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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by mandivan

  1. Erika, I was banded on 9/16 and 2 weeks ago was getting a horrible pain right near my sternum (were band is). I finally went to the doctor and found I was eating too fast, not too much, just too fast. He filled me (since it had been 6 weeks) and by the 2nd day of clear liquids, pain was completely gone. I feel great now, lost 6 more lbs in week after fill, but am now stable as I'm told I'm replenishing the liquids I lost. So far, I've lost 20 lbs since surgery, 34 total. Be sure to chew good and count to 30 before swallowing your next bite. Doc told me if I ever got the feeling of something being stuck or the pain again, to do clear liquids for 24 hours. Good Luck!!!

    I was banded on Sept.29 and I am having my first fill on Nov. 8th. I have been slacking on drinking the Protein shakes--I hate them. I am only getting in about 6-8 Tablespoons of food. Mostly Protein and then maybe a vegetable. I usually only eat 3 meals a day, maybe a sugar free popsicle at night.

    I was wondering if anyone has a problem getting cold things down. I was having TONS of pain in my chest and figured out it was the cold Water I was drinking. I have now switched to room temp. Water but I am dying for ice cold water.

    Thanks, Erika

  2. Jason - I just read your post; not sure how long ago you posted it, but the one thing I read that stuck out is that you are asking about oatmeal and/or cream of wheat! The most successful weight loss is going to come with a complete overhaul of what you are eating as well, which should mean very low carbs. Forget oatmeal and cream of wheat - think eggs, Protein, shakes, etc. My Dr. has had a lot of success with the banding because he insists on low carb living along with the band as a tool only! You've got a completely new start so make it count and get rid of the bad foods too - for your daughter's sake!

    Stay positive! There's a great book to read - Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes.....it's my Dr's bible and very interesting, especially if you're a carb addict (like most of us are, just won't admit it). Good Luck on your journey!!!

  3. Hi Everyone! I'm Jason and I'd like to join the group.

    Here's the twist. I was banded in December 2009. Issue is that it was completely devoid of any saline and was never filled until 2 days ago. The surgeon believed waiting 6 months before the first fill and in that time I lost my job and also my insurance.

    I'm thankful that I found a new job last summer and I love it, but it's a small company and the insurance covers NOTHING regarding the lap bands, not fills, not the doctor's visit, not even the cup of Water they give you when you walk out the door.

    So, I'm finally filled. I have the "big" lap band (14cc's I think) and he put 5.5 cc's in there under a fluroscope. He said with that, I should feel very uncomfortable if I continue to eat like I've been.

    2 nights before I went to a Sushi buffet and closed the place down. I've had ZERO restriction and could eat unlimited amounts of anything. Right now I'm on yogurt and pudding and tomorrow I can start with blended stuff. (or just scrambled eggs since there's NO WAY I'm blending food)

    Sad thing is that the day of surgery I weiged 290. The post op, mostly liquid and no carb diet brought me down to 251 at my lowest in March 2010.

    As of 2 days ago I was 319. That's a gain of 68 pounds since surgery. Needless to say, I'm ashamed. I've been able to save up over the last year and have found a new surgon who will take credit cards so I'm paying for follow up myself. This is motivator #2 or 3 for me.

    So for all intents and purposes, it's like I was just banded but worse because I don't remember the protocol very well. I found a new surgeon. I finally have Fluid in my band, and I'm scared to death of what lies ahead. The new sugeon's support groups start up again in 3 weeks so this site is all I've got.

    Please adopt me. :)

    ...and.... if anyone can tell me if oatmeal and or cream of wheat is a "heavy liquid" or a "mushie", that would be awesome.

    If anyone has any threads that are favorites, please let me know those too.

    I have to succeed. I'm 36 years old, fat, diabetic. have apnea and a 3 year old daughter I want to be around for.




  4. I was banded 9/16. Lost 14 lbs in 3 weeks, then stopped dead. Gained 2, lost 1.5. Went to the Dr 3 days ago and he said that since a lot of my post op loss was Water, I was just re-hydrating. He didn't fill me at my 4 week visit on Friday because, even though I had gained 2 that week, I was still on target with 1 - 2 lbs loss per week (what he said goal should be). He said I could decide in 2 weeks or wait until my next visit in 4 weeks. Since last week though I have felt very bloated, pain in the band area, almost like a gas pain. He thought the pain was possibly from my diet coke (s) so I cut those out, but still having the "gas" pain, which I hadn't had weeks 2 -4. Hang in there...start exercising at least 15 mins/per day.

  5. I

    I was banded 9/28. I have lost 20lbs in four weeks (2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after). This past week, nothing. Im on mushy food, and I feel bloated and fat. I do not feel like I am losing anything and I am getting depressed. Help me out... is this normal. I terrified that I am stretching my pouch - is that even possible this early? The only activity Im allowed to do is walk, at leaast for three more weeks. Does anybody know the average loss once you start eating regular food? Maybe I am overreacting. Maybe I have to wait for my first fill. I just hate this feeling.

  6. I got banded on the 16th, one day after you. My dr. is pretty strict on Clear Liquids for 2 days, full liquids for an additional 4 days, them mushy food for 4 days. I was prepared for the worse, but it's actually not bad - 1 more day to go on Protein shakes only! I called the nutritionist at my dr's office and she said to stick to 3 Protein Shakes per day. My saving grace has been to add 1 T of Peanut Butter (doc said it was ok)! I have been drinking the EAS carb control shakes. Add 1 T PB to the cafe caramel and some crushed ice, blend it ( I use hand drink blender). Oh my - it's like a frappucino! I have had that at least once a day. Tonight for dinner, I had a milk chocolate EAS (already prepared) with 1 T Peanut Butter - like drinking a reeses cup! In between I've been having propel Water and at night I treat myself with a sugar free popsicle. So far, no hunger pains - at least I don't think so - I'm thinking I am still having surgery pains in my stomache! But...I can't wait until Thursday .... a scrambled egg for Breakfast, a little egg salad for lunch and some ricotta cheese with low sugar marinara sauce for dinner, with veggies, of course- I've had this planned for a few days now - lol! I didn't say I wasn't thinking about food, but I'm hoping planning is better than winging it!

    I'm 5 days out and have lost 5 lbs so far so I'm a happy camper. I really hope it keeps going this way, but I will have to adjust if it doesn't! ONE DAY AT A TIME IS MY NEW MOTTO!!!

    My point was to you that maybe if you add 1 T of peanut butter to your shakes, it will fill you up more and you won't feel as hungry!? Good Luck!

  7. Hi! Just had my surgery on Thursday, 9/16...3 days out! Excited but still hurting! Want to exercise, but not sure if it's too soon and already tired of Protein Shakes. Hey, how do we insert our diet tickers?

    Hello! I'm sooooo excited! My surgery is scheduled for September 2 in Texas. Any other September bandsters out there??

  8. I'm only day 3 post op, but I read alot of these posts about not losing weight and asked my doctor about it right before he took me into surgery. He said he's never had a patient who didn't lose weight post op so I was confused. He went on to tell me a lot of bariatric surgeons do not follow a very low carb restricted diet after surgery and that's where the difference is. I noticed you said you eat oatmeal so I don't think you're on a low carb diet - maybe that's a change you can try to see if it helps with losing. I really can't say as I haven't gotten there yet, but people I know who have used my surgeon have had really good results and they all say it's the low carb diet using the lap band only as a tool to keep you from over eating. By low carb, we are to stay under 30 (non-veggie) carbs per day. Good Luck!

    Can anyone tell me how to insert your diet ticker onto our posts?

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