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LAP-BAND Patients
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About baj3mac

  • Rank
  • Birthday 09/13/1961
  1. Happy 51st Birthday baj3mac!

  2. Hi everyone, i was banded 1 year ago in sept. lost 59 lbs. am pretty much where i want to be in size. happy with the procedure. been reading some posts which got me interested in this site. new to this site, and looking forward to some support, and giving some support i hope. i am 45 years old. a very supportive family, worked with me through the whole procedure. they are great. would love to hear from some people living with the band. phyllis
  3. baj3mac

    Searching and JAW PAIN

    i am wondering if while you are having the pain from the eating , if you are clenching your teeth and not realizing it. which would probably be cause TMJ pain. You probably need to see a dentist or oral surgeon. Do you grind your teeth at night? this can cause it too.

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