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Nikki Riviotta

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Nikki Riviotta

  1. Nikki Riviotta

    My Fluid Port

    I was curious if anyone has experience discomfort in the area of their fluid port once they got closer to their final goal weight? I am about 35 pounds from my goal and my port area is really uncomfortable now. I t seems like when I lay on it or sit one the couch and lean on it it is very irratable and tender....Never had a problem until the last couple weeks. Any advice...suggestions or anything would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  2. YAY!!!! I am so glad to here you are doing well! Congrats! 16.3 pounds is AWESOME!!!! :)

  3. I got into a size 12 today!!!!!! I haven't seen a size 12 on myself in about 15 years!!!! I am sooooo happy!!!! :) :) :)

  4. Nikki Riviotta

    Down 31 lbs.

    First Congrats! 31pounds is awesome. Then Second, I lost 10 pounds on the pre op diet and then another 10 pounds the week after surgery and it never came back. So most likely you will keep it off! Good Luck with everything!
  5. Nikki Riviotta

    Soon to be..... 10/21/11

    I was banded 3-21-11...so your day will be my 7 month mark....I love the band. No regrets here! you will do fine! Go in with the "I will nail this" attitude and give it your all! You already took a HUGE step by joining the YMCA....If you get into going there EVERYDAY like Monday-Friday at a certain time it will become a routine and you will just do it. That is what I did as soon as the doctor released me to exercise. Good Luck to you. Friday will be the first day of the rest of your life! Run with it and you will soar!
  6. Same here! I am a total night owl LOL! I don't work, but I am a stay at home mom and WOW the kids keep me hopping...They got to school all day BUT while they are gone I take advantage of it and do almost all of my daily house work, Grocery shopping, and of course my daily workouts at the gym. I also squeeze in my school work...They come home and its homework, cooking dinner and then baths and bed...after bed clean up the dinner mess and maybe fold laundry if I have some to fold...but by 9pm I am usually curled up on the couch with my laptop and enjoying a good sitcom....I do believe I will be investing in some melatonin myself.
  7. I had surgery in March. I am down 70 pounds....BUT now I am having trouble sleeping PERIOD...if I dont take a sleep aide before bed I toss and turn all night, cant seem to rest...all I wanna do is go go go, like I do all day....I went in to see my surgeon today and he said he has never had anyone voice this concern to him before so told me to follow up with my primary...well I am a military wife and getting in to see my primary is like pulling teeth....called and said they have no appointments available to call everyday and hope that something opens up.....that could be months from now...so I am just wondering if someone out there has had this problem and might know what is causing it?
  8. No I work out in the morning the only caffeine I take in is my coffee first thing in the morning which is only 2 cups....I basically just sit and try and relax in the evening after my kids go to bed. Thats why I am stuck...not sure why the sudden change....
  9. Nikki Riviotta

    thinking about the band

    I was banded in March 2011. . I had no problems after surgery and transitioned fine with the changes in my diet. As soon as the doctor released me I started an exercise program. I am now down 70 pounds. i am 30 pounds from my final goal weight, but may try for an extra 5 pounds off when I get there. I would not take this back for anything. If you are truly ready for a change and nothing else has worked I totally reccomend the lapband. It has changed my life. I am a brand new person thanks to the band and my new found drive to better myself. Congratulations on your choice to research, and Good Luck on finding what is gonna work best for you!
  10. Nikki Riviotta

    Fallen off then wagon; Please help!!

    Awesome Jess! Good for you for taking the first steps to getting back on the wagon!!! Good Luck to you in the rest of your journey! We are all pulling for your success!
  11. Nikki Riviotta


    Thank You! You will! If you need any encouragement or pointers or anything at all feel free to ask! I am always willing to give any tips to anyone that needs them. Good Luck on your Journey! I know you will do great!
  12. Hoping things went wonderful for you yesterday! Can't wait to see you update! LOL :)

  13. Hi. I read your stuff down below her. How are things going for you now?

  14. Nikki Riviotta

    New to this I need motivation!

    I also had a doctor that put me on puree right after surgery. I went the first 2 days on liquid then to puree on day 3, then by one week post op he put me on soft foods. I had surgery in march and am down 70 pounds. I hope that helps to motivate you as well. Feel free to add me if you like and I can help you when you need to talk or have questions too Good Luck with your journey!
  15. Good Luck tomorrow!! I will be thinking of you!!!!

  16. Nikki Riviotta


    I got stuck a couple months ago. I have a couple questions for you. 1. How many calories are you taking in per day? 2. How much are you exercising? How many times a week and for how long and what kind of exercise are you doing? 3.Are you getting at least 64oz of Water per day? 3. How many grams of Protein and How many grams of carbs are you taking in per day? Need to know these things and I may be able to give you some pointers.
  17. Thats awesome! I am from Columbia! Still make it back there about twice a year :)!

  18. 70 pounds GONE!!!!! I am so excited!!!!! only 30-35 more to go!!!! :) :) :)

  19. Hi! I am totally excited for you! Please keep in touch about how you are doing! you have a cheering squad over here too!

  20. So today was my weigh in day and I weighed in...another 5 pound loss...I was sooo excited. I am a military wife so I live far away from my family and so I update once in a while on FaceBook about my weightloss progress so they can see. Today I was happy and updated that I was now down 70 pounds. So a friend of mine posts her own status, about an hour after I post mine. (A person I have been friends with for years but don't talk to very often but do try to visit when home. Anyhow she knows that I had the lapband surgery. She actually came to visit me a week before surgery.) My gut tells me this status was geared toward me. This is what it said: "Is frustrated.. I know that we all like to only share the positive things in our life... But, please stop taking credit for something you didn't do.. If you want to be patted on the back for a job well done then get off your a$$ and do something.. And, if you get help, whether it be from others--or medically, please give credit where credit is due. Ok.. The End! " So I text her to ask who she is ranting about and normally she would tell me. Today her answer was "just people in general. I am in a crabby mood." I act like I suspect nothing but really I don't buy it at all.It could be just me over reacting but it's just too coincedental. I mean granted I haven't plastered it all over facebook that I had weightloss surgery. But I don't hide the fact. I will tell someone honestly when they ask me how I am doing it. I have told all of my family and closest friends. My friends where I live know. But I do not feel that I should have to say "Thanks to lapband....." everytime I post a status reguarding my progress. I may have used a tool to help me lose weight but I have busted my butt since the minute I was released to exercise by my doctor. I work out 5 to 6 days a week and follow my doctor and dietician's advice on what to eat and how much. Before Surgery I had tried every method I could to lose weight and failed everytime, so this is what my doctor reccommended I should do. Like I said I could be over reacting...Opinions are welcome....But it does seem like she was attacking me indirectly...and it hurts...especially since I have always considered her such a good friend. I just wanted to post this to vent because I felt I needed to get it off my chest and I know the people on here understand...and know that this is not the easy way out...as a lot of people think...I have tried venting to my hubby but he doesnt really get it, ya know? LOL
  21. Nikki Riviotta

    Should this bother me? Cause it does

    I totatly agree with you! People do not understand how much work this takes. I have busted my butt...lots of blood sweat and tears have gone into this 70 pounds. I am sorry you have to keep this from your family. This is a victory we all should be able to share and be happy about with out being ridiculed. I am also sorry to your relative that they practically shunned. That is a terrible thing! I wish you luck on your journey! Prayers and warm thoughts are with you!
  22. Nikki Riviotta

    Should this bother me? Cause it does

    Thank You! It is a sad thing. But I am VERy proud of my progress, I have worked hard. I will keep posting because my family members are all supportive and proud of me and if i quit posting the updates and the pictures they will be upset cause they cant see my progress...and frankly I would rather have on "pissy" friend then SEVERAL family members LOL!
  23. Nikki Riviotta

    Should this bother me? Cause it does

    Thank you Melinda for all of your kind words. It won't be a break in our friendship, I have known her too long (since 5th grade and I am almost 30) to let a comment break that. It just hurt a lot.

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