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Everything posted by courtines

  1. courtines

    How do I tell people?

    I think it is a really personal decision as to how much to tell people. I do not regret being really open about it. There was one negative reaction to my face, but I had so many people calling, texting and facebooking after my surgery. It was really a blessing to have so many people checking on me and asking how I was doing. I also feel like it is a good motivator to stick to my program. I don't think there should be any problem just telling your boss that you need to have some time off for surgery. I know my doctors office will fill out paperwork with the very vague "abdominal surgery."
  2. I was more nervous about the catheter than I was about the surgery! I believe in most cases they don't place it until you are already under anesthesia. I had been told that I might have to have it in for a little while after, but the nurse in recovery took it out shortly after I woke up. I was still groggy, but I am pretty sure I told her that she was my favorite person in the world. I didn't feel anything, but I was dealing with heavy duty pain meds.
  3. courtines

    VSG & Negartive People

    For me, I did this FOR my young daughter. I want to be able to see her graduate from college and dance at her wedding. I felt like that might not happen if I continued to live at 100+ lbs overweight. One thing I have learned in the past couple weeks since my surgery, is that it doesn't take too long to find out who your friends are. People that I considered "work friends" called and texted me and checked in on me. Almost everyone who was important to me has been extremely supportive. I don't think that there is anything that you would have been able to say to your friend to change her mind, and that's okay. If she is really your friend, she will be there for you after. If she isn't, it is truly her loss. Don't freak out. If you are sure about your reasons for having the surgery, this risk is really small. I was freaked out that I wouldn't wake up from surgery and here I am. Take some deep breaths and remember why you are doing this in the first place.
  4. I feel very blessed to have gone back to work today. It was very nice to hear how much they missed me!

  5. courtines


    Aretha hasn't ever copped to it. She keeps saying that she eats better and exercises.
  6. Hang in there. I know that I didn't get enough liquid in on my first couple of days. I think it is perfectly normal. Do what you can to get some walking in, and rest when you need to. I found that the pain meds made me so groggy, that it was difficult for me to do what I needed to do. It will be better in a few days. I hope you can get some rest and relaxation for a few days anyway. How long until you have to fly home?
  7. courtines

    First day of full liquids! Yay!

    The first day of full liquids is such a glorious day! I have never been so excited to eat cottage cheese in my entire life. I am about 4 days out from pureed foods and I am excited about that, but not nearly as excited as I was about being able to have milk products again. I had an awful time with the isopure drinks too. I ended up buying a bunch of them and was only able to choke 2 or 3 of them down. I have seen it said that the Grape Frost tastes like grape Kool-Aid, but that was definitely not my experience. I think I need to find a pre-op friend to pawn them off on.
  8. courtines


    My mom and I were having this same conversation the other day. I have heard rumors about Jennifer Hudson, but I don't know. I know Weight Watchers can work for people and I imagine she has more support than the average WW attendee given that she is their spokesperson. . I think Drew Carey definitely did. I also suspect Kirstie Alley, who has just lost over 100lbs. I know she has done it before and put it back on, so only time will tell if she sustains the weight loss.
  9. courtines

    Trick or Treating

    I think you will definitely be able to do at least some. My mom drug me all over the mall when I was 3 days out and I did fine, but I was really exhausted by the time I got home.
  10. Full liquids today. Woo freaking hoo!!

  11. courtines

    Home after Surgery 10/11

    I'm so sorry for all of your complications. Hang in there and have faith that it will get better.
  12. courtines

    surprise response

    There are always going to be a few people who don't agree with your choices, but ultimately they are your choices. You know that you are doing the best thing that you can for your body and that you are taking control of your situation. She will probably come around eventually. My mother in law has been really weird about it, not really wanting to even acknowledge my surgery, but since I have had it done she has been a lot more open. She is willing to talk about it some. My husband told me that she was just worried for me and afraid of what would happen to our daughter if something were to happen to me. The truth of it all is that something would have inevitably happened to me if I hadn't made a change, it was only a matter of time. I was willing to take the very small risk vs the much larger risk of dying of heart disease or diabetes 5-10 years down the road. I think that people who have negative things to say fall into three categories: 1. People who love you and are worried about you, 2. People who are entirely ignorant of the consequences of ongoing obesity and 3. A mixture of these two things. Do what you know is right and let the bad stuff roll off your back. She will either come around or she won't. It will all be okay either way. ::Hugs::
  13. courtines

    October 10 Sleevies!

    I am now four days post op and I do think that every day gets easier. It is still tough to get all of my liquids in, and I am going crazy because I have been on clear liquids since surgery. I get to move to full liquids tomorrow and I am very excited about that, because it includes several things that were not included on my pre-op diet. I have never been so excited to eat cottage cheese in my whole life!
  14. Please let this gas go away soon. I am so over being belchy.

  15. courtines

    October 10 Sleevies!

    I am sleeved and home. Everything was pretty uneventful, although I have been feeling really gassy and bloated this evening. My mom and I took an impromptu trip to WalMart to get the ever important Gas-X strips. My surgery pain is extremely manageable and I have had very little nausea. Everything is so far, so good.
  16. Grocery shopping for the family while on the preop diet is not recommended. Luckily I did not give in to temptation.

  17. I am anxious, excited and scared all at the same time. 5 days from now, I will be sleeved!

  18. courtines

    Tomorrow is the day!!

    Good luck, and I second the recommendation to come hang out in the October group. Everybody is pretty awesome over there.
  19. I have been very forthcoming about my surgery with all of the important people in my life and also many people who would qualify as acquaintances. I don't see the point in hiding or lying about it. If anyone things that I took the easy way out, that is really their issue. I know that I have to do the work for all of this and that the surgery might help me, but it isn't going to "fix" me. My father and I are not close. Sometimes I hear from him every two weeks, sometimes every two months. This is ok with me, because he is a difficult person. I love him because he is my dad, but I wouldn't be able to tolerate him if he wasn't. He called me this evening and when I told him I was having surgery in two weeks, he asked why. I had mentioned this to him before and he quickly changed the subject. I don't know if he wasn't listening or if he just didn't want to discuss it. I didn't push it, because we aren't really close and he is entitled to his opinion. Today he said, "It makes me sad that you feel like you have to do that." I told him that I am doing it because I want to live, not just exist. I also told him that I am tired of having my weight hold me back from doing the things that I want to do. I think he was coming from a good place, but it was frustrating for me that he just couldn't be happy for me. I don't need his pity, that's for sure. I am proud of myself for taking things into my own hands and I am definitely not going to let him take that away from me.
  20. One week away from my surgery date. Is it time to freak out yet??

  21. I had to tell someone that I wouldn't be having surgery if I could do it on my own. I wouldn't risk going under anesthesia for the first time and I wouldn't ask someone to remove the majority of my stomach if I was capable of doing it on my own. The best thing that I have learned is to not care one way or the other what people think about it. I am doing it for my health and so I can live to see my kid grow up. If other people don't like it, they are entitled to their opinion, but it doesn't really matter to me.
  22. I am so glad to hear that! One less thing to worry about and you are on your way!
  23. courtines

    New from So Calif

    Welcome to both of you! There are a bunch of awesome, knowledgeable and supportive people here. It has been incredibly helpful for me.
  24. Day three of modified liquid diet and I feel like I am starting to get the hang of it. On my way!!

  25. We have the same date! I have gained about 100lbs in the 9 years that I have been with my husband. I didn't start out skinny, but I was a lot healthier than I am now. He loves me either way, but he has been very supportive of me having the surgery because he wants me to be happier and feel better about myself. I am sure your boyfriend is feeling a lot of things, including being afraid for surgical complications and fear that you might get more attention from men if you lose weight. I think the main thing is to do it because YOU want to do it for yourself. Good luck! You are going to be great!

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