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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sHeLLaBee

  1. One of the most important things you need through all of this is positive support. It is unfortunate that the one person that should have your back, does not. =( Would he rather explain to your daughter why mommy can't go on a ride with her because she doesn't fit? ...or why mommy died of a heart attack or complications of diabetes because she didn't do everything in her power to lose the weight? As long as you did your research and are using a reputable surgeon, the risks are very minimal compared to the risks of obesity. Also, it has been proven that kids who grow up with obese parent(s) have a much larger chance of becoming obese themselves. Is your husband overweight? You really need to do this 100% for yourself and your daughter, but having your family support you will make things a lot easier.
  2. sHeLLaBee

    New To This

    My fills started 3 weeks after surgery. Here is how it went... 1st fill at 3 weeks: 3.5cc 6 weeks later: 1cc 6 weeks later: 1cc 6 weeks later: 1cc 12 weeks later .5cc I have an appt on Tuesday, but I don't need a fill. I am good now at 7cc in a 10cc band. I'm just getting weighed and getting the results of my blood work to make sure everything is good. I'm going back again in 8 weeks for my 1 year and then I'm going to see about only going every 6 months or if I feel like I need an adjustment.
  3. sHeLLaBee

    One Year Anniversary!!

    I always drink hot green tea after my morning shake and by lunch I am good to go without getting stuck! I can still only eat about half at lunch that I can at dinner. I'm assuming it's just that all the moving around throughout the day loosens it up??
  4. sHeLLaBee

    I Love My Band

    Good job! You look amazing!
  5. sHeLLaBee


    Yeah. You never know when you change your diet so drastically how it will be. Hope it doesn't happen again! =)
  6. sHeLLaBee

    New To This

    Hi Courtney! I don't think I've lost quite enough yet for my port to be visible, but I don't think it would ever stick out far enough that an on-looker would notice. I can definitely feel mine a lot more now. My surgery was on a Friday, so I only took the next week off, but I honestly could have gone right back to work Monday. I don't do heavy lifting so you are obviously going to have to take a little more time. Maybe request the 6 weeks and then if you are all healed sooner, just get a release from the doctor. I was completely healed, incisions closed and all, by my first fill at 3 weeks. Good luck!
  7. sHeLLaBee

    Its Hereeeeeee

    Wow! Surgery is tomorrow and you just found out today?? That's some short notice! =) Good luck! I'm sure all will be great!
  8. sHeLLaBee


    Wow! You are very honest! Haha. I had it happen once, but luckily I was at home. It was the last week of my liquid diet and I was on nothing but protein shakes. It was nasty!
  9. sHeLLaBee

    Bad Post Op Day

    I totally agree! Different foods affect everyone different, but I too have that problem with oranges, or anything citrus-y. You may not be too tight. Just try chewing a lot more and eat super SLOW. I want mine to be a little tight because it makes me think about what I'm doing. Try not eating pasta, rice, tortillas or potatoes. They all get stuck for me. Good luck!
  10. sHeLLaBee


  11. sHeLLaBee


    I have never smoked, but my doctor actually has you sign a waiver saying you will be smoke free from the day you decide to move forward with the surgery.
  12. sHeLLaBee

    August Summer Challenge

    Very cool! This is my first challenge. Love the spreadsheet!
  13. sHeLLaBee


    You already have to quit for a limited time! Use it as a jumpstart... QUIT!! I t will make you much healthier and even though you don't believe it you will feel better.
  14. Well, first about the ticker. When you edit it will automatically restart you at the beginning, but all your current choices are selected. Just move forward through them with the NEXT button until you get to the point where you change your weight, then hit finish. I wasn't aloud in anything but the shower for 6 weeks. I was paranoid about getting some type of fungus as well. Haha. Not to mention the rush of Water that will be hitting your body on a jet ski. I would definitely wait until your incisions are completely closed and stitches/bandages are gone. Unless you are in Cali or Florida, I think I would save the jet skiing for next summer. =)
  15. Welcome! I also was banded Oct 7, 2011. Your weight loss sounds pretty good. I do have a few suggestions that have benefited me... I also only have a Protein shake for breakfast (7-8am), mainly because my band is super tight in the AM. I mix unjury unflavored Protein powder with my shake, so it more than doubles the protein value and is over half of my daily required intake. lunch is 12-1pm and is usually a lean cuisine that is under 200 calories and maybe a piece of blue bell light cheese. dinner is anytime from 330-5pm and is a SMALL salad (lettuce is not my friend) along with a veggie and either a chicken breast or some type of fish. I don't do any Snacks and protein bars are really only good for the protein. You'd be better off getting it from the source (meat, eggs, etc) or from a good protein powder that you could mix in with something. I lay completely off the rice, Pasta, tortillas and potatoes. That has made a world of difference for me. It sounds like your exercise plan is good, maybe your body has just adjusted and needs to be pushed a little harder. If you normally walk and take 30 min, start making the same walk in 20 min. Pick up the pace. Same with your work outs. Also, make sure you are taking all your required daily Vitamins. My last suggestion would be that if you aren't staying full for 4-5 hrs after any meal that is about a cup in size, you may need a fill. Thanks for the question! I love sharing my story and progress. Good luck!
  16. What exactly do they "check"? I know every doctor and every office is different, so I'm just curious how it is for others. When I go in they weigh me, ask me a bunch of questions to determine if my restriction is ok and if a fill is needed, then fill me or send me on my way. I do have to get lab work every 6 months to determine if all my levels are good. So, I was just thinking if that is how it will always be then I shouldn't have to go in unless I need a fill or my lab work, right??
  17. sHeLLaBee


    Love it!!
  18. sHeLLaBee

    One Year Anniversary!!

    Change it up! If you are working out, do something different for a few weeks. Also, make sure you are eating protein FIRST! Always protein first, then veggies, then fruits. Stay away from pasta, rice, tortillas and potatoes completely! I pretty much have completely removed them from my diet, but I have PCOS and my body has issues with carbs/starches. Even if you don't want to cut them out forever, just try a few weeks and see if it can get you jump started! Also, make sure you are getting your vitamins. Good luck
  19. sHeLLaBee


    Yay! Good for you. The best advice I can give you is have the guts to stop the trainer! When I first started I went through a trainer at the gym and I don't think they fully understand the lapband and your health situation. He would try to push me too hard to the point where I would have to skip sessions due to the pain. I am now working with an ex proboxer and he is great! I try to accomplish everything he asks of me, but if it gets too rough, he isn't the guy that yells "just 10 more". He says "take a few and get some water then we will do it again". Every session he pushes me a little harder and he has known me long enough to know what I can handle now. Good luck and you should be very proud of yourself!
  20. sHeLLaBee

    Sinus Medications

    It is on the list of approved lap band medications. I take Zyrtec. Here is a link that may give you some ideas. I also got a list from my doc of what was ok. When i get home I will post it on here. http://www.livestrong.com/article/206436-how-to-take-medicine-after-lapband/
  21. sHeLLaBee

    My First Fill Experience

    I'm sorry your first fill experience wasn't great. Where is your port? Mine is below my left ribcage, even with my belly button. Locating it has never really been an issue, but since I've lost weight it has tilted and is angled down, so they have to poke around with their fingers to find the front before actually sticking me. The needle doesn't hurt, but my port sight will be sore after from them moving it around. =/ I think I may be in a good place and don't need another fill, so that's always something to look forward to!
  22. sHeLLaBee

    Inches Lost Vs Weight Lost

    I totally agree! I do my measurements everytime I weigh in with the doctor. It's been every 6 weeks since surgery. I get frustrated about not losing (for 3 weeks) and I'm told that I am working out A LOT more than I ever have and that I am building muscle and toning, so the weight loss may be slower, but my clothes are fitting better. I have lost 74 lbs, but also 31.5" in the last nine months. I've dropped 6 pant sizes! Those numbers are even more important to me than the 74 lbs! Good luck!
  23. sHeLLaBee


    Caffeine has absolutely no effect on the band. It increases appetite, for some people. My doctor has no problem with it as long as we keep it under control (no more than 8oz a day). I don't drink coffee anyway, but I do enjoy tea a few times a week. We have been told no carbonation because it can cause gas, which is painful, and in some people even expand your stomach pouch. We have been advised of the possibilities, but were never told we could never have it again. I take a few sips of diet pepsi here and there. No problems, but I don't gulp it or drink it with a straw, which increases the amount of air that gets into your stomach. To each there own. As long as you keep yourself under control I would think it would be ok. Obviously, follow doctors orders first and foremost. I was told you never have pasta, rice or tortilla and that I am fine with.
  24. sHeLLaBee

    August Summer Challenge

    Good morning! Checking in at 202! WoOhOo! 3 lbs down from last week and 74 down total! Hoping to be under 200 by next week!
  25. sHeLLaBee

    202 And Hanging On!

    Congrats everybody! I am being very careful with my diet over the next week. My next fill appt is Tuesday and I want to weigh in below 200! I usually weigh myself everyday, but I'm trying my hardest to stay off the scale until then. Haha. I may cry if it happens! Wish me luck!

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