In the days immediately following surgery, I found that I was being extremely cautious with drinking slowly and eating slowly. Now I am 10 days out and find that I can drink many ounces without a problem relatively quickly. I also find that sometimes when I am rushed, I can eat 6 ounces of yogurt as fast as I would have pre-surgery. Did anyone else come out of surgery and not really notice a difference?
I am eating between 600 and 900 calories a day - but its really by choice and willpower. I've just chosen to stick with the pre-op diet. I got used to that and didn't ever feel super hungry - but now, I eat the food and can live with it, but I am definitely not full. Is this normal? Is it likely that I just need a fill.
I am still on liquids but know I can eat "regular" food as I have taken a taste of this or that but not enough to add more than 50 calories. Really just a taste to avoid going crazy - and being cautious not to have anything that will be on the long term no-no list.
Other than that, its been quite a relief, since I pictured immediately being sick every time I ate and that hasn't happened at all