I'm three months out. Doing well with vitamins, shakes etc. I eat whatever I want but I can only have a few bites then I'm full. Only complaint is that majority of food does not taste very good; not enjoyable like pre-op. Also I am regularly having major hungar pangs. Very disappointing when supposedly the hungar harmone producing part of the stomach was removed. My nurse says I need to eat more protein to help with the hungar pangs and that eventually the hungar pangs will go away and my taste buds will return to normal like at six months. I've lost 50 pounds so far. I have at least a 100 pounds to go to get to goal weight of 150. I still look fat so no one has noticed the weightloss as of yet. My clothes are getting looser and I'm about ready to go back into my smaller sizes that I used to wear. I'm just looking forward to a more noticeable size appearance in the coming months. Is anyone out past six months that had the taste bud issue and constant nagging growling hungar pangs? If so, how are you doing now? Right now I feel this is a cruel joke to make such a sacrifice only to find myself hungriar than ever and being hungry within 20-30 mins after eating. Really hoping this issue is short term.