This is a really old topic, but I'm thinking a lot about emotional eating and what tools I can use to work on that part of all of this. I was an OA/DA member about six years was helpful, but it was very depressing to me. I am not sure what it is about it? Someone earlier in the thread talked about manifested demons and some of that is true to me. I felt so down and focused on my failure in OA/DA.
I am really seeking somethign that can be positive and proactive. Not sure what that is yet. I joined "" in hopes that that might help, because the bookw as good, but the site is weird and feels repetiive, but i'm trying.
I'm with others about WW. it felt like a joke to me, because so many of the people are there to lose 20 lbs or something....and it just feels like while it touches at emotional eating, sure, its superficial.
I am going to try the WLS support groups.
I consider this whole forum a WLS support group. But I am also surprised that there isn't a forum just around psychological/emotional eating issues to discuss those!
Well, rambling, but it is what I am thinking about.