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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Holly

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/12/1972

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About Me

  • Biography
    seperated, mother of 2
  • Occupation
    Accounting Administrator
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  1. Happy 41st Birthday Holly!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday Holly!

  3. 8 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 8th Anniversary Holly!

  4. Holly

    I do'nt have anyone else to talk to....

    I too can relate! Please, please talk to your primary dr asap! you need to get on some meds to help w/ this. I know I've been there & I still struggle w/ depression & anxirty. I have a similiar situation as you. My shoulders are carrying the weight of the world, but you MUST take care of yourself or how will you be there for your family? I work ft, have two kids (three if I include my husband) my mother in law lives with us, and so on. I have been on medication for several years and sometimes still have to adjust the dosage but I cant imagine how I would be w/o it. I use my lunch break to do things for me and it helps. PLEASE take care of yourself. I know it may seem like you'll never get through this - but you will!
  5. Holly

    Question about fills

    Thank you both. Since I'm going in at 8 am I will probably not eat, just to be safe.:cry ~Holly
  6. I am going for my first fill on 3-29-04 and wanted to know f I am not supposed to eat anything beforehand. The dr's office didn't tell me anything. I have to go for an ultrasound at 8 am and then right to the dr at 9 (there in teh same hospital). I am really looking forward to this. I was banded on 12/18/03 and have lost about 23 lbs, which was in the first 2 weeks after getting the band. Right now I really don't have much restriction and really want to get a jump start on losing again. ~Holly;)
  7. Holly

    To Fill or not to fill???

    Sultana, Your post really hit home for me! I have been feeling the same way. Thanks for letting me know that I'm not alone. My next follow up isn't until 3/22/04, which seems so far away. Goog luck Holly:Bunny
  8. Holly

    eating too much

    I too felt the same way! I am 1 month post op and sometimes still feel like I am eating too much. Just listen to your body and STOP when you think your getting full. good luck Holly
  9. Hello fellow New Yorkers! I too am from Long Island and also had the surgery by Dr Geiss. I have found this site to be the best source of support. Renee, best of luck on your journey to "the new you". ~Holly
  10. Peggy, Hello and Congrats! I too was banded just before Christmas (12/18/03). Everyone thought I was crazy too! But I wanted it done before the end of the year and figured why should I have to go through another holiday just to gain more weight. Again congrats! ~Holly:Bunny
  11. Holly

    Strange "sensation"

    I think your both right. The tubing or something. I know it's not the port, the dr specifically showed me where it is, right on top of my belly button. I just didn't expect to feel anything else. Well at least I now know I'm not the only one. Thanks for the replies! I really must say that I love this site!:banana Wether just reading through the postings, or by getting replies to something I posted, I feel the support of everyone! Thanks !!!!!!!!
  12. I have been feeling this strange kind of sensation on ocassion when I turn a certain way. It almost feels like I can feel the band itself. I know it's not the port, it's not in the same spot, which is near my belly button. This is up closer to my ribcage, near one of the incision spots. And it's not a painful feeling. Just like I know something is there. :cry Has anyone else ever had something like this? I don't think anything is wrong. Just curious I guess. Thanks for any input.
  13. Holly

    Able to eat too much

    I found that once I started on "mushy" foods I was able to eat more. I went for my two week check up today, and the dr explained that the food is still able to slip through the band at this point. The real test is when we start solids and are eating 3 times a day. That made me feel a little better. I just did not expect to feel this good so soon;-) I love this site! Everyone is so helpful and nice! I find that this site is the best source of support and information! Thank you all so much!!!!!!!! Holly
  14. Holly

    Able to eat too much

    Thank you all SO much. After reading your replies I feel more at ease. I did not expect to feel so "normal". At least now I know that others have had similar experiences.
  15. I'm now two weeks post op and on mushy foods. I feel like I am able to eat too much! I am not eating anywhere near what I used to. But it just seems like I should be eating a lot less than what I am. Yesterday I had cottage cheese & peaches for breakfast, then a snack of pudding, lunch was 1/4 cup of tuna salad and a few crackers, snack of pudding, dinner was chili, and then I even tried some lasagna! All this without any problems!! Is something wrong?? Why am I able to eat so much? It almost feels like I am not banded! I have lost 20 lbs in the last two weeks, so I know I'm on the right track. But it still seems like too much food. Help!

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