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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Txluckiecharm

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 08/16/1955

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  1. Happy 58th Birthday Txluckiecharm!

  2. Happy 57th Birthday Txluckiecharm!

  3. Txluckiecharm

    my band hurts

    Each person is different on what they feel (or think they feel). For instance my band feels really tight if I am tense about something. Thanks,
  4. Txluckiecharm

    Fill Advice ...Please

    Thanks for the advice, I just went and had 1.0 taken out. I am enjoying a Protein shake as I type. Thanks,
  5. Txluckiecharm

    Fill Advice ...Please

    Tuesday I had my 3rd fill bringing me to 7.0 in a 14.0 band. I was able to drink the stuff they gave me at the doctors office and was able to drink Water and have some Soup that night. On Wednesday morning I was able to drink water and had some more soup around lunch. Then I could not drink water and anything I tried to eat came back up. I slept fine all night but as of Thursday morning I am still throwing up even water. Do you think I need a small unfill or am I just swollen? I know that I am really sensitive and I swelled really bad my first 2 fills. Thanks
  6. Txluckiecharm

    Dr's in Dallas, TX and Insurance info

    Find a doctor and let their office try to get the approval, they know the codes and the answers to the questions the insurance company will be asking. Many centers in the Dallas area will check your insurance for you before you have an appointment. I used TLCEdge four months ago 1-877-852-3343. They find you a surgeon (mine was Joseph Cribbens) and have a nice sugery center.
  7. Buy canned Soup like Campbells special receipe and blend them up. I really liked the Bean with Bacon blended, it is very tasty.
  8. Txluckiecharm

    10 days out and scared

    I had my surgery on 5/11/2011 and will try my best to answer your questions. I've only had 2 fills so far and when I over eat it just fills like a tightness under my breast bone. Sort of like what you felt when you were full being non-banded but just in a different location...higher up. I have never gotten sick from over eatting as soon as I feel this I quit eatting. Throwing up isn't fun. I've heard that if you over eat too much then the food just sort of backs up into your throat and you throw it up and also that this can stretch your new stomach and cause band slippage. Everyone is different. I don't think you will have a problem realizing you are getting full. As far as hunger goes....I have only felt "hunger pains" in the morning of if I've been bad and haven't eatten all day. I just never feel them anymore. Order some unjury Protein Powder, it is really the best tasting there is and you will be needing it after your surgery. Try the chicken Soup one for a quick lunch! Txluckiecharm
  9. Txluckiecharm

    Why am I so nervous

    There is nothing wrong with you. If you were not nervous then you should be worried. This is a change of lifestyle and eatting habits for the rest of your life. About the liver reduction diet...I was on it for 2 weeks prior to my surgery. Ask about eatting Beans on it, it was the only way I was able to stay on it.
  10. Greetings -- I had my surgery on 5/11/2011 by Dr. Joseph Cribbons. He did a great job but I don't particularly like where he left my port which is where the waist band of pants fall. The only other surgery I've had was gallbladder removal and this surgery was a breeze compared to that one. I had it on a Wednesday and since I work from home was able to sit at the desk and work the next day. Of course, I took numerous breaks during the day. Anyway, since my surgery I've had 2 fills and will be going in next week for my 3rd fill. I've lost a total of 30 lbs and I know that could be better but I can't stay away from the potato chips. That is the one craving I have and its funny because I never cared for them before I had the surgery. Now, I don't cravings for sugary foods. I don't even miss bread. I had no problems until my 2nd fill. My muscles were extremely swollen after my last fill for 2 weeks and at times it was difficult to breath. The doctor told me to poke my stomach up so she could find my port during the fill and I think I kept them that way and shouldn't have. Anyway, it is all better now. When I eat it gets painful after the first few bites and if I sit for a few minutes and then continue it stops hurting. The pain is slight, it feels like I can feel the food sitting on the band edge. With only two fills, I do feel restriction on the amount I eat. I am hoping my third fill will put me more towards that sweet spot but I've been told that is around your fifth/sixth. Some people tell me that they felt no restriction until their fourth fill so I guess I should count myself as fortunate. Thanks, Txluckiecharm
  11. Txluckiecharm

    How long where you on liquids post-op?

    I was on clear liquids for a week and then on thick liquids for four weeks for a total of five (yes five) weeks. It was really hard but I made it through them. I ended up taking soups and blending them up to drink. I recommend the Bean with Bacon Soup blended up. Its tasty.
  12. Txluckiecharm

    Day 2 of liquids- help

    Just order some unjury, its really the best protein drink available. Give the strawberry a try for a change, its really good and I'm not a big strawberry fan. The chicken Soup drink is a great quick lunch.
  13. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums Txluckiecharm! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
