Hi, I know you get new people here all the time asking for opinions. I have been see-sawing with my weight my whole life. I am almost 30 years old and sick of being fat. I don't really have a problem losing weight, it is keeping it off that is my problem. I am really interested in lap-band surgery because it looked like the less invasive/complicated op. Now I read on here, that there is more complications from the lap-band after surgery due to slippage/erosion, etc... I am completely worried about dying from this, but afraid I will also die if I don't do something. What are your experiences? I know there is always bad to go with any good. I know this has to be a life style change with exercise and eating right, and I have no problem doing it. I just need that help with curbing my appetite and being able to eat less and feel full longer. I don't want to go through the rest of my life being overwieght and hating myself. But I am really scared about complications from the operation/band. Does anyone think now that bypass is better, after bypass and you have healed, is there still a risk of seepage, internal bleeding and death, or is that only until you have healed? Is banding really helping and do you think it was a better choice? Any and all info you guys could give me would really be helpful!