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Posts posted by alexer

  1. So I've read so much about the 3-4 week post-op stall, and foolishly I didn't think it would happen to me! Haha. I lost 32 pounds over the first three weeks and today was weighed at my doctor's and I've GAINED a pound. I was crushed. I know that it's normal especially since I began solid food a few days ago, and will resolve itself, but I guess I'd like to hear some experiences - how long was your stall and when did it/they occur? Did you do anything in particular to get out of it? Thanks!

  2. Is it possible to get dumping syndrome with the sleeve? I'm 3 weeks in and I had mashed potatos and Cream of Wheat several times over the first couple weeks, and I felt incredibly dizzy, weak, sick and shaky afterward, sort of like a really bad hypoglycemic attack.

    Obviously I'll avoid these foods for now, but what gives? Is it from all the carbs?

  3. Since surgery I've been so incredibly worried that I'm doing something wrong - I'm 2 and a half weeks out and have no problem getting down my 500-700 calories a day, AND liquids. I'm not bragging! I really thought that maybe the surgery had been botched, with all the horror stories I"ve read.

    However I realized the other day that even with so few calories, I haven't been hungry at all so far, and that maybe I should be grateful that things are going relatively smoothly. Then I was weighed at the doctor's yesterday, and found out I've lost another 17 pounds, making my total loss since October 18th (the day I got home from surgery) 32 pounds!! (And 44 pounds from a couple of months ago.)

    I'm so psyched. I can really feel the difference. I'm walking around faster and with more ease. Pants that didn't fit a few days ago fit now.

  4. From the very beginning I have had zero problem with liquids & pudding, Jello, yogurt, etc...now that I"m on to soft food, it feels a little like it gets stuck in my chest and there is some discomfort. Some foods are easier than others - I had a hard time with scrambled eggs but was fine with chicken salad, go figure. But I'm keeping calories under 700, watching the carbs and sugar, making sure to get enough Protein & Water, and am losing pretty well with little to no hunger. I don't know how to explain it; I guess I should be grateful. I'd definitely talk to your surgeon about it next time you see him though. That's what I plan on doing :) Good luck!

  5. I had an account but just started using it again! Lo and behold "shelley's ricotta bake" was one of the pre-listedrecipes :) Thanks!

    Have you tried logging into myfitnesspal.com yet? I use it to keep track of my Protein mostly but also calories, carbs and Water. There is a place you can enter recipes and I'm sure that will give you the protein/calories etc.

    p.s. I'm in no way affilitated with that website, I just happen to think it's super easy to use.

    Good Luck!!

  6. Hi all, my name is Alex. I was sleeved on the 17th of October. My initial appointment weight in February was 355, and I went up to 372 a few months later; I managed to get down to 348 pre-op, and then put on 15 pounds while in the hospital due to IV fluids. Whew!

    My goal weight is probably going to be around 150 (I'm 5'6"), so I have a little over 200 pounds to lose. My first mini-goal is to get down to a size 26. I'm a little concerned because I haven't seen any signs of weight loss yet. My clothes are still fitting the same. I don't have a working scale to check. Then again I'm still very bloated and swollen so it's hard to tell from clothes alone. I was expecting to see results faster.

    I'm so nervous that I won't lose anything. I see my surgeon for my first post-op appointment tomorrow morning, fingers crossed!

  7. I also had surgery on the 17th and had the Upper GI the morning after surgery. Drinking the barium wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought (it was the first liquid I drank post-surgery) the hardest part was probably getting on and off the table, which was very hard and flat. Not too bad though :)

  8. Thank you - I have about had it with this drain and am really looking to getting it out! That said I guess I should be grateful that this is my main issue post-surgery :) Thanks again.

    Sounds normal to me. The drain is an irritant as it is a foreign body. I doubt that you have an infection but if you start to feel unweel and spike a temp, do seek some help. You will doubtless feel better once it is out. Good luck x

  9. I also had surgery on the 17th, and had my first bowel movement on the 19th. It's odd though - very watery and kind of a dark green color (TMI sorry) Last year I had open surgery to have my ovaries removed and I think it was almost a week before I could go. Definitely talk to your doctor if you're concerned though, maybe he can give you some suggestions or medication.

    My sleeve surgery was on 10/17/11. At home feeling better each day....the only problem is I haven't had a bowel movement yet and the my belly is so bloated that it irritates my incisions.

    How long did it take before you had a movement post-op???

  10. The hospital left the drain in one of my incisions. I've been home since Tuesday night and I'm hoping it's removed by Tuesday morning. It's still dripping quite a bit (I empty it at night and last night it was at 52 cc's) and it's driving me nuts. It's leaking through the bandages and the area in general is uncomfortable. Every so often I feel a stinging pain around where the drain goes in, and at almost all times I feel an aching pain in the area especially when I breathe. It doesn't seem infected but I'm not sure about the pain. Does this sound normal?

    Note: I had to go to the ER on Friday night to get it looked at, because it was leaking so much through the bandages and not into the bottle. Turns out the hospital didn't teach me the right way to empty the bottle out, and told me to shower even though the bandages weren't waterproof. That and a big blood clot had formed, which was kind of scary. So just be sure to get proper drain instructions if you go home with one! Otherwise things have been going well. :) I am grateful for this forum.

  11. I had surgery on Monday the 17th, 4 days ago. Things are going pretty well, although it's been a little difficult to drink enough liquid. I've been averaging 25-30 ounces a day. It's not that I throw up, it feels more acid reflux-y...it bubbles up and I feel pressure in my chest.

    Today I am determined to get a full 48 ounces. I just drank about 14 ounces of Decaf green tea in less than an hour with no pressure or discomfort. That seems like so much! Should I be concerned that I'm already stretching things out? :( Or just grateful that it went down easy? Hah.

  12. the area under the bandages is itching and leaking but i'm afraid to fiddle with it too much. i don't want the whole thing falling out. although i have been half considering just pulling it out. also i'm afraid to shower with it in. the next time i'mseeing the surgeon is next tuesday :/ oh well. glad to hear it heals fast :)

    The drain was the absolute worst, not that it hurt bad but every time I moved I would feel a tug & it was impossible to get comfortable with it in. Nothing else really bothered me after the first few days but the drain drove me crazy until it came out. On the bright side, once the drain comes out it should be smooth sailing & the hole heals really fast.

  13. So I had surgery on the 17th.

    The good:

    --I am not hungry at all

    --Getting down liquids is easier than I thought

    The bad:

    --I hate the drain so much

    --The only pharmacy that carries the prescribed painkiller is an hour away and I dont drive

    Everything went pretty smoothly. Im not in a huge amount of pain. I guess it feels sort of like I did a few hundred situps or crunches and woke up with a sore stomach. Then again I'm pretty stoic about pain. My surgeon also prescribed blood thinner injections but unfortunately my pharmacy needs pre-approval and that might take a few days, so in the meantime I'm trying not to spend too much time in bed.

    Oh and I wanted to add that I put on 15 pounds during my hospital stay from the IV fluids alone. I wasn't warned of this and it was really a bummer to have seen the numbers climb like that, but supposedly it flushes out pretty quickly.

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