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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LapBandDan

  1. LapBandDan

    Very Bummed

    Thank you so much for the prayers, I will try your idea and see if helps. The tough part is I can't exercise and I find my self eating more under stress. But thank you so much !!!
  2. LapBandDan

    Very Bummed

    I had the large lapband installed in 11/2010 I lost about 90 pounds and felt good. Then I started to vomit all the time for a few days for no reason and it was a very hard vomit. I then started to feel like I had pain in my band area. I went to see my doctor and she drained and opened the lap band, but I still felt pain in the band area and could not even drink water without vomiting. She sent me for x-rays and found I had a 8.5mm kidney stone and it was causing me to vomit very hard and then this also made my band slip. 11/2011 i had an operation ro fix the slipped band and to get rid of the kidney stone. I was back in the groove of getting fills, but those first few months are tough because I felt no restriction. I gained about 25 pounds back during this time. Then in 1/2012 I was in a serious car accident from a car hitting me while i was at a stop light. This caused injury to my back. I was on heavy time release meds that could not be cut or crushed, so my band was again drained and opened. I have been off work all year, I had metal discs, pins, bars and screws put into my back a few months ago. I don't move around much in my walker, and I go to physical therapy every few days due to some leg and nerve issues from operation. I hope to be walking better soon but the doctors said it could be another 12 months before my leg issues are gone. Problem is that I now have gained all my weight back + about 15 pounds and makes physical therapy very hard to do. Im so frustrated and mad at myself. I can't get myself to get motivated. I'm afraid of future kidney stone issues and wonder if anyone else had a similar issue with their band or if I'm just discourage.
  3. LapBandDan

    How much fill in a 14cc band

    I also have a 14cc band, I'm still trying to find the best zone but I'm getting there. 5cc felt like nothing and I was gaining weight, received a 1cc fill to 6cc and had many issues that didn't start until 5-6 days after. I started to have heartburn, reflux at night and could only eat soft foods. I lost weight during this time but needed to eat solid food. My doctor removed .5cc so now I'm at 5.5cc and it seems a lot better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
