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Nikki Riviotta

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Nikki Riviotta

  1. Congrats on your approval and good luck on your surgery! I had mine in March. I am orginally from Missouri, Stationed in Montana with my husband who is in the Airforce.

    what part of Missouri are you from?

  2. 30 years old today...boy oh boy....

  3. 70 pounds GONE!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! only 30-35 more to go!!!! :) :) :)

  4. After almost a full year of fighting insurance I finally got approved for my panniculectomy surgery. I am going in on Feb 5. I am beyond excited!!! :)

  5. Completed week 2 of Insanity today. Totally excited for the end result in just 6 weeks :)

  6. Completed week 2 of Insanity today. Totally excited for the end result in just 6 weeks :)

  7. Did 3 miles today. Great feeling of accomplishment :)

  8. Enrolled in classes yesterday! I am on my way to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, and I plan to specialize in helping Bariatric Patients! :) I am so excited!!!

  9. Enrolled in classes yesterday! I am on my way to becoming a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Specialist, and I plan to specialize in helping Bariatric Patients! :) I am so excited!!!

  10. Feeling good today. I feel as if things are really gonna start to fall into place as they should. God is great! :)

  11. Good Luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you!!!!

  12. Got 2 lessons done so far in my class taken both of the quizes and so far a an A for my over all grade! Super stoked, can't wait do get more into the class. i have never been this excited about school in my life!!! LOL

  13. Got 2 lessons done so far in my class taken both of the quizes and so far a an A for my over all grade! Super stoked, can't wait do get more into the class. i have never been this excited about school in my life!!! LOL

  14. Got a small fill today. He added .3 ccs to my band. Hopefully that will help jump start my weight loss again cause boy am I getting frustrated, with all work and no results :(

  15. Got a small fill today. He added .3 ccs to my band. Hopefully that will help jump start my weight loss again cause boy am I getting frustrated, with all work and no results :(

  16. Hey girly checking in to see how things are going! Let me know! Look forward to hearing from you! :)

  17. Hi I saw your post, New from Montana. I am from Montana too. I live in Great Falls. Where do you live at?

  18. Hi! I am totally excited for you! Please keep in touch about how you are doing! you have a cheering squad over here too!

  19. Hi! I am from Great Falls. I had my surgery on March 21. Hoping to get to know some new people. Hope to talk to you soon!

  20. Hi! I am in Great Falls, MT. Hoping to meet others that have had lapband surgery or are getting ready to have it. Hope to talk to you soon!

  21. Hi! I have had the band for almost a year now. I am down 73 pounds so far! I am also an Airforce wife! Seems we have something in common. Good Luck to you. I will tell you personally this is the best decision I ever made for myself and I wouldn't change it for anything :)

  22. Hi. I read your stuff down below her. How are things going for you now?

  23. Hoping things went wonderful for you yesterday! Can't wait to see you update! LOL :)

  24. Hoping to get good news from the plastic surgeons office this week that my skin removal surgery has been approved! Praying hard for it! :)

  25. Hoping to get good news from the plastic surgeons office this week that my skin removal surgery has been approved! Praying hard for it! :)

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