I'm troubled about what you are describing and you do need some help (listen to me, Miss week-old band!). Get back into your doctor ASAP and make sure that all is well health wise. There could be, as you know, some underlying health problems going on or, depression/anxiety that needs treatment. The may recommend meds and/or therapy. If those issues aren't addressed, it would seem that just following a diet restriction would not work for you. Perhaps when you are well, you and your doctor might discuss your band fill needs, or maybe a plication. You could put yourself on high Protein liquids and Vitamins for a few weeks to repair yourself a little.
Another suggestion would be to go to the new forums (pre-op maybe) and, kind of get yourself back into the Pre-Band mode. You obviously have knowledge and experience, helping others and getting out of oneself can be very therapuetic I am pretty certain of that. Thats what the AA groups and such promote, keeping yourself sober by helping others get and stay that way.
Good Luck to You! No Excuses, OK?