I haven't even talked to a doctor, checked to see if my health insurance would cover or talked to many people about their opinion concerning this. I'm the researching type, so I decided to delve as deep as possible before I made a final decision. I'm currently living in Memphis and I'm 23 years old. I'm 5'5 and weigh :faint: 310. My BMI is a whopping 51! Gosh, that's so embarassing. I'm tired of feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious and insecure. I need a complete lifestyle change and I don't even know where to start. I'm trying to be less sedentary and park a little further back in parking lots or taking stairs instead of the elevator. I haven't seen much of a change yet though. I've tried diet pills and they don't do much. There are even some popular weight loss programs out there that I don't even "qualify" for. Many of my family members on both sides have either died or are currently suffering from obesity-related illnesses. From hypertension to diabetes to stroke to well..just about everything imaginable. Plainly put, I don't wanna die. I need some help. I want to make a lifestyle change, and I feel like the LapBand procedure is just the catalyst I need to set that change in motion. Any input or advice from anyone? It's greatly appreciated.