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Nikki Riviotta

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Nikki Riviotta

  1. I will have agreat day! I have God on my side and he over rides any insurance company! He will take care of me! If he brings me to it, he will get me through it!

  2. I will have agreat day! I have God on my side and he over rides any insurance company! He will take care of me! If he brings me to it, he will get me through it!

  3. Struggled a bit with the holidays but I am back on the wagon with 27 more pounds to go to my next goal! :)

  4. It is a great feeling to be able go over to my husbands side of the closet and get one of his hoodies and be able to put it one and actually fit in it :)

  5. 70 pounds GONE!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! only 30-35 more to go!!!! :) :) :)

  6. Feeling good today. I feel as if things are really gonna start to fall into place as they should. God is great! :)

  7. weighed in today....officially down 75 lbs!!!! 25 more to go!!!!

  8. weighed in today....officially down 75 lbs!!!! 25 more to go!!!!

  9. Hey girly checking in to see how things are going! Let me know! Look forward to hearing from you! :)

  10. Hi! I am in Great Falls, MT. Hoping to meet others that have had lapband surgery or are getting ready to have it. Hope to talk to you soon!

  11. Hi! I am from Great Falls. I had my surgery on March 21. Hoping to get to know some new people. Hope to talk to you soon!

  12. weigh in went well this morning, down 4 pounds since my last adjustment on the 10th...hoping to keeping moving down, I am fed up with plateaus.

  13. weigh in went well this morning, down 4 pounds since my last adjustment on the 10th...hoping to keeping moving down, I am fed up with plateaus.

  14. YAY!!!! I am so glad to here you are doing well! Congrats! 16.3 pounds is AWESOME!!!! :)

  15. Weigh in day tomorrow...Really hoping all my hard work this past couple of weeks shows in the scale! Fingers crossed! :)

  16. Weigh in day tomorrow...Really hoping all my hard work this past couple of weeks shows in the scale! Fingers crossed! :)

  17. After almost a full year of fighting insurance I finally got approved for my panniculectomy surgery. I am going in on Feb 5. I am beyond excited!!! :)

  18. 30 years old today...boy oh boy....

  19. Tricare rejected my appeal as well. BUT there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have to be 18 months post surgery before they will cover and maintain weightloss for at least 6 months. Plus documentation of the rashes and treatments done for it, so I made an appointment with my PCM. I am not giving up! I have come to far and worked to hard for that! :)

  20. Not so much as an ounce off my weight this week :( How is this possible, I know in cardio ALONE this week I burned 2050 calories, plus my strength training for 1 hour 2 days this week! Oh well time to look over the calories and figure out what I need to do to get this blasted scale moving!

  21. Not so much as an ounce off my weight this week :( How is this possible, I know in cardio ALONE this week I burned 2050 calories, plus my strength training for 1 hour 2 days this week! Oh well time to look over the calories and figure out what I need to do to get this blasted scale moving!

  22. Good Luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you!!!!

  23. Thats awesome! I am from Columbia! Still make it back there about twice a year :)!

  24. Nice to me you! I have been here 3 years. My hubby is a field cop so I dont see us leaving anytime soon LOL. How long have you been here? I live on base. Have 3 kiddos. Stay at home mom.... :)

  25. Hoping to get good news from the plastic surgeons office this week that my skin removal surgery has been approved! Praying hard for it! :)

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