helps as well. Mine seems just a little tighter with every passing month. Good luck!

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