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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by reallyrosy

  1. Sorry but as a lab tech I still have to disagree that this is a good idea. You need your body to get use to running efficiently, this means spreading out caloric and nutrient intake over the course of the day. If you do intermittent fasting your body kicks into starvation mode and will store any caloric intake it can when you do eat. If your are storing calories you are then counter productive to weight loss. What professional body builders do is some what different as they also incorporate what is called drying out be for a competition. They basically dehydrate themselves as well to shed excess Fluid. Again if your body has not been conditioned over time to do this it is not a good idea. For long term results you have to train your body to run efficiently, that would mean a steady intake of fluids and clean calories and Protein over the course of the day. intermittent only leads to yo yoing and on and off starvation mode which will yield no long term benefits. You have to train your body to be efficient for years not days.

    Gee...your perspective from the lab is nothing like what the nutritionist says. She is supported by a group of surgeons and endos and they hang on twitter under #obsmuk ...i think. They have been pointing to recent research that clearly supports IF. i dont know what you do in the lab but does it deal with nutrition?

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Ana92212...thats the crux of the matter there. It is my belief that we call back into old habits no matter how long out we are from the surgery . Between reading about the "myth" of stretching, the "moral failure " of the individual to retain new eating behaviors so as to maintain the loss, the statistics docs post about followup, the shame of being overweight that we carried all our lives, the microbiota [SIBO] and supplements ....we really don't have any definitive data that helps us resolve the main issue of why we get to a point where only surgery saves us. I've been the whole route. I don't have answers. All I know is that it is NOT a moral failing that makes us fat and there is nothing virtuous about going for the surgery. But knowing this and believing it are two different animals. We get to try and that should be enough. Ultimately life happens. Good luck to all those who are still in the planning stages, the honeymoon years, the horrible ouch i gained, I will restart it , etc. That's all we can hope for: good luck.

  3. Maybe don't call it stomach stretching but something DOES change and we do gain after a few years. The surgery is not a permanent cure for whatever caused us to reach our highest weights. Anyone who tells you otherwise is not being truthful OR is the exception that proves the rule (which we all want to be). I wouldn't let that stop me from going for it, though.

  4. On 8/7/2017 at 10:10 AM, bwillia08 said:

    Hi All,

    I've kind of come to my wits end with seeing any kind of results. For the past 5-6 weeks I've completely cut out all form of breads/carbs cheese, dairy etc. I've been working out consistently from 4-5 times a week doing elliptical, boxing and lifting and the scale does nothing but creep up and sometime flux down. If I take off from the gym for 2 days it goes down. I've noticed my clothes do fit differently but the scale hasn't reflected anything and it's very frustrating. So much so I'm considering going to see my doctor, but before I did that I wanted to reach out to you all and see if anyone has struggled with something similar. I was originally sleeved in 8/16 my starting weight was 308 and my current weight fluxs from 265-272. I feel like I've seen 270 or at least the past 11 months. Any advice is totally welcomed.

    That IS frustrating. I don't think You ve lost enough since the surgery. Does your doc do follow-up visits? Has s/he noticed? I would definitely ask for for another meeting and a meeting with the nutritionist. This is weird.

  5. Thanks for engaging in this but I am experiencing SO MUCH PAIN with these thoughts that intrude after I acknowledge the feeling. I tried doing EMDR on myself just now in the car. I get frantic: I can't possibly take one more step without dissolving into a bowl of quivering Jello mush. I think we call it discomfort so we aren't tossed into a Looney bin...to be locked away and medicated beyond pain. food brings instant relief for the 5 min I indulge. There HAS to be a better way.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

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