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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by larpens

  1. Great job! I also work in the public education field and haven't told many people. It has been 8 months tomorrow and I have lost about 40 pounds and I feel so great. My life has been transformed in so many ways. Just be prepared for sitting at a number for weeks at a time. I sat at 200 for a few weeks then I sat at 190 for about a month and now I am slowly moving down in the 180's so don't get discouraged. It is a process filled with many ups and downs but it does work. Keep drinking water and move your booty. Good luck
  2. Totally...100% yes..I love this! It's only been 7 months but I feel so good. I love not being hungry and feeling motivated to go to the gym. I have lots of stress with school, work, kids and family but I no longer eat out of frustration and stress. I now think before I do anything and I truly can't get crazy with the nonesense eating. Love, love, love it!!
  3. larpens

    Alcoholic Drinks

    This has always been my question because I love my cocktails on weekends, but now I have to think about sipping instead of drinking which is very hard to get used too. I now also drink ice water in between my cocktails because the effects are so powerful on an almost empty stomach. Think before you drink and sip instead of sucking down. We have to crawl before we can walk. Slow and steady wins the race..
  4. I don't know what is wrong with me but for the past 2 days I have been wanted a bite of everything. I can go hours without eating something but then I get the urge to eat a few things at once. I am usually like this before my period but I don't start for another 2 weeks so I don't know if it's stress or happiness. Hmmm??? I just completed my masters program on Sunday and now I'm jumping into another school for my teaching credential and I am feeling overwhelmed, happy and anxious.. I just feel out of control and hungry. I am not eating big meals just cookies, crackers, almonds or chips..
  5. larpens

    Happy Birthday To Me!

    You just gave me the boost that I needed..Happy Birthday to you and keep up the good work.
  6. larpens

    Self Sabotage

    I agree! We all do it! Don't beat yourself up and I wouldn't call it self sabotage because you are learning and growing from this. Take a deep breathe and enjoy some things on occasion but take it in little pieces and remember you have to crawl before you can walk. This is a journey of change and habits are hard to retrain. Take a few drinks and then move on! You got this! Don't let the voices in your head make you believe that you have failed. Good Luck!
  7. larpens


    I waited about one month and I have my weekend drinks. I used to be a beer drinker but I haven't had a beer or soda in 6 months. I do enjoy wine but I gave up wine and coffee for lent and now I only drink bloody mary's or vodka and cranberry. You just need to be careful because it doesn't take much to feel the effects of alcohol. I really diluted wine and filled up my glass with mostly water and ice. Thats helps because I am a fast drinker and it helps to dilute it. Good luck! Remember one day at a time and we all have slip ups but you just get revived and back on the routine the next day. I will never eat and drink the way that I used to so sometimes you need to rebel. We are all human!
  8. I have been banded for 5 months and recently gave up coffee and wine for lent, but I just read a post and it said that coffee loosens the band?? Is this true? I have 7cc's and I had good restriction at first but then it seems like I can eat more now. At the time, I was drinking coffee every morning. I would have about 3-4 cups with no food. Wondering minds want to know??
  9. larpens

    19 Months Out - 120 Lbs Down ......

    Awesome!! You look great and thanks for putting what you've done to get there. In 5 months, I've lost 31 pounds and thats ok with me. I exercise and can eat bread and meat also. I have a crazy schedule too so my exercise is becoming more of a priority now. Keep up the good work and keep us posted. Kuddos to you!!
  10. I have cut and copied my fitness pal ticker but it won't add to my signature. Am I doing something wrong? How do I correct it? Instructions please....
  11. I am in the same boat. I have had 3 fills and I am at 7 ccs but Im stuck at 30 pounds lost. I have restriction and I eat my 3 meals a day but I can also eat bread, pizza all other things. I eat my first meal which is a cheese wedge and banana normally, at lunch at 12:30 I eat a small piece of meat or chicken and carb or vegetable and dinner the same. I am starting to focus on my exercise regimen today and will dedicate my self to working out at least 4 days a week. I am determined to get past my plateau. Good Luck to you and be patient because you will flourish again and continue to lose the weight. We just have to find out what works for us and keep going. The great news is that we are never going back to where we were.
  12. I feel the same way but I can feel the difference in my clothes. Today, I thought my pants were gonna fall off. LOL.. I look in the mirror and still see the heavy girl with the fat face starring back, but I know that I'm just looking through rose colored glasses. Keep your chin up and remember that our eyes are deceiving..
  13. I went to Vegas this past weekend and did really great on my eating and exercising because we walked around so much. However, on Sunday night, Superbowl, I went a bit crazy and drank the bar under the table..Needless to say, that I am back on my workouts and water regimen but I feel much guilt because I do enjoy my alcoholic beverages and I just wonder how much is too much?? I don't drink daily but I do have a couple a drinks a week if not every other week..I had surgery in September and have lost 30 pounds and Im feeling great but I don't want to sabotage my weight loss due to alcohol consumption of any kind....
  14. OMG...I am almost 5 months post op and I eat lots of protein and the gas that I have is crazy! I can keep it under control all day but it seems like when I get home it wants to come out. My kids are cracking up and now my husband is looking at me like a freak of the week. How long does this gas last in your body? Will I continue to have gas? Its getting embarassing..
  15. I did have a couple of drinks and I was banded on 9/8. Just be careful because I am a beer drinker but now I can't drink it so I've been drinking wine and it's much more concentrated with alcohol. It only takes me a couple of glasses to feel it. Sip it slowly. Happy Birthday and use your best judgement...
  16. larpens

    First 4 Months After Being Lap Banded

    I am almost 3 months post op and I have lost 23 pounds and I'm in Onederland now..Yah...It's not as fast as you would think but it is worth the effort of learning how to control your eating and protein intake. I am still learning and making mistakes but not nearly as many as before the surgery. It's a day by day status. good luck..
  17. I had my surgery on September 8th and I've lost 21 pounds and I have 6ccs in my band. I feel that I am doing really good with the exception of not working out as often as I should. My question is I would like to get an estimate of how much more weight I could lose before New Years Eve? I would like to lose at least 20 more pounds, is that possible? I was stuck at 200 for a few weeks but now I have hit onederland after Thanksgiving and it seems like I can feel my body losing again. Whoohoo..I would love to rock the dress on New Years 2012....Good luck everyone!! Lets do this!!!
  18. I was banded on September 8th and I have had 2 fills and I'm at 6 ccs! I eat about 1200 calories a day and only 3 meals every 4-5 hours, I denied having a 3rd fill yesterday because I feel restriction but I'm not getting sick with everything that I eat. I started losing weight again and I did have 2 small pieces of pizza last night. I don't know if I have hit my green zone or if I need another fill? Am I supposed to not be able to eat any bread at all or is a very limited amount alright? Just wondering if I'm in the zone or not??
  19. larpens

    yay for me

    I hit my Onederland this morning and started with 198.5 which put a huge on my face!! Good luck!!
  20. larpens

    yay for me

    I hit my Onederland this morning and started with 198.5 which put a huge on my face!! Good luck!!
  21. I have lost 19 pounds but can't seem to get to Onederland! Tonight I'm starting back at the gym and hopefully it will boost my system.. Any suggestions???
  22. No drinking and no chocolate
  23. larpens


    I did that too! I was one week post op and tried to eat baked potato and beans and it got stuck, I have never been stuck again so I'm really careful. I really don't eat too much now. Good Luck!
  24. Yes, I am keeping track of my calories on MFP and I'm between 100-1200 a day. Last week, I may have had too much coffee in the morning but I don't know if that could be keeping me from losing weight. Today for breakfast, light laughing cow piece, lunch Healthy Choice Steamers, snack Kashi Go Lean Cereal 1/4 cup, dinner I will have turkey meatloaf with mashers from Trader Joes. I just finished my masters so I don't know if the stress has been keeping the weight on me but I can feel the inches off my clothes. I will feel better once I start my exercise regimen again and get moving. I also drink about 100 oz of water a day. I'm inching my way to success. One day at a time!
  25. It has been 2 months for me and I can not get to Onederland. I'm stuck at 200 and I've lost 19 pounds. I have not been exercising as I should be but tonight my regimen is starting back at the gym. I just finished my masters degree so now I can concentrate on me. My calorie intake is about 1200 a day and sometimes more sometimes less. I have lost many inches and can see that in my clothing but I would like to see it on the scale.. Good Luck and we wil reach the promise land soon!

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