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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Con

  1. Con

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    You slow losers are great. Lets have fun here and go for it.
  2. Con

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    Hey we are all losing. Don't get discouraged. We will get to our sweet spot and it will work if we make it work. We can't just sit and wait. We still have to make ab effort. I'm saying this to myself, by the way.
  3. Con

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    What's an nvs? I lost 26 lbs since Dec 1, 2006. I get down on myself but I feel good most days. I'm filled to 8 cc's. I eat less than I ever have but still stay stuck. Need to adjust something. I just can't figure it out.
  4. Hey! I'm new to the site and so happy to have connected. There is such a wealth of information. It gives me a lot of sincere feelings to know that most people want to have fun and be healthy. I'm going to Phoenix in a couple of weeks. I was there last year, 30 lbs heavier and a lot less happy. I'm so grateful. Talk to you all soon.
  5. Con

    Coffee and the band...

    I don't think anyone should drink a lot of coffee. I have a cup now and then.

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