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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by courtines

  1. Wish I could get my sleep straightened out. It hasn't ever been normal, but post-op I am a disaster.

  2. One week away from my surgery date. Is it time to freak out yet??

  3. Kinda insane how good it feels to officially be no longer "obese." It's just a label, but still.

  4. So ready to get this show on the road!

  5. Please let this gas go away soon. I am so over being belchy.

  6. The best birthday present I got? Starting my year out nearly 40 lbs lighter than I was last year!

  7. Two days is awesome!! I have to do a week and have been trying to ease into it. Protein shakes are not my favorite thing, but I am getting a little more used to them.

  8. I feel very blessed to have gone back to work today. It was very nice to hear how much they missed me!

  9. I am pretty sure that Wii Smurfs Dance Party counts as a workout. (Even if it doesn't, it was kinda fun.)

  10. I think this may be my first Thanksgiving ever where I weighed less at the end of the weekend. I am so thankful for my sleeve.

  11. Full liquids today. Woo freaking hoo!!

  12. I am anxious, excited and scared all at the same time. 5 days from now, I will be sleeved!

  13. Grocery shopping for the family while on the preop diet is not recommended. Luckily I did not give in to temptation.

  14. Day three of modified liquid diet and I feel like I am starting to get the hang of it. On my way!!

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