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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Carolg903

  1. Sorry, hit "enter" too soon....didn't mean to tease you. My advice is: PUT AWAY THE scale, NOW! Seriously, put it in the trunk of your car. Put it in the garage, PUT IT OUT OF SIGHT! You will lose when you are healed. Sorry, don't mean to sound harsh, but you know how us TEXANS are!
  2. Okay Texas Bandit, my cray-cray friend...I have some advice for you...
  3. Carolg903

    productive burping

    Ouch AND yuck! I'm not there yet, my 2 week post op visit is next Thursday and I get to eat mashed potatoes! Woohoo!
  4. That is amazing! I've just begun but you have encouraged me! Hopefully in one year I will post my 100 lb success, right now I've lost 18, its a start!
  5. Hello all, I was banded Tuesday 9/6 and have been doing really well. Consuming 4oz liquid/liquid food every hour I am awake, walking, walking, walking, and going back to work tomorrow. My question is this: I have this "indigestion feeling" right in the center of my chest. This sounds weird but it's like I have a 50 cent piece in there and every once in a while it turns....I know, weird. I had a small hiatal hernia repaired at the time of my banding, I'm wondering if this feeling could be from that? Last night I even took some Maalox, it seemed to help a bit but it's right back today. Looking forward to your responses. Carol
  6. HI Veronica, You did the right thing, called the nurse. Sounds like you are doing much better. You also got great advice from this forum! I can recommend a heating pad if you have one. It has helped me for shoulder pain and also when my stomach felt kinda achey. Walk, walk, walk, it will get the intestinal gas going as well as the CO2 they used to inflate your abdomen during surgery. THAT is what is causing your shoulder pain, the CO2 just tends to settle in the shoulders for some reason. Glad you are doing better!
  7. Hi there! I am 49, live in North East Texas and am 2 days post op from my banding. I am so excited, thrilled to have finally taken this step. The program I am in seems very structured, and I LOVE that! I have followed my surgeon's instructions to a T and plan to be very successful with my new tool! I love interacting with people and look forward to learning how to live with my new friend, the band!
  8. I'm a week after you, 9/6. So happy I did this! Been waiting and saying I would for years. Now I've taken the step and I'm so excited about the future! Are you a nurse? Chelle RN?

  9. Carolg903

    Surgery in 8 hours!

    Yay! you made it! Glad your surgery went well. Don't worry about the naked on the table thing, I'm an OR nurse and believe me, you see one naked body, you've seen 'em all. I'm 3 days post op and feel great.My advice is, FOLLOW YOUR SURGEON'S DIRECTIONS EXACTLY and Keep moving, don't stay too long in one position, I tend to get stiff and sore if I stay in one spot, then I walk like a hunchback, lol. I never had the shoulder pain everyone has talked about. Mine tends to be in my lower back on both sides, kinda like kidney pain, weird. Welcome to the Banded Bunch! carol
  10. Carolg903

    hooray for liquid hydrocodone!

    Yep, Lortab is my friend. I had one dose in the hospital, and one at discharge because I had an hour and half ride ahead of me. Once I got home I slept 12 hours, in my OWN bed. I've only had to take pain med twice since I've been home, just couldn't get comfortable. Better now!
  11. Carolg903

    Lap Band

    No problems at all. I'm 3 days post op and at home, will be back at work on Monday!
  12. Carolg903


    Welcome! I am 3 days post op and feel great! This forum is going to be a great help to me as well. I look forward to learniing more!
  13. Carolg903

    Hello All!

    Hi Anthony! Welcome! You are 10 days behind me. I had my surgery on Sept 6 so I am now 3 days post op. I feel great! Good for you for not giving in to those moments of weakness, you gotta be strong! I was on a week of liquid Protein before my surgery. I gave in and had 1/2 a cucumber slice, twice. My husband scolded me so much you would have thought I'd eaten a banana split! I am determined to be successful with the lap band, my health demands it. Good luck on 9/16, and keep in touch! Carolg903
  14. Carolg903

    Liquid diet depression

    Hmmm....hope this doesn't post twice, my laptop is wigging out... Don't get discouraged! Sounds like you are doing great! I am only 3 days post op and am sure I will get to the "I want something solid" phase. Do you have a scale? Weigh yourself and see how much you've already lost, that might be a great motivator. Sanction is right, you need protein mushy food, not carbs, that will help you feel full and hold your hunger at bay. Good luck, you can do this!
  15. Carolg903


    Hi Vee! I am 2 days post op and excited also. I live in Texarkana (Hooks) but chose to have my surgery in Shreveport. I stayed overnight in the hospital and was so glad to get home, that first night was rough! I am instructed to have 4oz of liquid or liquid food every hour that I'm awake. I've had yogurt, cream Soups, popsicles, pudding, Water, tea, etc. It's all going down quite well! It is good to meet another Texan going through the same thing as me!
  16. Carolg903

    Carohlg903's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  17. Hi Alex, sorry I was lurking but I was fresh post op and looking to see what all was out there in terms of support. I'm officially a member now, no more lurking!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
