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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Poodlelover56

  1. Poodlelover56

    Post op at home help

    I am 7 days post op today! Yay! I would recommend that you not be alone the first 24 hrs after surgery. My hospital does not typically keep lap bands overnight. However, they were in no rush to send me home until i could stand fairly steady, and go to the bathroom( urinate). You will be groggy from anesthesia and pain med. Everyone' s recovery time is different. Go easy on yourself. Dont feel that you should be in the mall or grocery store by day 2 or 3. I have had a lot of gas pain in my left shoulder that you hear so much about. I hadn't been taking anything but Tylenol , which didn't help. My nurse practioner yest suggested percocette. I took one and it made a huge difference. So listen to your body and good luck! When is your surgery? Arlene
  2. Poodlelover56

    Fessed up

    And also, if you want to lose weight( I don't know if you are at goal), taking in so few calories works against you. Your metabolism will decrease because your body thinks it is starving. And you won't lose. Good luck.
  3. And to add one more thing as an RN and recent lapbander, we were intubated (tube put in trachea/ windpipe) for our lap band surgeries. That is how the anesthesiologist maintained our breathing during the surgery. And that is also the reason for the sore or scratchy throat after surgery. I also agree that having an ID card with your license as a bariatric patient is certainly a good thing.
  4. Poodlelover56

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Thanks Onyah. I was very curious, but agree with you. They likely take a "purist" attitude with their program.
  5. Poodlelover56

    Personal Trainer

    Usually the gym will give you atleast one session free of charge, to show you the equipment and how to use it. Just ask them. Tell them this is new for you. I'm sure they will help.
  6. Thanks guys. That really helps. And I agree that the shoulder pain feels worse than the five incisions. Though my port will jab if I bend over too quickly.
  7. Poodlelover56

    4 days post op

    Anybody still having the pain in the left shoulder area from gas? I get it every time I drink and I am still on full liquids. I'm 6 days out. Thanks
  8. I am nowhere near that point because my surgery was 6 days ago. But I have a few questions. How long did it take forvthe gas pain in your left shoulder to be gone? All I have had so far today is a cup of tea w milk. As I sit here, that pain in the shoulder is back. Ive been passing gas since day 3, so does it just take awhile? Does it mean I'm full? I feel kind of hungry. Thanks, Arlene
  9. Poodlelover56

    Weight Watchers Online: Support Thread

    Hi All, I was banded 6 days ago, so I am still feeling full just on my liquid diet. I guess the swelling takes a while to go down. I am an old WW member also. My question for those of you currently banded and going to WW is: did you tell the leader and members that you have had bariatric surgery? If you did, what was the response? WW has always touted that you can kind of have it all, within their points limits. But those of us who are banded obviously realized we needed more help than WW alone. So, I would love to hear from some folks who are doing both and what is the support for you at meetings like? I always loved the WW philosophy, I just needed more help with my food addiction. Thanks, Arlene from Boston
  10. Poodlelover56

    where is my port area?

    That's awesome! Ya, I've been pretty comfortable sleeping and it's only 5 days.
  11. Poodlelover56

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Welcome back Jason! Good for you to come back and face your life and what you need to do to get back on track. As far as diet, your surgeon should have a whole booklet or atleast a hand out on foods at various stages. I'm only 5 days out and on full liquids. I think oatmeal and cream of wheat is a mushie. There is a great book called " eating well after weight loss surgery" by Patti Levine and Michele Bontempo-Saray. I look forward to trying out their recipes as I venture in to my new way of eating to live. I wish you the best. Your 3 year old needs his/her daddy! Arlene
  12. Poodlelover56

    where is my port area?

    I was banded on the 12th. My port is on the upper right side of my abdomen I can easily feel it and it is the only incision that is really tender. But surprisingly I can lay on my right side to sleep!
  13. Poodlelover56


    You are an inspiration, especially for us newbies!! I was banded last wed, the 12th, so I am still in fresh post op mode. Trying to get some fluids and calories in while still feeling bloated from surgery. But I am down 18 lb since start of pre op liquids on 9/28! Very happy about that! Any advice?
  14. Poodlelover56


    I was banded last Wednesday as well! Congrats to us both! Are you already on food? I am on my pre op liquid diet until I see my surgeon on Thursday. I found that my blenderized protein shakes were putting too much air into my system, which is still trying to get rid of the surgical gas. So as soon as I would drink some of my shake, the gas pain in my left shoulder would come back with a vengeance. Maybe that's contributing to your nausea. Just a thought.
  15. Poodlelover56

    Having a COLD with lapband

    Drink plenty of water. Use a cool mist humidifier in your bedroom. Maybe stick to liquids while you are Ill. You could call your surgeon, too.
  16. Poodlelover56

    Utterly Panicked...

    Stacie, I am four days post op. I am still very fatigued. I can be up for a short while, then haven to go lie down. I discovered today that my protein shakes( I'm supposed to have 3 a day, no way), were making the gas pains much worse because I was using the blender to make a smoothies with frozen strawberries or ice cubes. All that air in my stomach was awful. So I'm back to trying the shakes with just being spoon stirred. I am still having periods of misery, so we just have to stay strong. It will get better. I also still have almost no appetite, though my tummy is growling.
  17. Poodlelover56

    Do you regret it?

    With smaller amounts! Good luck on your journey ! Arlene from MA
  18. Poodlelover56

    Do you regret it?

    Hi Licilu, Great video. Even though I am almost 30 years older than you, I think many of us could relate to your pain. I also went the anti depressant route, hoping it would give me enough of a lift to pull out of the weight related depression. But it didn't. Food compulsion is an emotional, physical, and spiritual addiction. ( I learned that from a few years in OA, though didn't lose much weight). I have also experienced normal weight. I was a slim bride 25 years ago, and stayed fairly normal until my hysterectomy at age 44. From there, I ballooned up. Have done Weight Watchers, Jenny CrAig, nutrisystem, overeaters anonymous, phen-fen pills. You name it, I was there. My health became an issue this past summer when I needed knee surgery for a torn cartilage. While in there, he found a ton of arthritis under my knee cap which he cleaned up as best he could. I just had an aha moment of thinking: "om my god, what is next? My heart, diabetes? My hair dresser and I were talking and she mentioned a client of hers' who had lap band three years ago, lost 100 lbs and was happy. Long story short, this woman met me at the food court( no I didn't eat lol). She was so happy with her decision. She felt great, looked young and healthy ( she is 56). I went to an info session and got the ball rolling. I had my lap band placed on 10/12 so I am still recovering. I have lost 18 lbs since my first visit with the surgeon on 8/17. Most of that has been since starting the two week full liquid dietnon 9/28 and I am still on that diet till I see him for my first post op this coming Thursday. So, even though I am much older tha you, I have the same issues. I love food, but I want to be healthy and be the mom with the rocking body. I want my husband to be able to buy me clothes again, not a scarf, jewelry, candle. I guess I reached a point whereni want those things more than I want to keep over eating. Food isn't your friend if it makes you miserable. And you sound very unhappy. I would also recommend reading a book by dr. Robert sewell. It's all about lap band, A-z. Very informative. I look forward to eating again,b ut being satisfied
  19. Poodlelover56

    Banded three days ago - is this normal?

    Also, my surgeon did not put anything in my band.
  20. Poodlelover56

    Banded three days ago - is this normal?

    I think I am experiencing similar symptoms. I was banded 3 days ago, the 12th, and I am still having a lot of gas pains in my upper stomach area, where the banding is. I can keep fluids down, and drank my first protein shake earlier, but this bloated, gassy feeling is so uncomfortable! My hubby is making chicken soup. I hope the warm fluid helps. I'm passing gas but it does nothing for the bloating that I feel in my upper stomach area. Any suggestions from those who are past this or do I just have to wait it out?
  21. Poodlelover56

    "STUCK" in Vegas

    I am three days out, was banded on the 12th. So is it possible to have restriction without any fills? It sure sounds like it.
  22. Poodlelover56

    Is my postop pain normal??

    Your words are so encouraging Dawn! I am 55, and am three days post op. This is the first morning that I am finally able to drink my protein shake. I have had zero appetite, but the gas is definitely moving out, both directions. I am still feeling the gas pains in my left shoulder off and on. The incisional pains are tolerable. They used derma bond on my lap incisions, so there are no sutures which is nice. But I am very wiped out too. I'm just thinking that this will get better day by day. And I am down 17 pounds from my first visit with the surgeon exactly two months ago today! I'm happy about that!
  23. Poodlelover56

    Lap-Band Sucks

    I was banded yesterday! I feel like crap today, to be expected, but I look forward to this journey and taking this weight off for good. I can't wait to be recovered and start eating healthy and exercising again.

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