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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DivaD50

  1. DivaD50

    the word on the street is.....

    OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG..sorry for the long G's..lol, but this is me showing my excitement for you. I am over here smiling like crazy, you have no idea. Girl I prayed for you and yes God is gooooood. I rejoice with others in their success. Whew..thank you God! Okay I am done. :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. DivaD50

    Where are all my September bansters?

    WOOT WOOT....Isn't it amazing....We are doing really great and I am so proud of you not giving up. You are so much stronger than what you think. So have you heard anything else about the surgery?
  3. DivaD50

    Not for chumps...TOUGH but worth it!

    Day 9 and counting.....During this preop diet I have realized how much I have relied on food. All week long my boyfriend and I have been going out and he gets to eat anything he wants oh and me I get to look at him enjoy the food. I am learning how to regulate my emotions because I can't eat what he eats. For instance his birthday was on thursday and he wants to go out to eat at lunch and dinner. My mouth starts watering when I look at him eat..ugh. Then today we just came from a wedding rehearsal and they had one of my favorite foods (chinese food). I was asked atleast 4 times would I like something to eat. Don't get me wrong it was very tempting but I did not give in. I know I have to learn now how not to rely on food but understand it will always be around as long as I live and its okay to WALK AWAY! I just wanted to express myself tonight. I hope everyone continuing to drop weight and becoming better people inside and out. Let me know how you are doing.
  4. DivaD50

    Newbie in Texas here!

    Welcome Kim. I have to say to you that you can do what you put your to. Stay focused on your goal and you will get there. I am so happy that you made this decision. I am having surgery on thursday so I am rejoicing right along with you.
  5. DivaD50

    Newbie in Texas here!

    I am excited that you get banded tomorrow....oh yeah. I look forward to hearing good news. I get banded thursday so here we go.
  6. DivaD50

    Not for chumps...TOUGH but worth it!

    Thanks all, I am very grateful for the encouragment and you guys are who I look up too because you are still standing. To Arnetta just wanted to encourage you today not to give up and I know you have not. I want to share this journey with you. Everything will work out. I am only 4 days away from the surgery so I am starting to get a little more excited. I will keep you posted.
  7. DivaD50

    my dream was so close and now looks as though

    Please don't give up. If this is what you are suppose to have then God will make a way. Maybe you can call someone like close friends or family. I don't know your financial situation but I know it is rough. Think about it if you splurge then you could ruin something and what if you get a call and they say it is all worked out. Splurging is not an option!!!! I know it is hard and we are here for you. I saying a prayer for you right now.
  8. Welcome to LBT. I am also a newbie and I find this site very helpful. Feel free to ask questions and share your journey. My name is Danielle and I am on my on my 7th day of the liver shinking diet and my surgery is scheduled for the 29th. Enjoy the journey!
  9. DivaD50

    Keep pushing!

    Yes we can, I just saw your comment before I left one on your page..lol
  10. DivaD50

    Keep pushing!

    Yesterday was a rough day. I felt really really hungry on this liver shrinking diet. Today is day 7 and I weighed myself and I am down 14 pounds. Seeing this really motivated me to keep pushing. I just want to encourage others that are at the same stage as me to keep taking it one day at a time. My surgery date is approaching soon yayyyy! Not only have I motivated myself but I have also motivated my whole family to improve their lives by eating healthy. We have set up a special day each week to talk about our weight loss journey. My family is a great support during this time. So all my fellow soon to be banders and those who are already banded lets continue to support each other. We all Need it. I pray everyone has a blessed day and KEEP FIGHTING!
  11. DivaD50

    Pre Op Liquid Diet Day 7...

    I now weigh myself every two days and I might wait longer. I don't really excercise because I am not working with many calories and I don't want to fall out. But everyone is different but I think tomorrow I am going to start walking a little more. Don't stress about the pound, you know we as women hold fluid at time and it will come off. I have not cheated but whew sometimes I want to...lol. We are both on day 7 so lets keep each other encouraged
  12. Day 7 on liver diet and right now I am feeling hungry. My mouth is watering and I want so food...lol

  13. DivaD50


    I read your blog and you will be okay. I am on day 7 of the liver diet and yes it is a challenge but. I know it is all worth it. I get banded on Sept 29th. You have to stay focused because for some reason you will notice more food than you have noticed before and it is tempting and the nights are the worst. But just remember you have a goal to meet and you will do it. Let me know how it goes! :D
  14. Wow Jody, thank you..now I feel like I know you lol. More about me. I am a 30 year old female and I am 6'5. I graduated from college with a degree in biology and after that I started working. I purchased a home in which someone broke in and shot me in my legs thus this slowed down my activity. So I decided to take measures in my own hand and have this surgery to get the weight off me.

  15. Hello all, just seeing who is out here and try to get some support during this time. I just want to talk to others who are having the lapband procedure and or had the lapband procedure.
  16. DivaD50

    New Member

    I like that, thank you for the encouragement and I needed to be reminded of this. So how is your journey going?
  17. DivaD50

    Banded in 8 days and counting

    We will all make it, but we just have to take it one day at time. Let me know how your process is going...so excited to hear the good reports.
  18. DivaD50

    Banded in 8 days and counting

    YAYYYYYY RhiannonM we are in this together. What day of liver diet are you on?
  19. DivaD50

    Banded in 8 days and counting

    Yes it is a definetly a journey and I am happy you guys are here to support. I am taking the liver diet one day at a time and it is not for the faint at heart...lolThank you all for your support!
  20. DivaD50

    New Member

    Thanks Screeden. So how is the process going for you?
  21. DivaD50

    New Member

    Thank you Amanda, I am happy you are here to assist me through this process. I will continue to share how I am feeling or questions I may have. Amanda so what stage are you at now? Have you had the surgery and if so how long has it been?
  22. DivaD50

    Banded in 8 days and counting

    Hi BeautifulRapture and I am having the surgery on the 29th as well and I am more excited then nervous. I am on th 6th day of my liver diet. Today I feel a little weak but I know it is all worth it. Wow it will be here for the both of us really really soon. I would love to keep in touch and share our experiences so that we could help motivate each other. Look forward to hearing from you.
  23. DivaD50

    I made it to my first goal

    Wonderful Job..Keep up the good work and never forget this feeling
  24. DivaD50

    From: September Bandsters

    We also have the same surgery date and I have started my liver shinking diet. Just wanted to check and see how you were doing.

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