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Nikki Riviotta

LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Nikki Riviotta

  1. After almost a full year of fighting insurance I finally got approved for my panniculectomy surgery. I am going in on Feb 5. I am beyond excited!!! :)

  2. 30 years old today...boy oh boy....

  3. Completed week 2 of Insanity today. Totally excited for the end result in just 6 weeks :)

  4. Completed week 2 of Insanity today. Totally excited for the end result in just 6 weeks :)

  5. Feeling good today. I feel as if things are really gonna start to fall into place as they should. God is great! :)

  6. Did 3 miles today. Great feeling of accomplishment :)

  7. Went shopping for shorts today and had to buy size 10's!!! WOOHOO!!! That means I am now down 10 dress sizes!!! Feels great! :)

  8. Sometimes I feel like I take 2 steps forward and then 3 steps back....

  9. weighed in today....officially down 75 lbs!!!! 25 more to go!!!!

  10. weighed in today....officially down 75 lbs!!!! 25 more to go!!!!

  11. weigh in went well this morning, down 4 pounds since my last adjustment on the 10th...hoping to keeping moving down, I am fed up with plateaus.

  12. weigh in went well this morning, down 4 pounds since my last adjustment on the 10th...hoping to keeping moving down, I am fed up with plateaus.

  13. Tricare rejected my appeal as well. BUT there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I have to be 18 months post surgery before they will cover and maintain weightloss for at least 6 months. Plus documentation of the rashes and treatments done for it, so I made an appointment with my PCM. I am not giving up! I have come to far and worked to hard for that! :)

  14. Got a small fill today. He added .3 ccs to my band. Hopefully that will help jump start my weight loss again cause boy am I getting frustrated, with all work and no results :(

  15. Got a small fill today. He added .3 ccs to my band. Hopefully that will help jump start my weight loss again cause boy am I getting frustrated, with all work and no results :(

  16. Not so much as an ounce off my weight this week :( How is this possible, I know in cardio ALONE this week I burned 2050 calories, plus my strength training for 1 hour 2 days this week! Oh well time to look over the calories and figure out what I need to do to get this blasted scale moving!

  17. Not so much as an ounce off my weight this week :( How is this possible, I know in cardio ALONE this week I burned 2050 calories, plus my strength training for 1 hour 2 days this week! Oh well time to look over the calories and figure out what I need to do to get this blasted scale moving!

  18. Weigh in day tomorrow...Really hoping all my hard work this past couple of weeks shows in the scale! Fingers crossed! :)

  19. Weigh in day tomorrow...Really hoping all my hard work this past couple of weeks shows in the scale! Fingers crossed! :)

  20. I was banded one year ago today, and wow how my life has changed since then

  21. I was banded one year ago today, and wow how my life has changed since then

  22. I will have agreat day! I have God on my side and he over rides any insurance company! He will take care of me! If he brings me to it, he will get me through it!

  23. I will have agreat day! I have God on my side and he over rides any insurance company! He will take care of me! If he brings me to it, he will get me through it!

  24. Utterly devistated. Insurance denied my panniculectomy surgery. Appeal letter sent today. Hoping they reconsider. I am tired of these nasty rashes :(

  25. Utterly devistated. Insurance denied my panniculectomy surgery. Appeal letter sent today. Hoping they reconsider. I am tired of these nasty rashes :(

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