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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by aroundhky

  1. Thanks Zen and Michigan! That late push towards hitting the goal weight this summer was a real humbling experience. My sleeve and normal eating pattern wants to keep me in the mid 220's and just getting to 215 was a bit tougher than I had expected. Being hungry seemingly all the time, especially at night and really cutting back those calories wasn't the most pleasant experience for me. But I got there, and now back to eating healthy more often and a little less hunger.
  2. Update....Well I hit my goal weight (215) a few weeks ago, but that didn't last long. I'm already back up to 219.....but some of that is water weight since I started back on creatine. A well hydrated muscle gives me that extra rep on each set and extra set at each lift, so it's worth it to me. Also upped my cals slightly, by 300 or so a day. I felt a little weak after hitting my goal and really restricting my calories for a couple of months to get there. So I think the low 220's is my comfy place. I know years (hopefully decades) down the road as my metabolism slows further, the 220's will be hard to maintain.
  3. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Great progress, congrats!
  4. aroundhky

    New to this forum

    Congrats and welcome! I think you'll be glad you took this step!
  5. aroundhky

    About 18mos out - HUNGRY and STALLED

    Good point about those energy or protein bars. I remember about a year ago I tried them and it just made my cravings worse as well. I could eat 3-4 of the small ones at a time. And I think it was because of the sugar in them. I've noticed the more I am able to avoid bad carbs and sugar, the easier it is to stay on the wagon and I don't crave them as much. Kind of like I did on my pre-op diet...the first couple days were tough, after that, it was pretty smooth sailing. BABE....something to think about and maybe try going cold turkey on the bad carbs for a few days and see if the cravings go away. Or the fasting like "gamergirl" mentioned.
  6. aroundhky

    6 week update pics.

    Congrats Roffle!!
  7. aroundhky

    Gym vent

    This video is only mildly related to this topic and refers to the guys more than the women, but Butter's post made me laugh and inspired me to post this. I've got to admit I've been on the wrong side of a few of these exercises as well, I'm just fortunate to not have it on video. At least these people were trying, but they are still funny/painful to watch. The dude at :40 on the treadmill really cracked me up. The guy at :17......I did that pre-op.
  8. aroundhky

    I'm embarrassed...

    JCassell...I'm guessing you really don't know those people in the gym right? Are they close friends/family? So why care what they think? Is what they think more important than you and what you think of yourself? Of course not. It's true, it is hard to get started in something that you don't know much about. But it will never be harder than it is at the beginning and will be downhill soon and easier for you. Trust me, stick with it, try not to care what someone else may or may not think, so what's good for YOU and down the road, you'll be glad you did. Then you'll be looking at yourself in the mirror and liking what you see and not want to look away. Plus, I'm guessing your toughest critic is probably yourself. I bet most of those people aren't thinking the same thing about you or saying what you think they are saying/thinking. If they are, they are at the gym for the wrong reasons and need to find some focus of their own and exercise, not judge. Hang in there and I wish you the best!
  9. aroundhky

    buddys in charlotte...

    I live in Hickory, but work in Statesville
  10. aroundhky

    Personnal ? Loads

    ...............which sounds like a good thing to me
  11. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Not self promotion.........it's all about sharing experiences on this site. I know I'll check it out, thanks!
  12. aroundhky

    Personnal ? Loads

    How's your protein intake.....getting enough? Seriously, from what I hear, that stuff has a high protein content, so maybe if protein intake is low, the volume of what comes out is low? Just wondering.....no science at all to back this up, but makes me wonder.
  13. I think the article should point out, instead of making the assumption that everyone knows it is refering to volume, that muscle weighs more than fat per volume.....which is does. A cubic foot of muscle does weigh more than a cubic foot of fat. Or like you basically stated........a pound of muscle is more dense and takes up less space than a pound of fat..... would probably be a better way to say it. I've seen on this site at some point, where they show a pound of fat (an image) beside an image of a pound of muscle.....quite graphic. But makes a good point.
  14. Yep, I'm pretty sure most, if not all, over estimate as well. Some probably way over estimate in my opinion.
  15. aroundhky

    I Want To See Before & After Pics!

    Erica, Wow!!! I mean.........that's...........wow!!!
  16. aroundhky

    before and after

    Great job man! Keep up the good work!
  17. aroundhky

    Skinny fat and what to do about it

    I'm no scientist, but those seem to be some random thoughts thrown out on a web page or something. But there are probably a few good points there, but some seem like urban legend stuff or not backed by research or maybe just someone's hunch. I saw where it mentioned catabolic is breaking down of muscle. Catabolic can be either breaking down of muscle and/or fat oxidation, or basically a loss or break down of body mass or the process of breaking down body mass. Catabolic can be a good thing if it's the fat burning part. I think the key is doing enough cardio to burn some fat before your body turns to muscle to burn for energy, which most of us really don't want. Everyone's body is different and has varying degrees of efficiency. Mine is fairly sensitive to long sessions of cardio several times a week. I stay with the short high intensity stuff for no more than twice a week. If I go more than that, I can definitely tell my muscle/strength is compromised. Other people may be able to do cardio 6 times a week and not have any adverse effects to muscle. There seems to be quite a bit of debate on this subject, so all I can go on is my own personal experiece(s). I get Fiddle's point here about long bouts and what he's trying to say about too much cardio. This article is pretty similar in regrds to the cardio and how it relates to muscle, which I think is what Fiddle is trying to say? Just a guess..... But I don't subscribe to a "one type of cardio for fat loss fits all" approach. This one just seems the best for for me. http://www.simplyshredded.com/fit-with-hiit-science-is-dropping-the-hammer-on-endless-bouts-of-steady-state-cardio.html
  18. aroundhky


    From the album: Nourishment

  19. aroundhky

    6 week update pics.

    Way to go "roffle"......make that sleeve work for you!
  20. If I do get a compliment, I try to gauge their intention and go from there. If they mean it as a back-handed compliment, I don't respond well, but if someone seems truly happy for me or impressed, I'll say thank you or something like that. As for "super hot"......I can't speak intelligently on that topic.
  21. aroundhky

    Progress to 2 Months Post-Op

    Way to go! Looking good!
  22. aroundhky

    Not sure where to start..

    Wow! $110 per session!! Whew!! If you go that route, just get the basics, learn the weights/machines/cardio equipment quickly and how to use them properly, then maybe drop the PT. Then go on your own or with an exercise buddy to help motivate you or hold you accountable if you need that kind of thing starting out. Kind of like I do when buying high tech equipment.....I'll go to a store with knowledgeable staff, get the 411, then buy what I'm looking for elsewhere at reduced price. But I'm cheap like that......

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