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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by courtines

  1. Day three of modified liquid diet and I feel like I am starting to get the hang of it. On my way!!

  2. Full liquids today. Woo freaking hoo!!

  3. Grocery shopping for the family while on the preop diet is not recommended. Luckily I did not give in to temptation.

  4. I am anxious, excited and scared all at the same time. 5 days from now, I will be sleeved!

  5. I am pretty sure that Wii Smurfs Dance Party counts as a workout. (Even if it doesn't, it was kinda fun.)

  6. I feel very blessed to have gone back to work today. It was very nice to hear how much they missed me!

  7. I think this may be my first Thanksgiving ever where I weighed less at the end of the weekend. I am so thankful for my sleeve.

  8. Kinda insane how good it feels to officially be no longer "obese." It's just a label, but still.

  9. One week away from my surgery date. Is it time to freak out yet??

  10. Please let this gas go away soon. I am so over being belchy.

  11. So ready to get this show on the road!

  12. The best birthday present I got? Starting my year out nearly 40 lbs lighter than I was last year!

  13. Two days is awesome!! I have to do a week and have been trying to ease into it. Protein shakes are not my favorite thing, but I am getting a little more used to them.

  14. Wish I could get my sleep straightened out. It hasn't ever been normal, but post-op I am a disaster.

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